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uberbeans 02-02-2018 09:50 PM

K just seen last will try

uberbeans 02-02-2018 09:52 PM

Run setup_bots again?

Uleat 02-02-2018 10:04 PM

Bots are new to this server?

If so..

Select the option to drop bot schema and then setup_bots again.

So, yes - essentially.

kokey98 02-13-2018 12:54 AM

just in case:

you must capitalize the name

^botcreate Botname 13 6 1

it doesn't have to be capitalized for ^spawn , ^summon, byname|botname etc.

if you load up heidsql, i belive gets installed with server, you can open up tables named "bot..." in the 'peq' database. 'view data'

you can spot check things if unsure after re-doing bots or before you re-do bots for your server. compare to a sql update file you can read on gitbhub, or possibly in your server\folders too.

the db_version table is another one to look at... with bots setup it has 2 columns. if the dB version and bots db version have been updated, it may have just been mistyping a command.

also, i notice when i initally issue ^attack all, my caster bots at low level don't do anything (hadn't made melee bots at that low level yet).. there is a feedback "4 bots attacking target" [sic], but no actions taken by the bots (spells/pet/meele). if i turn /attack on, they will engage. i even tried setting myself as main assist, it still didn't attack on ^attack all.

if previously engaged, the ^attack all command does seem to work. although sometimes with multiple npc attacking, i did have to use /attack on with one targetted as ^attack all did not always respond.

Uleat 02-13-2018 01:29 AM

Someone did bring up the ^attack issue and it's on the list.

I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to work through that - especially since leash ownership can be transferred to another player.

I gave ^guard a leash-override ability..I can probably do something similar with ^attack.

kokey98 02-15-2018 11:31 PM

Well, turning the PC's "/attack on" until the bots engages does work well enough. so, nothing completely borked, if their is greater utility is leaving it as-is. simple adjustment to habits are a small bump in long-term.

there may be multiple ways to skin a cat, but one is enough.

lctucker2999 02-16-2018 01:21 PM

I was the one who brought up my issues with ^atk the other day. Kokey you're definitely right that for the majority of time, just turning on my own attack first then sending in bots is fine. But I specifically have issues when I need to have bots go in when I CAN'T turn on auto attack (aka while FD'd and I need a bot to tag). Please don't take this as a complaint or me being pushy. It just throws a big wrench in some key mechanics to playing the game. I really appreciate the support of everyone here!

Uleat 02-16-2018 06:19 PM

I have some concurrent work in AI_Process().

I will push up a change after finalization :)

kokey98 02-25-2018 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by lctucker2999 (Post 257640)
I was the one who brought up my issues with ^atk the other day. Kokey you're definitely right that for the majority of time, just turning on my own attack first then sending in bots is fine. But I specifically have issues when I need to have bots go in when I CAN'T turn on auto attack (aka while FD'd and I need a bot to tag). Please don't take this as a complaint or me being pushy. It just throws a big wrench in some key mechanics to playing the game. I really appreciate the support of everyone here!

def prefer it to work too :p

i tried to leave it open ended for the same wish to avoid the pushy reason you mention too. wasn't trying to rain on anyone's parade. i hadn't thought about FD, for example. had a monk on live long ago, but don't play them or necro much.

Uleat 02-25-2018 10:09 PM

I've not forgotten about you guys...

I have to wait for other code to go live before I can publish these changes.

kokey98 02-26-2018 10:35 PM

you guys do so much, so there's no need to explain. it seems everytime i update, somethign big happens the next few days, lol.

if anyone gives you grief i can be mean and you have a buffer, joking of course.

Uleat 10-07-2018 08:16 PM

I do apologize for the lack of recent updates..

..but, I've been waiting on this inventory change to go live.

It's almost here and new binaries should be possible very soon after.

lctucker2999 10-11-2018 03:49 PM

No apologies necessary but thanks for not forgetting about us!

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