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-   -   UltimateEQ - Progression Server With Custom Content (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41949)

iweh 08-20-2018 06:22 PM

This Is a great server, I've only been playing a couple of weeks but have just broken into Ultimate ToV. It's easy to start out and challenging and rewarding progression.

I havent had issues finding a group to run around with when content gets abit hard for my Dual box Pally/Monk, and the veteran players are always willing to help. If your looking for a friendly community and a server with active dev's this is a good place to call home. I'm personally looking forward to spending many more hours playing this server!!

Hope to see many more people to enjoy UltimateEQ adventures with!


duromax 08-27-2018 10:14 AM

Been playing for a couple weeks and I absolutely love this server. The devs are active and the community is really friendly. Progression is just grindy enough without being too intense and end game content is really fun.

Having a blast so far !
Kallad / Bouffetouffe

gpofbr 08-27-2018 10:57 PM

Nice Server
It's a fun server well thought out and well executed. Although it's custom it has an old school feel. I particularly enjoyed the ultimate starter zones of upper guk, lower guk and Seb. That brought back some memories.

Shodai82 08-29-2018 08:42 AM

Another update was released-The latest progression tier has 3 new zones: Ultimate Blackburrow, Ultimate Solusek A, and Ultimate Mistmoore. Another round of 40 new spells, armor sets, focus, augments, and fun events are now available!

Shodai82 09-03-2018 12:55 PM

The server has been updated again with the next content release - Ultimate Zone: The Hole!

P1xt 09-04-2018 12:35 PM

UltimateEQ Rocks
Unlike a lot of other players, I haven't been playing on Emu servers for the past decade. My memories of EQ are over a decade old, because I've not been playing on live either. I did pop in one one of the live progression servers a year or so ago but it was pretty 'meh', my idea of recapturing the good ole days doesn't involve an 'us or them' battle to 'win the game'.

Over the past few months I've tried a few emu servers. TAKP is awesome and felt like I was right back in the day. Classless was a good idea, but there just seemed like there was, for lack of a better word, a 'meanness' to the community that was, well, off-putting. RebuildEQ was a fantastic idea (I played here the longest) but they sort of fail at 'truth in advertising' - pretty much across the board, the 'rebuild' is centered around the core philosophy of nerfing the ability to solo in order to encourage grouping which pretty much just feels like a gut punch on a server where the typical population is 1-6.

So I tried UltimateEQ

My first thought was 'this is going to get old quick', because within an hour of logging in I was blazing through kurns like a hot knife through butter, collecting tokens, getting gear - and omg the gear - better stats at level 10 than I ever had at max level back in the day. An hour in and I'm thinking 'sure this was fun as ****, but the fun can't possibly last'.

I was wrong.

Sure you're mowing stuff down and getting your tokens and getting your T1 gear in no time - and feeling a bit of both 'this is badass, I am badass' and 'well, this isn't really classic classic, if I can just mow through this, what is there left'.

I'll tell you what's left - tiering up, maxing out your lowbie gear then going for T2 gear, then T3 - progression quests that send you out to kill the big baddies from each expansion through PoP. I haven't got to them yet, but after PoP there are 'ultimate' zones (I believe beginning with Crushbone).

And, even though the gear flows freely and the early game just flies by - by the time you get to progression, it is challenging, and for all the non-classic gear you're wearing you actually have to put your classic hat on and play well and with strategy and THAT was what, for me, brought me right back to the Everquest I am so nostalgic for.

You can two box. But, you don't have to.

You can use MQ2/warp through the early content (but have to cut out the warping and actually fight your way in once you get to PoP progression and beyond).

The community is fantastic. People are actually nice, for no reason, other than that it's the norm on the server.

The GM is fantastic - imagine a server where not only does the GM respond promptly and in good spirits to bug reports, but where he also tells the community in advance what he is planning next for the server and then actually schedules releases warning everyone in advance when a patch is going in or the server's going to get a reboot.

UltimateEQ is a fantastic server, with a great GM, a wonderful community - and yeah, shit's not classic, but somehow I just don't care. This is fun.

Ridler 09-04-2018 02:41 PM

Great server to play, played on a few emu's and find this one the best so far. 2 toon max is nice for boxing and lots of people willing to help with progression if you get stuck. Great Dev that answers questions quickly and always smashing out bugs.

Kingly_Krab 09-05-2018 10:48 AM

I’m glad to finally see constructive feedback. The pessimism and satire gets old. Great server you have going here, keep it going and who knows, you could be a “gold” server in a couple years.

bardkelgar 09-05-2018 01:15 PM

Lots of content and a GM who actively works with players to make the server better.

mjbcb0717 09-06-2018 11:00 AM

It’s an awesome server! Not one of them hold your hand servers where loots easy to obtain and you’ll clear it in a week. This server offers a big challenge but is duo/solo friendly (some stuff may require a group in the ultimate zones) tons of custom loot and spells. You’ll be spending a lot of time here for sure. It took me awhile to get into the ultimate zones had to do the dreaded VT key for two toons so that took a good bit of time. Still having fun here so I encourage everyone to check it out for sure!

Grolm 09-08-2018 08:36 PM

Awesome server
Very fun server, enjoying an awesome and helpful player base. Things are getting tuned and adjusted everyday by Shodai to make things fun. Shodai listens and is very helpful himself. Would loved to see this server on preferred list.

Hiing 09-08-2018 09:39 PM

A+ Server.

Great content, fast paced, great community, and very active and responsive developer.

This server needs to be on the preferred list.

ward3 09-10-2018 05:28 PM

I agree with P1xt's comment above. I thought this server would get old quickly, but I keep finding myself wanting to logon and play here.

Shodai82 09-11-2018 10:05 PM

Next tier launched yesterday - The Ultimate Tower of Frozen Shadow. Tons of new spells, gear, quests, and fun clickies for starters!

Raenar 09-12-2018 07:23 AM

Consistent new content, the dev actually listens and adds new things every class feels solid no other server has been able to hold my interest this well in years. Just can't get enough

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