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ionhsmith 03-14-2017 05:15 PM

EOC connection issue
I am trying to get eoc to connect to my Akkadius repack but I cant seem to get it to connect... any help would be great. I have port 3306 open, I created a new user, ran the query and changed it to the user name and pw of the data base but it still says connection failed

ionhsmith 03-20-2017 02:46 PM

any help? I would like to be able to edit my server again. Maybe I did not set up the user correctly in Heidi sql? can someone walk me through this process again ?

Vexyl 03-20-2017 03:08 PM

If I understand EoC correctly, it connects to your database server and reads/writes to an EQEmu database over a network device. With that in mind, the only way anyone can help is for you to provide additional information.

How are you using EoC? Are you using it remotely (e.g., connecting from http://eoc.akkadius.com/EOC2/login.php) or locally (e.g., downloading the EoC source and running it remotely, so it connects over LAN/localhost)?

Along with the above information, please also provide the host (IP address) and port that you've set EoC to connect to (if you'd rather not, simply make sure it's your external IP address if it's a remote connection, internal (LAN) IP address if over LAN, and localhost if on the same computer). If connecting remotely, forwarding the port on your router will be necessary. Remotely or not, check your firewall and make sure the port is allowed to have incoming traffic.

I assume the database credentials you're using are correct as you set that up yourself (do not post this information as that would be a huge security risk).

After that, kindly allow some time before posting again since everyone here has other things in life that must take priority over EQEmu support.

If I'm way off on understanding the situation feel free to say so.

NostalgiaEQ 03-20-2017 03:09 PM

what is eoc? So you have a server up and running and can't connect with your client or what?

edit: ah ok well I have no experience with that so I can't help.

ionhsmith 03-20-2017 03:48 PM

this is what it is saying...
Cannot connect to server!
Cannot connect to database peq

i do a port checker for 3306 and it says its blocked... i have it port forwarded and allowed in windows firewall. still not sure what to do to get it working again

Maze_EQ 03-20-2017 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by ionhsmith (Post 253590)
this is what it is saying...
Cannot connect to server!
Cannot connect to database peq

i do a port checker for 3306 and it says its blocked... i have it port forwarded and allowed in windows firewall. still not sure what to do to get it working again

tcp and udp? just DMZ your server kiddo.

ionhsmith 03-20-2017 04:33 PM

I don't know what DMZ is honestly

Vexyl 03-20-2017 04:37 PM

DMZ = Demilitarized zone

Basically, it exposes your computer directly to the Internet. You get no firewall protection, but you don't need to port forward. It's a bad solution to your problem, imo.

ionhsmith 03-20-2017 04:43 PM

I just want to be able to edit my server again. doesn't work since I switch to the Akkadia repack

Uleat 03-20-2017 05:04 PM

Open a command prompt and run this command:

netstat -an
..and report back the entries ending with :3306.

Maze_EQ 03-20-2017 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Vexyl (Post 253593)
DMZ = Demilitarized zone

Basically, it exposes your computer directly to the Internet. You get no firewall protection, but you don't need to port forward. It's a bad solution to your problem, imo.

Like forwarding SQL is any less dangerous?

If you have any know-how of networking (even entry level) you can easily have a secure dmz.

Vexyl 03-20-2017 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Maze_EQ (Post 253597)
Like forwarding SQL is any less dangerous?

If you have any know-how of networking (even entry level) you can easily have a secure dmz.

I am not a networking guru. However, based on the OP's question and replies, I don't think he or she has much knowledge of networking (even entry level).

GRUMPY 03-20-2017 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by ionhsmith (Post 253585)
any help? I would like to be able to edit my server again.

You used the word "again". Does this mean your ports were open before and you were able to connect no problem ?
(Just trying to understand this).

Uleat 03-20-2017 05:37 PM

I'm not sure what the installer's default is..but, he probably needs to bind his db to the computer's LAN address rather than localhost.

EDIT: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/co...client-access/

Maze_EQ 03-20-2017 05:45 PM

Throw up teamviewer and drop $100 into my paypal.

