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-   -   SimpleClient Download links (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25429)

Cripp 06-09-2008 01:18 AM

SimpleClient Download links
just thought id post this for easier reference for the download links for everything...

SimpleClient: Client Binarys/LoginServer-Binarys+Source/Server-Binarys+Source http://www.savefile.com/files/1953063

SimpleClient DLL Sources: http://www.savefile.com/files/1501292

SimpleClient NetCode DLL Template Source: http://www.savefile.com/files/1597949

SimpleClient/OZ/etc Compile Components: http://nugblazers.com/files/SCtut/sc_components.zip

+ Scorpious2k has some extra custom zones up for downloading here: http://webpages.charter.net/s2k/

Windcatcher 07-09-2008 01:00 AM

Added download link to the bugfix build (fixes the crash on zoning bug).

Windcatcher 07-14-2008 09:22 PM

Added download link to version. This only contains updated files and is not a "complete" release (that is, you need to overwrite what you have). Changes include:

- Internal architectural change to make the 3D content loader a lot more flexible (you'll notice the change in SimpleClient.ini after you run it once).
- Added in-game options screen, which you can open with Alt-O or with the /options command. There isn't much there yet but at least the window exists now and I/we can add more over time.

chuckltn73 07-14-2008 09:33 PM

awesome work... Did you make changes to collision at all? seems like its a bit easier to walk through doors now? Stairs are still a bit wonky lol but if you look up like you are going up a ladder its not that much of an issue.

Again GREAT work.

What is the policy on submitting new changes btw? I am working on adding authentication to the loginserver

Darkriderone 07-14-2008 10:39 PM

Wind Pwns!:D

chuckltn73 07-15-2008 07:14 PM

The custom zone site posted is dead I get a file not found when I go to the link.

I am uploading a 0.6.0 server package with the most recent SC Bugfix build (With the DB included) It works so far I havent done a great deal of testing but it seems to work fine so I thought I would share it. Its uploading to mediafire as we speak will post the link soon as its done

chuckltn73 07-15-2008 07:20 PM

Simple client 1016 Client + 0.6.0-DR2 Server with Database WORKS!!

Cripp 07-16-2008 07:42 PM

added download link for the needed components for compiling. (for OZ or any of Winds applications)
I think i got em all in there

Richardo 07-17-2008 07:20 AM

wow what a shocker sc is open sorce now

chuckltn73 07-17-2008 08:18 AM

did I miss a post I dont see the SC Source? just thirdparty delphi components

Richardo 07-17-2008 10:29 AM

Apparently my braincells have depleted due to the massive amounts of carbon monoxide I inhale every day when I drive down the smog filled streets of Houston, Texas. Sorry, thought he released it. :p


Originally Posted by Cripster the Gangsta
SimpleClient: Client/LoginServer/Server/Server Source http://www.mediafire.com/?rfmy1yd2l2y

"Client" confused me for a minute. :p

Cripp 07-17-2008 11:45 AM

haha :D

..made it a bit more clear now :)

chuckltn73 07-17-2008 06:41 PM

LMAO yeah smoke inhalation will get you every time Richardo lol I thought I was just missing something so now we both just feel stupid lol

Windcatcher 08-03-2008 12:31 AM

Updated the download link to point to SimpleClient update. This includes support for remapping most keystrokes and allows localizable "/" commands. Make sure to either use the included SimpleClient.ini or splice the key commands from it into your own .INI file before starting the client or they won't work. Also did some work on emotes in the course of the change and they now will send emote text to the player and to the server (e.g. "You ..." to the player doing the emote and "<player> ..." to the server). It's sensitive to gender differences for players involved (see the game text XML file for details).

Windcatcher 08-07-2008 11:36 PM

Updated the link to point to version This contains only updated files since the original release. This contains an extra tab pane in the Options window that lets users set server filtering options (emotes, chat channels, others' hits, etc.)

Windcatcher 10-13-2008 04:52 PM

Uploaded SimpleClient, which includes some 3D engine fixes and an updated item icon file. This is just an incremental release because I felt that getting the 3D fix out there immediately was important. I plan to do some database work on it this week and plan a full release once I've finished.

Windcatcher 11-16-2008 06:51 PM

Uploaded SimpleClient update, which includes a fix for mob variants (they were showing up with the wrong textures). This is just an incremental update, not a full release.

Windcatcher 01-03-2009 07:44 PM

SimpleClient has been released!
This is a full release, not an incremental one. See the top post for the download link.

