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ktown 09-27-2012 10:18 PM

Georges's tool not working
I cant get eqitems to work i done got the ,ocx fles part done when i start exe i get ............error in connecting to the database -perhaps a missing version field in variables table?.................... then when i click on Lets Start it gives me error run time 53 file not found..........................any help be great thx.

GeorgeS 09-28-2012 10:06 AM

Make sure you have a logfile.txt in the folder


ktown 09-28-2012 02:33 PM

I do and this is whats in it...........

creating log entry
Identified user:root
Identified database:peq
Identified host:localhost
Identified everquest_folder:c:\eqemu
Completed getting user info
credential output to screen ok
Call to ODBC open connection started
Call to ODBC open connection created
Call to ODBC open connection string completed
Call to ODBC open connection open
Call to ODBC open recordset started
Call to ODBC open connection completed
Open RS with sql: SELECT value FROM variables WHERE varname='DBVersion'
Recordset version returned: 070_pop_cvs
Starting music: eqemu\deaththeme.mp3
Splash returned an error-connection fail
Splash request to load MAIN program started
Started Main ok
Started to read all init *.txt files

I see splash error with then the log file above ^^^^

ktown 09-28-2012 03:19 PM

Heres another tool im having problem with i get in ok but when i start anything this happens......

GeorgeS 09-28-2012 08:48 PM

Ok for eqitems it's probably this
quartz.dll is missing from registry and causes the crash.

There's a copy of this file in resources folder, and needs to be registered with

regsvr32 quartz.dll

For D2 loot it does not work with the latest schema rev2214+
In fact many of the tools will fail in the latest database schema.


ktown 09-28-2012 11:37 PM

OK i will go do that and see if it fixies it will reply in a few.thx

ktown 09-29-2012 12:04 AM

ok that didn work still same stuff and run time error 53..........do u have a list of .ocx files for eqitems editer i only see 2 .ocx files in resources folder.

ktown 09-29-2012 03:25 PM

ok i cant get eqitems and few other tools to open with out a error in them saying there broken i think is is my problem GeorgeS heres a ss of what im getting when opening after downloading them............



ok now u see the pics what do i need to do to get them downloaded with out errors and broken files ???? is it your links broken or bad uploads ?

Maze_EQ 09-29-2012 03:55 PM

I just re-downloaded eqitemeditor and it works perfectly fine, see if you have packet loss on your line corrupting your downloads.

ktown 09-29-2012 04:19 PM

ok i did that 0% loss any other clue do you think winrar could be a factor or is it b/c im wireless or what ?

ghanja 09-29-2012 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by ktown (Post 212937)
ok i cant get eqitems and few other tools to open with out a error in them saying there broken i think is is my problem GeorgeS heres a ss of what im getting when opening after downloading them............



ok now u see the pics what do i need to do to get them downloaded with out errors and broken files ???? is it your links broken or bad uploads ?

Curious, what URL are you getting these tools from?

I almost have to wonder, if it's not packet loss like Maze pointed out, if you aren't grabbing from the old site, which from what I heard is now offering trojan injected versions of the downloads that were once clean. <shrug>

ktown 09-29-2012 04:31 PM

its still doing it heck can u email my ds loot and server stat ad eqitems ????

ghanja 09-29-2012 04:35 PM


Grab from there.. but know if you are using the newest DB revision, they aren't going to work due to the new schema.



ktown 09-29-2012 05:08 PM

im using 2214 but my problem is cant get em to dl from any link giving or clicked on same errors and crap

ghanja 09-29-2012 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by ktown (Post 212949)
im using 2214 but my problem is cant get em to dl from any link giving or clicked on same errors and crap

If you cannot get them to download, that's not a problem of GeorgeS' site, meaning, the problem is more general computer related I would think.

I couldn't even begin to help (despite being in the wrong forum) because I cannot see any of the pictures you posted, you downsized them a bit too much.

Though, all links on GeorgeS site I just tried and succeeded with all downloads, with the exception of the Color Picker Tool (didn't bother to see what the problem with that link is). All extracted from a ZIP format just fine, as well as the Character Manager, which is compressed in RAR. No errors.

ktown 09-29-2012 06:32 PM

hmmm i get some to dl fine but others wont im missing some files but as he said 2214 database might be making me get run time error 53 is there a older database i can use that works with his tools ?

GeorgeS 09-30-2012 02:20 AM

In the tool site, there are databases that work pre rev2214

ktown 09-30-2012 04:51 AM

ok cool i tried 2197 but pulling same error if i repair it do as rest and give me broken file im tring repack 1871 right now..............hey Georges if i send u my email could u send me the eqitems and ds loot unrar or zip make me copy off your folders on pc....?

GeorgeS 09-30-2012 12:41 PM

The rev2214 fixed looteditor is done and will be uploaded tonght.
Send me your email and I will send you anyfile you want.

ktown 09-30-2012 06:40 PM

Good to hear and thx a ton really enjoy your tools and stuff you come up with thumbs up agine.

Eq4Life2 01-25-2013 12:03 AM

Ok getting infamous error:

"MYSQL Connection FAILED!- Check db.ini and did you install my PODBC drivers?"


I am connecting remotely into a server, win7 64bit.
Steps completed already are:
- DL'd newest version of eqitems - 14.5.5
- ran the register_ocx file just fine in admin cmd prompt, all successful
- ran the "for %i in (*.ocx) do regsvr32 %i" in admin cmd prompt as well, in resources folder
- mqsql is installed and doesn't error out, I get the "mysql>" prompt in the monitor

What am I doing wrong?

lerxst2112 01-25-2013 12:29 AM

There are some troubleshooting steps here: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/08/...nt-connection/

The first two will allow to discover if you have an issue with ports not being forwarded properly or if the remote user is not setup properly depending on the error message you receive.

To troubleshoot the actual tools I would recommend installing the database locally and making sure that works to verify if you have an driver (odbc) issue or something wrong with your configuration file.

Eq4Life2 01-25-2013 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by lerxst2112 (Post 217011)
There are some troubleshooting steps here: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/08/...nt-connection/

The first two will allow to discover if you have an issue with ports not being forwarded properly or if the remote user is not setup properly depending on the error message you receive.

To troubleshoot the actual tools I would recommend installing the database locally and making sure that works to verify if you have an driver (odbc) issue or something wrong with your configuration file.

ODBC is installed correctly, no errors, and I triple checked that all were successfully installed the correct way. Is there a simple walkthrough somewhere that will explain how 1 person can remotely access another persons server files to modify/add mobs, quests or items?

lerxst2112 01-25-2013 01:11 AM

I have given you all the information you need in order to do what you want, you just need to troubleshoot and find out where the problem is.

I know you say that everything is fine with odbc, but the fact remains that something is not working. Installing the database locally to ensure the tools work there eliminates the local issues so you can concentrate on solving the remote access issue versus struggling with that and the possibility that there is something else wrong locally.

Eq4Life2 01-25-2013 04:46 PM

Call to ODBC open connection started
Call to ODBC open connection created
Call to ODBC open connection string completed
Call to ODBC open connection failed <--- Failing step

This was the direct question I was asking about, port 3306 is open on the router

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