Leave a note on the desktop with domain credentials (if you're using AD) for an admin account (and router details) and it'll be done in 30 minutes. Or, I can send you a WebEx. /shrug

Usually my consulting fee is quite higher, but for the EQEmu community, I'll be lenient.

ghanja 03-20-2017 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by ionhsmith (Post 253590)
this is what it is saying...
Cannot connect to server!
Cannot connect to database peq

i do a port checker for 3306 and it says its blocked... i have it port forwarded and allowed in windows firewall. still not sure what to do to get it working again

The port (3306) in Windows Firewall were likely tied to a different .exe location. Either way, it's typically best to just remove the rules and then implement them again. I've noticed for whatever reason (likely a corruption of Window$ DB), that this often helps regardless of the situation.

I say the above on the assumption that the computer you're attempting to get this working on is the same computer as EQEMU was working on before (somewhere up there you said "again" as Grumpy pointed out). And that said computer has the same static IP address it had before (because I further assume you're running at least a consumer grade "router"/NAT).

Then also, did you repeat the process of making a SQL account for the EoC/editor (assuming you aren't using root - which just isnt the best practice)?

GRUMPY 03-20-2017 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Maze_EQ (Post 253602)
Throw up teamviewer and drop $100 into my paypal.

I think I saw an ad like that on backpage ? hahaha :P

rhyotte 03-20-2017 10:42 PM

I will say... Maze_EQ helped me get my router settings fixed. :)

Thanks again ;)

ionhsmith 03-20-2017 10:43 PM


TCP [::1]:51066 [::1]:3306 ESTABLISHED
TCP [::1]:51067 [::1]:3306 ESTABLISHED
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TCP [::1]:51129 [::1]:3306 ESTABLISHED

Grumpy: Yes my ports where open before when I built a server from scratch. I got a new pc to use as a server so I decided to try the repack instead this time. I also got a new router but I copied my port forwarding exactly like my old one was. So really its an all new setup

ionhsmith 03-20-2017 10:46 PM

ghanja: I am using the same pc that has the eqemu server on it yes. The ip address changed from my old set up when I got a new router I ran the script in MySQL to set up the new user instead of using root but I don't know how to test it so see if I did it correctly

Uleat 03-20-2017 11:05 PM

That's definitely localhost...

And EoC requires an external connection?

ionhsmith 03-21-2017 09:44 PM

so what are you suggesting?

Uleat 03-22-2017 03:51 AM

I can't go beyond that because I don't use EoC.

Someone else may have more knowledge on this issue. All I would be doing is guessing at this point.

Maze_EQ 03-22-2017 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by ionhsmith (Post 253612)
ghanja: I am using the same pc that has the eqemu server on it yes. The ip address changed from my old set up when I got a new router I ran the script in MySQL to set up the new user instead of using root but I don't know how to test it so see if I did it correctly

Did you grant privs to the user on a specific IP?

or did you wildcard?


GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'Maze'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'Maze'@'%';

What does http://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ say when you test 3306 to your external IP?

Take a screen capture of your port forward screen on your router.

Make sure the router firewall has pass-through on 3306.

Forward port 3389 to your server host and see if you can check ports on 3389, or simply RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol) to the machine from an outside device (Tablet, cell phone, etc)

If it is a Linux machine, forward port 22, and test SSH using your preferred client (putty for beginners)

Add a firewall exception for 3306, stop mysqld/mysql, telnet from a local machine to the server using port 3306

telnet 3306
If this works, your server's firewall is not the issue for incoming connections.

I mean, troubleshooting a network based issue is difficult when you don't know the user's environment.

ionhsmith 03-23-2017 09:03 PM

I did the grant all like in your code. I cannot log into my Heidi sql with my newly create user name and pw though. I took the screen shot of router settings but I cant seem to upload the pic here. its asking for a url... I did the port test and it says my port 3306 is open. I do have the firewall exceptions for 3306 in mysqld/MySQL... not sure what telnet is


I didn't do anything different but it is now working and logging in... thanks for the help but not sure what the fix was

GRUMPY 03-23-2017 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by ionhsmith (Post 253753)
cant seem to upload the pic here.

Grab a free photobucket account, upload pics to there. Copy the url it provides and post that where needed.

Maze_EQ 03-24-2017 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by GRUMPY (Post 253759)
Grab a free photobucket account, upload pics to there. Copy the url it provides and post that where needed.

Photobucket is junk, use GreenShot with IMGUR extension

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