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shadeknight 09-08-2019 07:01 PM

I'll concede on the namecalling being too far. I apologize.

My question now is: Why wasn't any of this raised on the Discord? Or the forums? I scrolled up pretty far myself, and don't see anyone having this much of a fuss over everything you said.

Shodai82 09-08-2019 07:10 PM

Movement who are you in-game and discord please? I will reach out to you but if you are not the indicated user I have no way to know who you are.

Splose 09-09-2019 05:40 AM

hey guys.. remember the time you didn't pay anything to play on this server?

Movement 09-11-2019 05:47 PM

Except I HAVE donated...
I have donated.

Huppy 09-11-2019 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Movement (Post 263437)
I have donated.


Originally Posted by Shodai82 (Post 263408)
Movement who are you in-game and discord please? I will reach out to you but if you are not the indicated user I have no way to know who you are.

Movement - Your constructive/negative feedback is not the real issue here. It's more about you being so anonymously reluctant to connect with Shodai about your concerns, which is why anyone would interpret your feedback as a simple troll, rather than a legitimate concern about a server.


Originally Posted by Movement (Post 263396)
not only I have complained about the things above, other people have too.

I poked around on the server discord channel and nobody seems to know anything about your concerns, or who you are. Your issues have been isolated to these (eqemu) forums only.
Since you claim to have donated, then it would be easy for you to private message Shodai and let him know who you are, and get things hashed out with you. Consider yourself lucky to run into a server dev that is willing to do that with their players.
Every server out there has bugs. Even after being active for a few years, it's ongoing work, but can't be done over night. (donations do not expedite your needs) The simplest way to help ? - Communication !!

Splose 09-12-2019 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Movement (Post 263437)
I have donated.

You didn't have to.. Servers free.

He said he'd talk to you but you don't want that just more attention it seems. People like you make server ops burn out.

Maze_EQ 09-12-2019 04:15 PM

Ermagerd 1 thing didn't work.

I didn't submit a bug report, or tell anyone it didn't work, or even give feedback on how it could be improved.

Muh time and dollhairs been affected, server op bad.

Back when I was playing, Shodai would fix any issue that arose in less than an hour in most cases as life allowed.

To say everything is broken is a huge statement.

Learn to provide feedback, Shodai is a baller for doing all of this in his free time.

If you are unhappy, I'm sure he'll refund your donation, and you can move onto building your own vision, with no bugs and perfect content.


atrayas 09-12-2019 07:01 PM

I have known Shodai for some time. He was one of my main guys back when I ran Imperium for bug testing and the sort. Fast forward to him opening his own server and he is as stand up as they come. Fixes reported bugs quickly and spends a considerable amount of his free time working on a project for all to enjoy.

I think most players fail to understand that most server operators do this as a hobby or just have a passion for the game itself, but also maintain real life obligations like work, family, time for themselves, etc etc...Like splose said above, it is people like you that burn server operators out due to the fact that we can never please everyone, and when we fail to give everyone what they want all we get is negativity which impacts the morale of the server operator to the point that we just throw in the towel and move on with our lives.

My advice, enjoy what is offered, give good constructive feedback and just be happy that there are people out there keeping a 20 year old game alive for you guys to enjoy.

Movement 09-19-2019 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Maze_EQ (Post 263442)
Ermagerd 1 thing didn't work.

I didn't submit a bug report, or tell anyone it didn't work, or even give feedback on how it could be improved.

Muh time and dollhairs been affected, server op bad.

Back when I was playing, Shodai would fix any issue that arose in less than an hour in most cases as life allowed.

To say everything is broken is a huge statement.

Learn to provide feedback, Shodai is a baller for doing all of this in his free time.

If you are unhappy, I'm sure he'll refund your donation, and you can move onto building your own vision, with no bugs and perfect content.


You know what maze? You are a fucking asshole. You come into my post and flame me and talk shit to me while you are talking shit to Kinglycrab over here: http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41696


Originally Posted by Maze_EQ (Post 257261)
Need to:

A. Fix your damn code.
B. Fix your damn host.

Server unplayable due to 20kms ping.

