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-   -   New pvp/pve server in the works. (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30742)

Arturon 03-05-2010 07:15 PM

New pvp/pve server in the works.
Hello, I'm a classic Tallon zek player that played on some of the EMU's. Me and some of my old friends are going to take on the challenge of a new classic/progression pve/pvp ruleset legit server. We have a very solid coder and people with good database and some programming knowledge in the group and after looking at the code we are pretty confident we can do what we want with it. We're open to suggestion on finalizing the ruleset, progression rate but here is what we have in mind:

- Box limit of two per IP
- Limited pvp while leveling
- Competitive pvp over raiding and high end item camps (pvp for spawns, no calendars)
- Zero tolerance for MQ, and I mean zero.
- GM's will NOT be players on the server.
- Gradual progression up to velious
- Fash-ish leveling speed (2x or so)
- Most items tradeable such as planar armor
- Coin loot
- Guild based pvp

More specific and less finalized ideas...

Pvp flagging: Dungeons will be hot zones with a high exp bonus, you will be flagged when you enter a dungeon at any level. Outside dungeons there will be little pvp range or no flag at all from 1-48. At 49 everyone becomes flagged at all times except for city zones, city zones would be unflagged at all times. Would need a workaround for leveling in city zones to 50, such as guards give zero exp or have 50k hps ect.

66% pvp dmg nerf for casters -- This was from live but it seemed to work pretty well until late kunark or so at least.

Binding only in city zones. Combined with the above, while limiting to casters would all but elminiate the issues of bind rushing and bind camping.

A good loot and scoot policy will be needed, again I'm up for discussion on this point. I came from tallon and played on tzvz briefly. I understand pvp and have seen the cause/effect of several iterations of the system.

So what do we need? Once we get the DB up, running, and pretty stable we need some testers. We'll have to pour over data to get resist rates where we want them. Also constructive feedback is greatly desired. We are reasonable guys, no decent idea will go unheard.

RiddlN 03-06-2010 02:42 AM

Sign me up for the testing.

fonzorelli1 03-06-2010 09:17 PM

just a suggestion/concern,

i strongly suggest you guys consider limiting the amount of "safe zones" or else your PvP may largely consist of kiddies sitting by the zone lines and jumping out to safety as needed to med/heal.

its always fun to see another pvp server, good luck and keep us updated ;)

blotto 03-06-2010 10:02 PM

I would like to test also.

RiddlN 03-07-2010 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Arturon (Post 184994)
A good loot and scoot policy will be needed, again I'm up for discussion on this point. I came from tallon and played on tzvz briefly. I understand pvp and have seen the cause/effect of several iterations of the system.

How about an immunity spell from when you die until you until you loot your corpse? It goes away upon casting or attacking, or looting... so you can drag your corpse to a safe spot.

Arturon 03-07-2010 11:30 PM

Well if we force binding to cities and make them non pvp that will take care of bind camping, I'm thinking mostly for when there is a big fight in POH for example. The losers want to get their bodies, the victors want some kind of assurance that those people wont just attack again 5 minutes later. So a sort of zone control/loot and scoot formal policy is needed to define this.

RiddlN 03-08-2010 03:00 PM

I see what you mean. I'm not sure how large your building crew is, or how large the GM base will be - but I'm curious how you might enforce this.

Arturon 03-09-2010 01:35 AM

Well like any system its going to be somewhat player driven. If a guild breaks the rules and re-enters early there will have to be some kind of accountability likewise there should be some sort of honor system for the victor to allow this stuff to happen without causing problems. The basics are pretty standard but more exact rules will probably be left up to the community. At present we have 5 people working on the project.

RiddlN 03-09-2010 04:22 AM

Anything us non-coders can do to help speed up the process? Any ETA when BETA phases will begin?

RiddlN 03-14-2010 07:16 AM

How goes the development?

Sominus 03-15-2010 06:56 PM

Server is up, its on eqemu 8.0. Loot looks good, currently playing around with EXP rates and item tables.

Feel free to try it out.

Club Zek


TheLieka 03-24-2010 01:33 AM

Sounds solid; I wish you guys the best of luck. :)


Vaklain_Kinvva 04-08-2010 06:53 AM

Still up?
Is this server still playable in the beta phase? Can't seem to find it on the server list.

Nvm found it.

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