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Dalthan 10-01-2004 06:23 PM

EQemu Servers
I quite everquest about a year and a half ago, maybe longer, and had started to look into Emu, but the servers were unstable back then and few people played on them. Most of the servers ran in GM mode so you could explore and summon any item and zone you wanted, and that was cool for about an hour maybe three at the most. I am now interested in playing a version of Everquest using EQemu that is as close to old world, pre luclin, as possible. Was wonder if there are any servers that are Populated, well moderated, and stable.


relorm500 10-02-2004 05:43 AM

Grand Creation is your best Friend

Cardynal Syn 10-02-2004 06:46 AM

I'd like to see a server with only the original zones, and maybe RoK. Definitely pre-Luclin. :wink: IMHO the keying quests to reach Vex Thal and the Emperor were gamebreakers. There was just too much stress to qualify the game as entertainment at that point; it was more like a job.

BarladoreVZ 10-07-2004 05:23 PM

Been looking for one of these servers too, are there any good ones ? PVP enabled of course.

maveren 10-07-2004 07:35 PM


Been looking for one of these servers too, are there any good ones ? PVP enabled of course.
Working on it atm,
PVP teams are~
Good: High Elves, Frogloks, Dwarves, Half Elves, and Halflings
Evil: Dark Elves, Trolls, Ogres, and Iksars
Neutral: Humans, Barbarians, Erudites, VahShir, Wood Elves, and Gnomes
Server will be hardcoded, no trades, groups, guilds, buffs with other teams.
Humans cannot wear magical armor, nor weild mgic items... (trust me, witht he tradeskilled human team only items, they wont be complaining!)
Custom Prefix/Model/Sufix (named) loot tables.
Old world zones only, no books, or no spires.
New home town starting positions.
New Gods/Mobs/Quests/Tradeskills
Well over 5 million Items by entitie combinations.
New spells and AAs for all classes.

Things im looking forward to are:
Augmentation, Instanced Zones, and 2-3 sided Ringwars.

Adh87 10-08-2004 01:46 AM

Mav when you get it up and running tell me ill join. sounds the best

BarladoreVZ 10-08-2004 08:22 AM

Any kind of ETA on this maveren ?

maveren 10-09-2004 09:05 AM

i just went from DR1 to DR2 and am having problems with my ISP granting me rights to gamehost atm.
Good news is, I can get it runnign to the point where i can log in but collecting from the client to my server is an important part of running the server.
TimeWarner Cable is comeing out with a new cable access package thats a bit pricy but not at all out of the avereage speed whores budget. While I hold out for the new service im working on editing the database. I have to find a way to get the items to randomize, otherwise the database will be insanely huge (over 5million custom items) if i can get a "prefix" being the style/quality of the item, "model", the standard item set, and the "sufix" unique holder.

prefix-model- sufix
Coroded-Breastplate-of Vindication
Polished-Breastplate-of Vindication
Double Edged-shortsword-of Seru

as you can see if i have 250 prefixes in the database, there would be at least 250 item entries for each unique mob. I need a way for the database to only include the 250 prefixes and pick one prefix to add to the model the named mob is holding/wearing.
prefixes will contain minor statistical info
models will contain the class/race/diety information
sufix will contain lore/magic/nodrop status as well as the unique item lore, for example (skill mods, focus effects, and added stats the would relate to the race/class of the creature)
during creation some changes will happen to what classes wear what.
Clerics:Cloth (no plate or chain) huge d&d violation, but its my world
Shamans: Leather (no plate or chain) shammys in plate, pfft?
Bards: Cloth/Leather (no plate or chain) when you can play the acordian running 30 miles an hour wearing all plate i will reconsider this decision.

As far as an ETA, play around with other servers for a bit, get some ideas, and catch me on the boards. It will be awhile, me and my gf have to get a place with access to the new services when they come out.

sotonin 10-09-2004 10:26 AM

You have to have an individual record in the items table for EACH possible item, theres no way around that. It has to fetch the info for the item from somewhere. It would be a huge task to change in all the code where it gets item info from.

maveren 10-09-2004 03:26 PM

guess ill just query them all up and pick the ones that seem appropriate.
doing a query each time i work with a mob wont be that bad, but it will cut down the items considerably. yet leaving things to add for when people start getting bored of the content, or when i make storyline changes.

jimbox114 10-09-2004 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cardynal Syn
I'd like to see a server with only the original zones, and maybe RoK. Definitely pre-Luclin. :wink: IMHO the keying quests to reach Vex Thal and the Emperor were gamebreakers. There was just too much stress to qualify the game as entertainment at that point; it was more like a job.

That was nothing compared to the absolute insane crap you had to do to go through the planar flagging quests. That was when I decided it was too much of a job and quit.

BarladoreVZ 10-09-2004 09:06 PM

Sounds good mav, hopefully you get some sort of player base... Oh and do you plan on making it a lvl 50 max ?

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