And here: http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/sho...t=41696&page=3


Originally Posted by Maze_EQ (Post 257450)
I feel this is going to be a Kimura.

Up, raving about content.

Down a week later.

To which he responded that you were caughton his server AFK MACROING. Look bro, I know you are salty cause you got caught doing something you werent supposed to be doing and breaking the rules, and trying to cop out by saying "well everyone else in T10 was doing it..", and then giving him shit about HIS server and then coming here giving me shit because I am giving negative feedback to Shodai and trying to tell him what he needs to do to save his server. Yeah, that just shows me what kind of individual you are. Before you flame me or someone else again, why not taking a hard look in the mirror. Dont attack me again. Welcome to ignore asshole.

Movement 09-19-2019 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by atrayas (Post 263443)
I have known Shodai for some time. He was one of my main guys back when I ran Imperium for bug testing and the sort. Fast forward to him opening his own server and he is as stand up as they come. Fixes reported bugs quickly and spends a considerable amount of his free time working on a project for all to enjoy.

I think most players fail to understand that most server operators do this as a hobby or just have a passion for the game itself, but also maintain real life obligations like work, family, time for themselves, etc etc...Like splose said above, it is people like you that burn server operators out due to the fact that we can never please everyone, and when we fail to give everyone what they want all we get is negativity which impacts the morale of the server operator to the point that we just throw in the towel and move on with our lives.

My advice, enjoy what is offered, give good constructive feedback and just be happy that there are people out there keeping a 20 year old game alive for you guys to enjoy.

I never said Shodai was a bad guy. I know people do this shit on their own time and as a hobby. I made my own server and had to learn everything with some hand helping from the community a few years ago and when I realized how much of a HUGE time sink it was, i gave up. So dont pretend I dont know what it takes to run a successful server, it takes time, dedication and mountains of patience. You dont even know me. Your assumption that I dont know what kind of efforts Shodai has put into his server are totally false.

The reason I donated was because I saw how largely successful Shodai's efforts were and how much work he and his team had put into it.

The reason I was so passionate in the concerns I raised is because I fell in love with the server and wanted it to continue being successful.

People here attack me like I am making baseless accusations or making shit up when in fact ive talked to people multiple times and raised concerns multiple times and not a single thing I asked for has been fixed, at least as far as I know.

Necromancers still kill themselves for 1 million damage in one tick from lich form.

My clients still lock up and go LD from time to time, as with almost everyone ive played with (in and out of group).

Kurns still crashes when wizards are present.

Im not making shit up and I dont appreciate people flaming me for raising valid concerns on here. I am not attacking anyone personally but I am getting attacked. Yeah, thats gonna make people want to play on this server.

I feel like I am being ganged up on. What would you do if you felt the same way?

Like I said, I never said Shodai was an asshole or a bad person - I DID say that I feel like he listens to other people specifically instead of everyone without bias.

And there is no point in Shodai and me talking because I already tried that route and it failed.

I love how people just assume that I am a piece of shit who just wants attention on here and I havent went through the proper channels or anything first..

Thanks guys for attacking me.


Originally Posted by atrayas (Post 263443)
My advice, enjoy what is offered, give good constructive feedback and just be happy that there are people out there keeping a 20 year old game alive for you guys to enjoy.

So giving negative feedback is not welcome or wanted. Got it.

Movement 09-19-2019 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Splose (Post 263441)
You didn't have to.. Servers free.

He said he'd talk to you but you don't want that just more attention it seems. People like you make server ops burn out.

See my response at bottom.
Btw people like you make people not want to complain and just quit without giving feedback or a reason why so the server owner never knows why people wont play his server.

See? I can attack people too unprovoked.