Release Notes

1. Several zones have seen updates, with The Namtarn receiving the most attention.

2. All zones have mobs suitable for hunting, most with loot, as well as pathing.

3. Mobs that can cast spells will.

4. Over a hundred new spells. Most are similar to live, with a few changes. All names and icons are of course different, so you'll have to do some experimenting. There are new spell icons to accompany them.

5. There are GM's for every class (except maybe Beastlord).

6. There are three playable races (male or female):

- Human
- Wood elf
- Dark elf

All others will appear as the human model as I haven't made models for them yet.

7. There are several viable casting classes:

- Cleric (the most developed)
- Wizard
- Necromancer
- Druid
- Enchanter (not as good as the others)

There are also spells for other classes where there is overlap, but bear in mind that the only pet spells included are for necro pets. There is no other pet model yet.

8. There are spell vendors for all classes except Paladin, Shaman, and Beastlord.

9. There are a few magic items to be had, if you can take them from the right mobs.

10. There are a couple of named mobs.

11. There are six zones:

- Windcatcher's zone (everyone starts here for now)
- Peshara highlands
- Lelembeth
- Canyons of Gur
- Veldona
- The namtarn

You can hunt in all of them, but you will find yourselves spending the most time in Windcatcher's zone and Lelembeth. There is a LOT to do in Lelembeth, and there is room for more. As much as in that zone, it's still underutilized.

12. All content files (that is, the .XWA files) have been re-exported such that every mob model is in its own .XWA file, and all zones use the force-loading mechanism to include mobs. This will make it easy to add or change mobs in zones in the future.

13. There are two mob models not used by the DB, the mind flayer and the hook horror. I'm saving those for an underground zone I'm planning.

14. The correct version of MySQL is included.

15. My full 0.5.5 database dump is included.

16. Resurrection support is included, but untested.

17. There are new mob models since the last version:

- Human female (player model)
- Lizardman (alternate leg)
- Wolf
- Bear

There's a lot of new stuff here, and there is definitely enough to start a server out of the box. That said, I could really use some help. GeorgeS has supplied me with lots of models, but I could also use help with other areas:

- Padding out the DB with more content: loot, mobs, you name it.
- Quests
- Ambient zone sounds
- Mob combat sounds
- More mob models
- Testing, testing, testing! As far as I can tell, NO ONE is using the client, and that's a real shame.
- And the big enchilada, help with the 0.7.0 netcode. Serious, detailed documentation would be a good start, since I haven't really been able to make heads or tails of the code. I'd love to ditch this old server and move up to 0.7.0.

Happy New Year,


Runeblade 09-13-2009 03:20 AM

Is there anyway to get the links refreshed?

Windcatcher 09-18-2009 12:10 AM

I didn't know they're broken. I haven't done much with it in many months, and I'm leaning toward a full release with source at this point. I just need to do a little work on the engine first...I've been adding shader support to it (just dynamic lights for now) and it's got some bugs in it. If nothing else I need to add a means to disable using shaders. The next release of SimpleClient will be tied to the next release of OpenZone, which is why I haven't released OpenZone 8.7 yet: I had to change the .XWF format to support some dynamic light info (basically flicker settings) and this means that the two have to be released together.

GeorgeS 09-18-2009 10:12 PM

WC, if you need, I'll host the files, as I do others' as well.
Anyway, thanks ahead of time for taking time to improve it more.


Darkriderone 09-28-2009 02:44 AM

Hey Windcatcher, just wanted to let you know that I'm still using Simpleclient, and am still building the world, but I suck at programming, modeling, hell I suck at everything. I just wanted to say thanks for everything you have put in so far, I really enjoy the customization options Simpleclient has given, and also the fact that I'm not tied down by the old game engine, so that their is lots of room to grow.

Then I realize that I have also posted this in the wrong thread.:shock:

Windcatcher 10-25-2009 08:09 PM

Lol, that's okay. I'm still working on SimpleCilent, though very slowly. I'm trying to get dynamic lighting working using shaders, and it's hard to get perfect. I made some progress today in getting one bug fixed, just one more and I'll be able to release it. I'm also holding OpenZone 8.7 until SimpleClient is ready because I had to expand the .XWF file format to support dynamic lighting. They'll basically have to be released together as a matched set.

Amphitryon 12-28-2009 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Cripp (Post 150336)
just thought id post this for easier reference for the download links for everything...

