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-   -   Hot zones not changing (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40595)

superemu 04-24-2016 02:07 AM

Hot zones not changing
Hello. I see that franklin teek is in the current release of the database, and he explains how different zones are hot zones depending on day ranges during the month. However, the actual hot zone columns in the table are not changing as time passes. Is a quest supposed to be doing this? I can't seem to find any code that actually sets the hot zone columns in the server software or the quest files. Hopefully something already exists so I don't have to code a solution myself.

NatedogEZ 04-24-2016 02:38 AM

I don't think there is but it should be really easy to write up something to change the hotzones

tigurius 05-04-2016 10:06 AM

I made a couple SQL scripts to change the hotzones up and have cron tasks on my server that switches it on schedule. Took 5 minutes to set up.

Clear current hotzones and set new ones..

UPDATE zone SET hotzone = 0;
UPDATE zone SET hotzone = 1 WHERE short_name = 'oasis';
UPDATE zone SET hotzone = 1 WHERE short_name = 'soldungb';

Verify your hotzones

SELECT short_name FROM zone WHERE hotzone = 1;
Then use crontab (linux) or some third party variant on windows to schedule these scripts to be ran at midnight or something.

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