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gibroni 05-02-2010 05:43 PM

i just set up latest db, server1451, quests and maps after wiping all clean. started a new monk and am in tutorialb. copy questions about quests. first i was given a lev 1 combat ability tomb, i see there is a combat ability guy standing there, but he does nothing and eats the combat tomb if i give to him. is he suppose to give me the combat ability after giving him the tomb? second, doing goblin treachury task and killed 10 goblins it updates, killed the goblin shaman it updates, go to scout master kaikachi and he responds with text and about giving me an invis potion, but i never get the invis potion and it doesnt update the task as finished. also it seems the spelling for him saying friend is spelled wrong saying fr'nd'.

pfyon 05-02-2010 05:57 PM

Not sure about the task question, but your plugins folder could be in the wrong place. In your root server folder, you should have a plugins folder. If that's missing, it won't be able to handle any request involving plugin::

gibroni 05-02-2010 06:27 PM

thats not the issue, everything worked in the tutorial cept for the one task. i finished every task in there just fine. its just the one goblin treachury that wont finish updating at the end of it, when you go back and speak to kaikachi. he responds with the finishing text, but doesnt give the award or update the task as done.

joligario 05-02-2010 07:19 PM

You need to edit the task to update via task system rather than perl. That is something that went into the PEQ database and quest files recently. The quest files are updated on a regular basis, however the database svn is not.

As for the spelling, it is not wrong. Did you read the rest of his text? "Dat", "da", "thro'", "Maybe it keep you safe", etc.. It's a roleplaying thing.

gibroni 05-03-2010 11:41 PM

after looking at the vivian the true and kaikachi perl quest files, they were missing the quest updates to them. that was a fresh download of quest files from svn. so might want to take a look at that whoever workds on quests

joligario 05-04-2010 07:52 AM

That's because they should be handled by the task system, not perl. The change was made to the database, but you just haven't seen that change. You can update your database or just add those lines into the perl file. PEQ is fine.

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