SimpleClient: Client Binarys/LoginServer-Binarys+Source/Server-Binarys+Source http://www.savefile.com/files/1953063

SimpleClient DLL Sources: http://www.savefile.com/files/1501292

SimpleClient NetCode DLL Template Source: http://www.savefile.com/files/1597949

SimpleClient/OZ/etc Compile Components: http://nugblazers.com/files/SCtut/sc_components.zip

+ Scorpious2k has some extra custom zones up for downloading here: http://webpages.charter.net/s2k/

Would anyone happen to havea location that works where I can download these? Unfortunately the aboive links just go to a generic savefile.com page.

Been reading up a lot on SImple Client and am eager to start using it, but am kinda stuck if I can't download it :)

Amphitryon 01-11-2010 02:49 PM

Just a friendly bump in case this was missed. I am really interested in using Simple Client but am unable to get a copy as of yet.


Amphitryon 01-25-2010 07:47 PM

Bump...hmm I am getting the impression SimpleClient is either dead or in hibernation? Sorta bummed I haven't gotten the chance to try it yet since the D/L links don't work anymore.

Anyone out there with the last released version willing to toss it up on MediaFire or something? SC is too cool to fade away like this.

OscarGrouch05 01-25-2010 09:26 PM

been doing some data recovery on my 1tb hard drive i'll see what i have downloaded i do recall that and openzone programs.

OscarGrouch05 01-28-2010 03:00 AM

last client downloaded was 4-13-08 is that the one your looking for ?

Amphitryon 01-31-2010 04:45 PM

at this point I will take whatever I can get. If you have that, it would be great.

GeorgeS 02-04-2010 12:58 AM

Ok, I added hosting for simpleclient. Should be live now.


mosfet777 02-04-2010 04:15 PM

woo hoo !

Thanks George, you rock :D

Amphitryon 02-08-2010 05:56 PM

Most excellent George, thank you very much!

Lothrian 02-09-2010 11:04 AM

It would be awesome if Windcatcher could re-release the later versions with the fixes in them... It seems to hang everytime I try to zone.

blmille2 08-03-2010 01:21 AM

source code
I tried the download link at the top, but it took me to some silly page that didn't seem to have anything important on it.

I'm developing a client from scratch and need to know how to authenticate with the server.

I tried looking for the code that LS uses, but that's hidden in EQEmuAuthCrypto.dll and I can't seem to figure out the encryption.

I searched the forums on how this is done, but no luck yet.

The client is in .NET and I would like to learn about how this all works.

Anyone able to shed light on the authentication part?

I see the packets going across the wire.


GeorgeS 08-03-2010 10:00 AM

Searching above leads to this link

blmille2 08-03-2010 11:41 AM


I forgot that it was written in Delphi.

I can't seem to find my Delphi 5 disc.

Can someone tell me the trick to the authentication?



blmille2 08-03-2010 12:06 PM

I'm looking at this login code in GVim (which does a horrible job with pas files =0D).

So, it looks like you just:
- md5 = md5(input)
- d = md5[i] XOR md5[i+4] XOR md5[i+8] XOR md5[i+12] (i = 0..3)
- shave off the top bit (to keep it > 0 when in signed format)
- make sure the number is between 1 and 100,000, but not including 100,000
- convert the result to hex and toss this to the LS

Is that accurate?


blmille2 08-03-2010 12:26 PM

Can SimpleClient log into EqEmu?
I looked into the login code and couldn't find any encryption--also evident when I run the LoginServer and said that it doesn't do any encryption on passwords, etc.

I was hoping to find a client that logs into the eqemu servers so that I can program the login code.

Any help is appreciated!


Tyen05 02-16-2014 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by blmille2 (Post 190281)
Can SimpleClient log into EqEmu?
I looked into the login code and couldn't find any encryption--also evident when I run the LoginServer and said that it doesn't do any encryption on passwords, etc.

I was hoping to find a client that logs into the eqemu servers so that I can program the login code.

Any help is appreciated!


I'm hoping to find client source that logs into Eqemu servers as well~

case42 01-19-2016 07:24 AM

have either of you considered making a client in unity3d? Ive made one for SWGEmu in its early stages very early it logs in and displays the servers and such...

But when i got the full official source to SWG from one of the old devs i kinda scrapped it. However it wasnt very difficult to make...

But then again keep in mind i have the crypto source i have the login server source and all the client source as well so... it kinda made it easier but. You DO have most of the protocol and opcodes and what they do defined already so really it wouldnt be too difficult

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