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Uleat 03-20-2017 07:06 PM

Can't fix broken..SOE broke those when they updated the client to dx9.

ghanja 03-20-2017 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Uleat (Post 253604)
Can't fix broken..SOE broke those when they updated the client to dx9.

Yep, collision detection gone to shit. Would have required too much work on SOE's part, enter the Translocator.

However, there is one or two models where it does work "properly", which ones at the moment escapes me.

GRUMPY 03-20-2017 08:33 PM

Chronicles of Norrath server description, states "working boats" ?

NostalgiaEQ 03-21-2017 03:44 AM


Originally Posted by GRUMPY (Post 253606)
Chronicles of Norrath server description, states "working boats" ?

Ya I remember that, I need to jump back on there and test it out but I did at one point and they did seem to be mostly working. Obviously p99 added in levitate somehow to make them work, my levitate spell doesn't accomplish a similar thing so not exactly sure how they did that either.


Originally Posted by Uleat (Post 253604)
Can't fix broken..SOE broke those when they updated the client to dx9.

Hmm good to know. But any type of "hackjob" to make it pseudo work is better than nothing.

Another question, does following the boat while swimming allow you to zone? I just really don't like the translocators for my pre-kunark server so ya xD.

provocating 03-21-2017 08:06 AM

You need the file pack from the website to make everything 100%, but yes all three servers have them working.

jpyou127 03-21-2017 08:07 AM

If you search these forums the owner of Chronicles of Norrath-Provocating, gives some details on how to make the boats work. If you look back in my post history you can also see info as several of us had questions. Biggest thing is that you have to persistent zones. Anyway its on the forums, just search for it.

Provocating chimed in above =)

provocating 03-21-2017 08:31 AM

Basically this is what you have to do, refer to my prior post if you want very specific details. First you need to make the zones containing boats 100% static, this will mean editing the source to some extent. Just launching the zones as static is not enough, movement goes dormant when there are no clients in the zone. The spawns need to remain moving even when clients in the zone are zero, at least the boats do. Having everything moving will keep the boats synced up. You absolutely have to have levitate on the boats, there are no options on that. The Kunark boat has several spots on the deck you will fall through, so there is that. Other than that it is all about timing, plenty of globals to keep track of the boats. You will notice I did hails in some of the zones from the dockmasters or the Dwarf at the Butcherblock docks, this helps the players know the locations of the boats.

You do the zoning by catching the boats next to last waypoint, gathering all the clients within the vicinity of the boat and porting those to the next zone. The boat has to be in the next zone and ready to receive players or they will hit the water. The hardest boat by far to do was the skiffs in Butcherblock, getting those synced up to the Kunark boat took me an extremely long time, probably 2 weeks.

They are 100% functional though, I know I have done hours and hours of constant testing and never fallen off a boat. The only time you would is if you went LD. But that is classic right?

ChaosSlayerZ 03-21-2017 09:47 AM

Sorry for stupid question - they did make boats work on P99 - no? Or they made a work around like the above?

provocating 03-21-2017 10:07 AM

Yes, their boats work. They do occasionally get stuck from reading forum post. They went with more of a c++ solution on the transitioning of clients between zones. They also have to use a pseudo boat levitate for the same reasons.

Also, these solutions work fine with Titanium and Underfoot but do not expect them to work with ROF based clients. The X,Y and Z positions on those clients are different when you enter a boat. That is why you can have an Underfoot client see you just fine until you enter a boat with a RoF2 client. Suddenly the clients cannot see each other. It has been a year since I messed with it, but I see to remember the RoF2 client having it's coordinates consider the boat as 0,0,0

Uleat 03-21-2017 11:40 AM

I think the model coordinates switched from actual to vehicle offset in that case.

Seem to remember something funky like that when messing with the row boats.

provocating 03-21-2017 11:47 AM

Correct. When using ROF, your coordinates are based off what they consider the center of the boat. As soon as you step off the boat you go back to normal zone coordinates.

GRUMPY 03-21-2017 08:53 PM

Just wanted to mention something about this server (see OP), haha. Some people think these type of non-solo "grinding" servers
are not fast enough experience for them. There is a player on this one, who was just level 26 two days ago,(when I got db from
Sercrets) and just himself with a merc has gained 17 levels already without doing it 24/7. He's just really good at EQ and knows
his game.

Maze_EQ 03-22-2017 11:15 AM

I meant to play.

Instead I played Mass Effect for 14 hours straight.


mjbcb0717 03-22-2017 01:16 PM

Iv been playing solitaire. And sometimes I go outside

Maze_EQ 03-22-2017 01:28 PM

What is this "outside"?

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