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TigerFeet 05-27-2019 09:00 AM

Ground Up Windows Install Configure Problem
I have successfully created my own server, using the easy setup provided, and am making lots of changes to the database.
It's been a steep learning curve but I've been helped along the way by the fantastic support from these forums.

I now need to make some changes to the server code (specifically \zone\attack.cpp and \zone\spells.cpp).

I have followed the "Ground Up Windows Install" by Akkadius but have run into a problem I hope you guys can help me with.

1. I have a new (unchanged as yet) version of the source code from GitHub in "PEQ source" directory
2. I have downloaded the dependencies listed (boost, libsodium, luaj_x64, mysql_x64, openssl_x64, zlib_x64) and
placed them in the \dependencies subdir of "PEQ source".
2b. I already have ActivePerl 5.16.3 from the original server installed
3. I have Visual Studio 2017 installed and checked it supports C++
4. I have installed CMake 3.14.3.
5. I made one change to "CMakeLists.txt" file
OPTION(EQEMU_BUILD_LOGIN "Build the login server." ON) to OFF

Now I run Cmake, set source and exec folders, Hit Configure, select Visual Studio 15 2017 as the generator.
Then I get an error pop-up
"Error in Configuration process, project files may be invalid"

more details:
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
used as include directory in directory D:/PEQ Source
used as include directory in directory D:/PEQ Source/common
etc etc etc

In CMake, FindLua.cmake refers to lua.h.
This is in the PEQ source\dependencies\LuaJIT-2.0.5\src folder
Is this the right place?

I'm not sure what I need to do to fix the "configure" issue.

I don't have any specific LUA installation on my PC. (I had to install CMake and Zlib to get this far, but not obvious what LUA I need)

Please help so I can go on playing with my awesome<*> server.
<awesome is open to any interpretation you like, from "wow" to "aww it's not working">


TigerFeet 05-27-2019 11:48 AM

This issue is now solved.
I was supplied with a new set of dependency libraries (thankyou Huppy) that allowed CMake to run and then MS VS built the programs with no errors.
If anyone else runs into similar problems then either post in the forums or contact me directly and I will share the folders wih you (if I am allowed to).
Thanks goes to Huppy for helping me out with this (and many other problems I have had trying to create a custom server with no working knowledge of the system).

I have said it before - but it's well worth repeating.
The "Devs" and the general "PEQ community" are unbelievably helpful. They have spent countless hours on this labour of love and still spare their valuable time to help me (and others like me) benefit from their efforts. I can't thank them enough for this.


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