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brokentechnology 08-05-2018 07:10 PM

Trilogy - Verant Version
Hey all,

Memory has slipped me. Trilogy, the big box Verant edition, works with an older version of EQEmu, no? Or a modified version that is out there?

I cannot seem to find the post, maybe it was on PEQ or the likes, but I vaguely remember reading it could be used. Maybe it was for TAKP / EQMac...

Anyways, if someone could jog my memory or tell me what the heck I am thinking of, that be great. There is a copy on eBay with SoL for cheap, so figure it be neat to have.

& Yes, I am aware it does not work with the current EQEmu & I am not asking for support to make it work.

Shin Noir 08-05-2018 08:46 PM

Secrets had been working on a proxy service to let eqemu communicate with trilogy, but it was a very early prototype and I haven't heard any updates in about 4 months.

I'm not sure any version of EQEmu that officially targetted the trilogy client, nor do I know of any server project that specifically supports it. The oldest client that has widespread support is the Titanium client.

image 08-05-2018 09:05 PM

All sources are private in regard to trilogy “support” — there is a leaked old copy of eq classic.org I believe. To be honest though I think players might be turned off given the issues with the client, you can mod a lot of crash fixes, but for example there is no mouse look... so I didn’t bother going any further since it’s not likely to be a client that will continue working as players move to win10 and newer operating systems

brokentechnology 08-06-2018 12:11 AM

Thanks guys! image was on point, I was thinking of eqclassic (which seems tossed aside). I actually just found the thread that mentioned the Verant big box of Trilogy as well I was thinking of.

Thanks again.

Splose 08-12-2018 04:02 AM

Wasn't Shards of Dalaya's old client the Trilogy client? Might be wrong but I know it was at least older than Titanium

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