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agenthitt 06-16-2004 01:45 AM

Question about libEMuShareMem.so
I get an error running world.exe:
[Error] LoadEMuShareMemDLL::Load() failed to load library 'libEMuShareMem.so' Error=0

I don't know if this happens with the zone servers yet or not (I'll get to messing with those tonight or when I'm off work tomorrow...)

I'm running Fedora Core 2 (with various updates).

Was something written on this that I somehow missed when scanning through this forrum?

Assuming I didn't miss anything in my search on this any help would be appreciated.


Doodman 06-16-2004 01:56 AM

Isn't FC2 a 2.6.x kernel?

If so, then there have been reports (for a while) of problems with libEMuShareMem.so prblems on 2.6.x


Derision 06-16-2004 02:08 AM

Did you set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the location of 'libEMuShareMem.so ?

E.g. the start of the script I use to boot the server looks like this:

ulimit -c unlimited
nohup ./world 2>&1 >> world.log &

agenthitt 06-16-2004 02:59 PM

Well, I no longer get that error, but all isn't necessarily better.

Using the exact script given to me the lines now read:
[Status] libEMuShareMem.so loaded
./world:line 5: 2688 Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped) ./world

Then it crashes to a prompt. Playing with the script I can get errors on lines 2 3 4 and 5 with various core files produced.

I had it working once I think but don't remember exactally how I had it set up.

Anyway, thanks for the help, I'll keep playing with it...

Maybe next time I leap into something I know little to nothing about I'll make it a smaller leap... Doubt it though, just not as much fun that way, or as good of a feeling when I get it all figured out...

Agent Hitt

Trumpcard 06-16-2004 11:57 PM

Thats the 2.6 kernel problem...

agenthitt 06-17-2004 07:44 AM

Ahh ok...
Do you know if that was fixed in the newer files that were made available?

Hell, never mind, I'll just compile them and see for myself...

Thanks for the info, I appreciate the help.

Agent Hitt

Having more fun trying to figure this out from no to less than no knowledge then I should be allowed to have...

agenthitt 06-17-2004 08:34 AM

Compiled the newly avail source (16'th) no difference...

I guess its time for me to start looking at code...

Agent Hitt

predominant 06-18-2004 09:31 PM

Is there any chance this will be fixed? Does anyone have a fix they are hiding under their belts?


valenfor 08-19-2004 05:19 PM

Updating shared memory for kernel 2.6.X
OK - not a programming newbie, but new to this code base for sure. I myself am not going backwords to the 2.4 kernel. I run on the razors edge and like to bleed.

I got the build to compile under 2.6 on a FC2 installation, but of course have the same seg falt as everyone else. Please if you know of info or links about the so called memory break in 2.6 please send me a link or post it here - all the references anyone has would be helpful in trying to solve this.

Basic debugging info dumped by gdb is:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread -150112928 (LWP 8649)]
0x00121dd1 in MMF::Open (this=0x126644, iName=0x123857 "EQEMuItems", iSize=12318822) at MMF.cpp:280

Line 280 in MMF.cpp is:
if (SharedMemory->datasize != iSize) {

Now I have learned that where a debugger says there is something is usually WRONG 9 times out of 10 lol - but ok - I am on a trail and anyone that can throw me a crumb or a bone , I just want to get us rocking on a 2.6 kernel.

Hope to see it online live.

Valenfor Regremetis

Doodman 09-25-2004 03:56 PM

Shared memory bug w/ 2.6.x kernel is now fixed. I found the problem.

It should be on the latest CVS (if it's been pulled).

If not, edit MMF.cpp and remove all occurances of IPC_NOWAIT on the flags passed to shared memory operations.

IPC_NOWAIT is allowed on shared memory options.

So, if a line has:

Make it:

Don't remove the lines that have it, but remove it from the lines that have it.


krusher 09-28-2004 08:34 AM

Thx Doodman for the work..... I compiled 5.9DR1 with a fresh install of fedora Core2 using gcc 3.3.3 -- Installed it to a zone server running fedora Core2, fired it up, went in game and didnt have ANY troubles. Thanks soooo much for the fix.


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