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mrkcmty3 08-25-2005 04:44 PM

Ehhh, any way to get em on a 6.0DR3 Server, I mean, the translocator is kinda lame, I mean I've heard of fixes for the ship issues, but no way to get the ships back. I mean, with out the ships it kinda makes some zones seems pointless, or locations atleast. Like the docks, and some NPC's that just are they're to tell you to keep an eye out for the ships.

Belfedia 08-25-2005 07:45 PM

I just use search
I type "Boat"
I find this :

I understand why boat don't work and i understand is not a eqemu priority :p

good journey to luclin :)

mrkcmty3 08-26-2005 12:38 AM

Did you even read my post, I didn't learn anything new from that... Also I've already seen that. Though I mean it's kinda lame if you ask me, I mean especially if your trying to make an EQ Classic server.

I mean I want to see a ship, and ride a ship, or just atleast be able to see the ship. I mean can we still see em, I didn't w8 to long, like 7 minutes.

Dr Zauis 08-26-2005 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by mrkcmty3
Did you even read my post, I didn't learn anything new from that... Also I've already seen that. Though I mean it's kinda lame if you ask me, I mean especially if your trying to make an EQ Classic server.

I mean I want to see a ship, and ride a ship, or just atleast be able to see the ship. I mean can we still see em, I didn't w8 to long, like 7 minutes.

I dont understand..Did you try the trick to enable collision on the ship? I spawned a ship myself the other day and had a fight with it so its just an npc. So if you can enable the collision, then I guess the next step is to set the pathing for it. I would imagine thats how the ships worked in the old days? Or was there something more to the ship than jumping on and taking a ride?

mrkcmty3 08-26-2005 01:26 AM

Not sure, but I love you super smart apes, ummm, I don't know how to do all that, but I found this http://www.eqemulator.net/forums/sho...highlight=ship.

Can someone help me through this, this is my like, 3rd week messing with EQemu,wanna have the server nice when I eventually get the real one up, right now I'm just using minilogin to test myself, and what can be done with 6.0DR3, but one issue I'm having with this is, like I haven't seen a ship, I used cavedudes installer, so he might have just taken em out I guess to keep newbies from jumping on them falling though, not knowing how to swim then, NOOOOOOOO newbie Jones is dead. Now their will never be an Indiana. DUM DA DaM DUMmm DUm dummmm dum dum dummm dumm dum dum dum dum. dum dummmm. *bolder roles over newbies Jones corpse floating in the water*

Dr Zauis 08-26-2005 01:45 AM

It dont matter if he has taken them out. Dude..Have you been spawning stuff yet?? I already made a whole bunch of buttons to help me spawn stuff..The guidebook say ships are #72 so you just go to somewhere you know there is supposed to be a ship and spawn #72 with whatever gender it takes. material value is whatever it is to make something unclickable I guess. Then to keep it from disappearing you need to #npcedit create. Now thats as far as I am on spawning. I havent been adding #npcedit add. Im working on understanding the spawn tables at the moment.

mrkcmty3 08-26-2005 03:23 AM

Okay lol. Spawning, hmmm how do I do that. I'm really new *cries*

So can I do this in game or....

Dr Zauis 08-26-2005 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by mrkcmty3
Okay lol. Spawning, hmmm how do I do that. I'm really new *cries*

So can I do this in game or....

By all means you can! Are you even using #zone to zone around? You know you can allow players to #zone and even authorize just certain zones. No need for boats.

While in game type help. It will come up with a big list. Look for spawn and you need to set all the little values it say. I dont have one to show you right now but just search spawn here. Then after you get familiar..Type #npcedit help. That is a whole new area to actually modify any npc!

Remember as a server op you can zone anywhere! But some zone in points are way off! I can get into them and set them correctly. Find and use that guidbook! Its the bomb. It will tell you alot of things. Oh! And if you try to spawn something that cant be spawned in that zone. You will get a bald human as default. So try world models first. Like a werewolf. I think thats #14 You need to read the guidebook it tells you all that and pathing too!

mrkcmty3 08-26-2005 04:21 AM

Guide book aye? Where is it?

