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N0ctrnl 08-20-2016 10:17 PM

How many RHEL/CentOS operators out there?
So I've been all over the map over the years on Linux distros. I like all of them in their own way, and have used many over the years. Professionally, it's almost always been RHEL/CentOS/OEL, and it's the one I run my server and development stuff on, not to mention countless things I've tinkered with over the years.

Are there any like-minded individuals out there? I've been working on a not too complex script to take a CentOS 7 minimal install and turn it into a running EMU server. I'd like to think there's at least some use for it publicly, but it got me wondering what the numbers really look like.

So, do you run a Linux server? Which flavor did you pick? :)

DanCanDo 08-20-2016 10:40 PM

I'm using Debian 7.8 It's been pretty good to me. Way back when, my first linux box was
Mandrake (back in the late 90's). I did use FreeBSD for awhile but too many headaches. (chuckle)
But been using Debian since (I think) 5.X 'ish. I've found it the most solid so far, but I
can't say I have tried everything.

N0ctrnl 08-20-2016 10:45 PM

For messing around, Debian has always been a favorite. Not really a Ubuntu fan though. Been bouncing along with Red Hat and derivatives since I first started using Linux. Something about them has always just made sense to me.

DanCanDo 08-20-2016 10:49 PM

Redhat was actually something I poked into just before Debian. I don't remember why,
but something was screwing up on the install, so I said to hell with it, and set it up
with Debian instead. I kind of liked the looks of redhat, but didn't far enough to check it
all out.

rhyotte 08-22-2016 12:11 AM

I would be interested in a Cent OS script / detailed current how to. I run various linux distro's, and Cent is one that is nearly always interesting.

Akkadius 08-22-2016 01:55 AM

Linux distributions are all in a matter of flavor, they function slightly differently and have different features.

N0ctrnl 08-22-2016 02:05 AM

The main challenge is the difference in packages needed for each. After that it's all gravy.

N0ctrnl 08-22-2016 03:29 AM

Well, if anybody wants to give it a look see... https://github.com/N0ctrnl/EQEmu-CentOS7-Installer

It's pretty basic, but it'll turn a minimal install into a running server. Feedback is welcome :)

rhyotte 08-23-2016 01:14 PM

Book marked that for later. Busy at the moment, hopefully in a couple weeks things loosen up and I can give this a go.

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