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-   -   MSDXM.OCX will not register (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=35555)

Maze_EQ 07-15-2012 08:49 PM

MSDXM.OCX will not register
Ok so, I'm seeing

I am running win2k8r2, 64 bit for reference, drivers are installed.

This also will not allow me to use the items editor, and probably other tools, ran the connection test and it throws me to connect, this is being a pain in the cock.

Yes I've searched, theres no mention of MSDXM.OCX

lerxst2112 07-15-2012 11:12 PM

It registers fine on Windows 7 x64. I would suggest your problem may be due to using an unreleased operating system that does not have all the bugs worked out yet.

Maze_EQ 07-16-2012 09:08 AM

It has to do with media player files, that could be my issue....my server is a standalone fileserver without the whole media suite, etc.

Maze_EQ 07-16-2012 11:40 AM

Also stated, Server 2008 R2, which is released...it's not 2012

blackdragonsdg 07-16-2012 01:33 PM

I think that is the same file that fails to register on my computer as well of course I stripped windows media player out of my OS because it is junk but the program still works it just won't play sound.

Maze_EQ 07-16-2012 01:52 PM

I recieve a run-time error as soon as i try to boot the program, not really sure what the issue is, installed ODBC drivers, and still fails to connect, and hits me with runtime, so I'll post more shots as soon as I can access the machine.

Usually can troubleshoot this stuff myself, but it just seems to be a minor annoyance, maybe it has to do with my version of MYSQL? can you tell me which you are running on 2008?

blackdragonsdg 07-16-2012 04:22 PM

Using MYSQL v5.1.62 on Vista x64. I have never tried the tools suite on any Server OS so no idea if it will work or not. From what I have seen with other programs it could just be a case of incompatibility with Server 2008 but like I said I don't know for sure.

Maze_EQ 07-16-2012 04:33 PM

It's running fine on my Win7x64, I'll have to do research, it's no big deal, just need to figure out how to make it work from a separate machine on the network, if possible due to this runtime, but as I said, I'll post the runtime when I get home.

lerxst2112 07-16-2012 05:30 PM

Sorry, I read the version wrong and though Windows 8.

Registering ocx files wouldn't normally have anything to do with mysql. If you open it with Dependency Walker (http://www.dependencywalker.com/) on the machine where it doesn't work it may help to track down what's missing. Ignore any complaints about ieshims.dll though, because it seems like everything complains that is missing but everything still works.

Maze_EQ 07-16-2012 07:22 PM


Houston, We have a problem!
table in variables!

Also, says I may be missing a
Oh noes, there goes the ball.


creating log entry
Identified user:root
Identified database:peq
Identified host:localhost
Identified everquest_folder:D:\Eqshare\everquest\
Completed getting user info
credential output to screen ok
Call to ODBC open connection started
Call to ODBC open connection created
Call to ODBC open connection string completed
Call to ODBC open connection open
Call to ODBC open recordset started
Call to ODBC open connection completed
Open RS with sql: SELECT value FROM variables WHERE varname='DBVersion'
Recordset version returned: 070_pop_cvs
Starting music: D:\Eqshare\everquest\deaththeme.mp3
Splash returned an error-connection fail
Splash request to load MAIN program started
Started Main ok
Started to read all init *.txt files
Started to read all init *.txt files - ok done
MAIN exectuted ok - Form Load done and exiting

GeorgeS 07-17-2012 02:12 AM

Ok, this error comes from your system not having DirectX runtime 9c or better. The quartz.dll is missing from registry and causes the crash.

There's a copy of this file in resources folder, and needs to be registered with

regsvr32 quartz.dll


Maze_EQ 07-17-2012 09:00 AM

Quartz registers, and thank you GeorgeS, I found that out when I went to run EQ on the server to fix a problem, appreciate it! Atleast we know the cause!

GeorgeS 12-09-2018 01:56 PM

Sorry for late reponse

C:\Windows\system32>regsvr32.exe MSDXM.OCX

that should work


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