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Huppy 08-17-2019 07:48 AM

WoW Classic Servers ?
I never played World of Warcraft, but I noticed there is a big hype about the classic servers, including PvP, I guess, going live on Aug 27th, with name reservations already going on. Blizzard is "claiming", (based on those name reservations), that servers will be overpopulated and encouraging players to move to one of the other 12 servers.
Blizzard said the "classic grind" servers are based on an "almost accurate" patch from 2006, just before the first expansion, but will remain locked at that, with nothing more than updates.

I never really understood what was so special about that game back when it was originally released. When I read about it back then, it seemed like somewhat of an mmo with "easier" game play than EQ Live, so I never bothered playing it. Some are anticipating, that EQ Live servers might take a big population hit when these WoW servers go live. Who knows .....

djeryv 08-17-2019 08:17 AM

I run into this mindset with Ultima Online players as well. There is a small population of people that think that the early days of UO were the best and the game has been ruined over time. One example is when Age of Shadows came out and some of the original players hated the change. I think this often times comes from complexity of the game that wasn't welcome to the original players. They were used to mages or dexxers...and they were used to simple choices like silver or vanquishing weapons. Then all of a sudden there were more options for character types and varying weapon attributes that just forced them to change their play style and it pissed them off.

EQ is no different, and that is why you have P99 being as popular as it is. I run a personal EQ server on my laptop for me to play single player, and although there are many modern mechanics and options in it...I still play it like I did back in the late 90's.

I know your subject is covering WoW...but I just wanted to point out some parallels with other old MMOs.

Some say they play free shards because some have settings that feel like the late 90's...and if EA would have a server that was like 1997, they would totally play on that. Face it, that is all bullshit because we are hooked on not paying monthly fees for a game. We enjoy what emulation provides for us along with the fact that 15-20$ isn't being drained from our bank accounts on a monthly basis.

So if this is an attempt to get the audience from the emulated WoW vanilla days...I don't see it happening.

Huppy 08-17-2019 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by djeryv (Post 263243)
We enjoy what emulation provides for us along with the fact that 15-20$ isn't being drained from our bank accounts on a monthly basis.

I agree with you. I was already spending 100 bucks a month on EQ accounts back then, so I wasn't about to spend even more just to check out the WoW game, (or any other monthly subscription game). I'm not one who thinks everything should be free, because obviously, someone, somewhere has to cover the cost of the servers running.

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