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zerjz3 07-10-2013 06:30 AM

Sanctuary in the Sky - Post Apocalyptic Norrath
Hello all,

I would like to invite everyone to check out the open beta for the Sanctuary in the Sky server. The server has been in development for a year and has gone through several rounds of alpha testing. We are very proud of the world that we've created and would now like for you all to join us in the final beta test before officially launching the server. This is a very ambitious project and one that's close to my heart and will be a long term plan, with tons of content and more being added every day. Players will never run out of things to do and see, even once reaching the maximum level cap of 50, with future expansions raising the cap. Characters participating in this final beta will not be wiped once we roll into bringing the server live for good.

The stage is set in a post-apocalyptic reimagining of Norrath, with a highly stylized approach to itemization and dungeon themes. Think back to the feeling you had when you first began playing classic EverQuest, a sense of wonder and danger as you explore an unfamiliar new world. This feeling has been recreated here and we are very excited to share it with you.


+ 100% custom content - no item or zone is like it's classic Everquest counterpart, everything has been reworked from the ground up to give players a sense of the unknown, mystery and intrigue. There are many items and even zones that lie still undiscovered after multiple rounds of player testing.
+ Level 50 cap for the base game, with future expansions (already in the planning and development stages) raising the level cap
+ Dangerous and complex world - players will need to band together and form alliances as they set out to rediscover the lost world and find their place among the new pantheon of heroes
+ Professional customer service - You will never see a developer goofing off, spawning things for players or jabbering in OOC. GM powers are used very sparingly and only when necessary to provide support to the players
+ Dynamic world role playing events with a unique approach to player interaction and storytelling
+ Overall "artsy" feeling to the world, evoking suspense, intrigue, horror, mystery, and humor
+ Consistent level of quality - A very small development team so everything remains consistent and cohesive
+ Balanced gameplay - Everything in our world has its place and a purpose. Player feedback is constantly being monitored to ensure that bugs are fixed quickly and to ensure that balance remains throughout all aspects of the game

We have already been receiving wonderful feedback from our players and have had several groups of "regulars" who have been returning to play daily. I hope that you will take the time to check us out and join our world!

ak48 07-10-2013 08:16 AM

Do you have a website with forums, etc.?

Kingly_Krab 07-10-2013 08:25 AM

Isn't Norrath always Post Apocalyptic in the fact the Kobolds took over the world and enslaved us? Hehe, just yanking your chain, and yeah, is there a site or anything?

zerjz3 07-10-2013 09:22 AM

We are working on the website right now, there will be forums and the whole works. And this is EXTRA post-apocalyptic! ;)

phorest 07-10-2013 10:29 AM

This server is pretty kool. If you are looking for a new twist with an old school feel you might want to try it out. It's so.customized you need to discover things. You can't just make some online inquiries to find answers, you gotta look around and talk to NPCs. The world is kind of small right now, but it's growing rapidly by exploration. One dungeon seems to lead to the next. So while there isn't a zone at a time feel, it's more of a guantlet type feel. I'd suggest grouping!!

liquest 07-10-2013 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Kingly_Krab (Post 222306)
Isn't Norrath always Post Apocalyptic in the fact the Kobolds took over the world and enslaved us? Hehe, just yanking your chain, and yeah, is there a site or anything?

You are right and wrong. Post-Apocalyptic yes, Kobolds no.

The world is considered Post-Apocalyptic because when Veeshan started the Age of Dragons, The Faceless created the diety's we now follow in game. They banded together and destroyed Veeshan but as a final move Veeshan tore a rip in the world which is how it is formed today. =p

zerjz3 07-10-2013 11:25 AM

Good stuff Liquest! I hope that my fellow lore nerds will enjoy the story that I'm telling in my world, too!

liquest 07-10-2013 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by zerjz3 (Post 222315)
Good stuff Liquest! I hope that my fellow lore nerds will enjoy the story that I'm telling in my world, too!

I plan on redownloading a client to check out your server. Any preffered client required to play?

Mitchell92 07-10-2013 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by liquest (Post 222316)
I plan on redownloading a client to check out your server. Any preffered client required to play?

I'm the other dev / admin on the server...

Players can get online from any of the supported EQEmu clients.

I myself use SoD, but UF and Titanium are also compatible.

I prefer SoD, but zerjz3 uses Titanium.

The plan is to make it so that a variety of players are able to get online and play, without too many software complications.

zerjz3 07-10-2013 02:14 PM

Just wanted to check in here in case anyone has had any issues today while I've been away, my sister had surgery and I haven't been able to check in with the server yet. I don't anticipate anyone running into problems but wanted to reach out since this is my only way of communicating until I get home in a few hours. Everyone doing ok?

phorest 07-10-2013 04:05 PM

No discovered sources for tiny daggers...

zerjz3 07-10-2013 04:45 PM

Tiny Daggers will be sold in the New Nexus in this evening's patch, I am sorry for the oversight on this issue.

Mitchell92 07-10-2013 06:18 PM

I need to speak with you - Have some updates regarding hardware information.

Vexyl 07-10-2013 08:05 PM

I thought this server was long dead, but I'm glad I was wrong.
Good luck with it!

ak48 07-11-2013 10:08 AM

I've been playing on this server for the past couple days and I'm having a blast! Granted it IS in beta right now so there are a few things missing or broken but it is fun none-the-less. It's got kind of an old school feeling to it, slow leveling, dying is a huge hassle(you lose quite a bit of xp), quests/other dialogues aren't completely obvious, you need to wander around and see stuff and there is plenty to see. You are able to solo some things but it is significantly easier and faster with a group, so grab your friends or even just an acquaintance and come join me - err us.

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