Huppy 09-19-2019 09:17 AM

Talk about a bowel Movement....
Look buddy, now you're just being plain stupid. You wrote out 3 big chapters this morning all about how the world is out to get you, but no matter how you're interpreting what people are trying to say to you, nobody was attacking you or ganging up on you. You're hanging out in a community that involves collaborative communication for anything to get done in a constructive way, but you've made it quite obvious, you're not interested in going that route. Don't expect anyone to cooperate with you until you become a little more reasonable. Even Maze was trying to give you good advice, but you don't want to listen to anyone. I can almost guarantee, this is about as far as you're going to get with your issues in that frame of mind.


Originally Posted by Movement (Post 263527)
You know what maze? You are a fucking asshole. You come into my post and flame me and talk shit to me while you are talking shit to Kinglycrab


Originally Posted by Movement (Post 263528)
I am not attacking anyone personally but I am getting attacked. Yeah, thats gonna make people want to play on this server.....

I feel like I am being ganged up on. What would you do if you felt the same way?...

Thanks guys for attacking me.....


Originally Posted by Movement (Post 263529)
Btw people like you make people not want to complain and just quit without giving feedback or a reason why so the server owner never knows why people wont play his server.

See? I can attack people too unprovoked.

lgsource1 09-20-2019 08:32 AM

Can someone please lock this thread..

chrsschb 09-20-2019 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by lgsource1 (Post 263553)
Can someone please lock this thread..

Why? The server owner isn't doing anything wrong.

Sturm 09-20-2019 02:31 PM

Honest feedback met with hostility from other players. It's great you guys are passionate about the server, but I don't see why you feel the need to lash out on a dude for expressing his opinion's and observations.
Feedback is just that, feedback.
Server Dev's/Owner's can choose to act upon that feedback or ignore it depending on their personal vision for their server.
I can't speak for Shodai of course, but I would assume like me he appreciates all forms of feedback and carefully weighs his decisions based on his own criteria.
I didn't read anything in Movements original post that I would consider a personal attack on anyone. Unlike what he got in return for his honest opinions and feedback about a server he did enjoy.

Ah well, there's no such thing as bad publicity after-all. Cool server Shodai, I have enjoyed the bit of time I spent playing there.

Maze_EQ 09-20-2019 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Movement (Post 263527)
You know what maze? You are a fucking asshole. You come into my post and flame me and talk shit to me while you are talking shit to Kinglycrab over here: http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41696

And here: http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/sho...t=41696&page=3

To which he responded that you were caughton his server AFK MACROING. Look bro, I know you are salty cause you got caught doing something you werent supposed to be doing and breaking the rules, and trying to cop out by saying "well everyone else in T10 was doing it..", and then giving him shit about HIS server and then coming here giving me shit because I am giving negative feedback to Shodai and trying to tell him what he needs to do to save his server. Yeah, that just shows me what kind of individual you are. Before you flame me or someone else again, why not taking a hard look in the mirror. Dont attack me again. Welcome to ignore asshole.

Dang, hurt your damn feelings that you searched for almost 2 year old posts!

Kingly and I are friends bud, everything said on the forum was said directly to him.

But it was true, he fixed his "god damn code".

Go take a stock version of PEQ and play your own server. Keep bitchin'

Shodai82 02-27-2020 08:38 PM

I've implemented a new form of progression called Transmuting. It's a really massive update, but essentially you can take items throughout the world and break them down into materials which can then be used to craft all kinds of useful items and clickies. A full list of the current transmute items and a brief overview of the system can be found here:


I've also updated end-game melee & caster damage, done quite a bit of cleanup, and much more. All is listed in the post above.

lgsource1 02-28-2020 12:05 PM

Looks awesome - Your server is amazing sir! I think its time blow the dust off my toons.

Shodai82 03-03-2020 11:27 AM

Sounds good!

FYI I added a DPS parser in the Guild Lobby - He will send you to a parsing zone and record all top parses for everyone to see. Pretty fun to watch the leaderboard.

I've also done a significant tuning of all end-game classes and zones FYI.

Shodai82 03-14-2020 06:05 PM

I've just released Hardcore Season 2 for those interested. It will run until May 1st.

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