, yeah, but I don't want zoom # on my server for ppl other then me, I mean i assume they'd use the plane of knowledge to get around, rather then ships, but i figure, i still want ships, lol, at this rate my thing won't be up till post december, but i want it done how i want it and right lol.

mwmdragon 08-26-2005 04:53 AM

Spawning for the noob
Hope this helps a little.


Spawning Mobs


While you are on your server as a GM you may spawn new mobs as well as permanently add or remove spawns from your database. Which means that next time you restart your server these new or deleted mobs will take affect. This is how it is done.


Spawn Command

#spawn <Name> <Race> <Level> <Material> <HP> <Gender> <Class> <Item_Visual_1> <Item_Visual_2> <Merchant_ID>

Name = Name of the mob.
Race = Model for the mob (eg Giant, Human, Dragon).
Level = Level of the mob.
Material = What texture (eg Sand Giant, FG, IG).
HP = How many HP the mob has.
Gender = Male / Female / Neuter ( 0 / 1 / 2)
Class = Class of mob. (eg 1 for Warrior, 5 for SK).
Item_Visuals = What the mob looks like it's weilding (eg Sword, Shield, Axe, Wand).
Merchant_ID = Is used to set what the mob will sell if the class is set to Shopkeeper


#spawn A_Giant_Rat 36 1 0 16 2 1 0 0 0



- Use "_" Underscores for spaces in the mobs name.

- For dragons and other mobs where the gender is not obvious, set Gender to "2" or you will get a bald man.

- Make sure you fill in all the arguments, even if you leave them 0 (eg. Don't just go up to class then stop).

Stand in the exact spot facing the way you want the mob to face and use the command above. As of right now, once this mob is killed it is gone forever and will not spawn again. To make this mob a permanent part of your world, step back, target the new mob, and use this command.


Npcspawn create Command

#npcspawn create

Now a permanent spawn point has been made for the mob you just created. All that is left to do now is add the spawn to your database. To do this, just keep the mob targeted and use this command.


Npcspawn add Command

#npcspawn add

Now the mob is added to your database and will spawn and re-spawn after you have restarted your server. If for some reason you would like to remove the new spawn or other spawns in your database you use this command while the mob you want to remove is targeted.


Npcspawn remove Command

#npcspawn remove

The spawn that you used this command on, will not spawn anymore after the server is restarted. If you would like to see the spawn information of a mob that is spawned in the game, just target the mob and use this command.


Npcstats Command


Now you can see the exact information about a mob to create another one, or just to find out bits of information to use in other mobs you spawn. It also helps when trying to balance mobs HP (Hit Points) for your new mob creations. If you have placed a mob and wish to move it instead of recreating it just read about the command below.


Spawnfix Command


With the mob you wish to relocate targeted, Move yourself into the new spot and facing the way you want the mob to face and use this command. It won't take effect until the zone is re-popped but it will save you a lot of work re-spawning things that are not positioned properly.

mrkcmty3 08-26-2005 05:34 AM

Okay, nice, so how do I set a path then and make someone solid. *giggles* so I I like walk through the ship does that mean we did it? *passes out*

No really though, how do I set paths? and any way to help me find where the zone boundaries and a list of ship loading/drop off locations?

Belfedia 08-26-2005 11:08 AM

Hum ! is'nt easy to understand me with my poor english.

Post i have link say just :
Nobody have a working boat and is not a devs priority (do not ask has them ) !

If you want make your boat with a NPC, guide book with all commands are here:
Now you need to learn "how to make", i'm not sure boat can be handle like mob, i read many problem with "solid", but you can try :) If you sucess, that be a cool advance for eqemu :)

Dr Zauis 08-26-2005 11:21 AM

Well..At the very end of the post someone say they can make it "solid" by setting the gender type. I dont if its true or not. I will try to check it out myself. All I have done myself so far with the ship is spawn it and fight it!
Most likely its not true that one can make it solid but I wont know for sure till I try I guess. I wouldnt mind having a roving ghost ship in Timorous.

mrkcmty3 08-26-2005 11:38 AM

I mean it must b possible, sony does somthin... Like could it need ppl to make everything solid, not just the boat?

mrkcmty3 08-27-2005 08:18 AM

Anything new with getting solid boats??? I'm still messing with spawning, and grids lol. Also messing with #kill... OOOOOOOOOO MUAHAHAHA I JUST KILLED MYSELF. w8

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