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-   -   Bots not attacking on command (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41777)

ionhsmith 02-19-2018 09:08 PM

Bots not attacking on command
I have tried everything to get them to attack on command but nothing works. I use ^attack all , ^attack byname Name, nothing.... If i have them follow my toon they auto attack but if I have the guard so I can pull and then hit the attack button it says 2 of 2 bots attacking but they do nothing.

jaspen 02-24-2018 03:30 PM

I was going to post about this as well. A friend and I both can't get this feature to work. Like you, it will say they are attacking but are not. Likewise if you put a pet class bot on passive he will not cast but will still send in the pet. Perhaps, I am misunderstanding the passive stance.

NatedogEZ 02-25-2018 04:31 AM

If they are casters the mob needs to be under like 97% or something for them to start casting

jaspen 02-25-2018 01:59 PM

At passive I would assume they would not cast nor send pets in. The curious part was that they are sending in pets, not that they aren't casting. Once again I might be misinterpreting the passive mode.

c0ncrete 02-25-2018 02:11 PM

Without looking at the source, I think it's possible that passive mode doesn't keep a bot's hate list from being populated and that the pets aren't actually being sent in by the bot itself, but rather the default action for any NPC with a pet. Because bot code only controls the actions of the bots.

a. your bot gets hit in passive mode
b. the NPC that hit your bot is placed on your bot's hate list
c. your bot does its AI loop and decided to do nothing because passive stance
note: the NPC is still on the hate list of the bot, it just chooses no action because that's how you told it to react

separately may be happening:
a. pet does it's IA loop (not part of bot code)
b. pet checks owner's hate list
c. pet responds because it doesn't care what you said to the bot

jaspen 02-25-2018 02:31 PM

Probably the later then as whatever you attack in whatever form is what typically triggers them. They can stand there being hammered all day in any stance and they nor the pets will do anything until you target the mob.

ionhsmith 02-25-2018 03:47 PM

none of mine are working. caster or not. also when creating them male and female doesnt work they all come out male

kokey98 02-25-2018 09:21 PM

if you turn attack on with the npc targetted, it should send in the bots. let them engage before turning it off, or they retreat back.

^attack all is a bit off atm and tied to other improvements based on another thread's comments. think they said it has to do with how leash or guard was implemented, or fixing it would cause problems with current guard etc? peruse recent bot threads for the specifics, if you wish.

casting a detrimental spell at an npc, at least a nuke from personal experience, will also send in the bots.

if you didn't change stances they should be fine. if you did, make sure they are ^stance 1.

if they dont cast or do anything, your setup bots may have failed. drop and re-do, or better if you haven't done anything custom, just start with fresh db - a backup hopefully is available.

Uleat 02-25-2018 10:16 PM


You guys are over-thinking this :)

Multiple behaviors are congealing into a single issue.

The biggest, and most prevalent, issue is the change I made to 'standard' bot attack behavior.

It appears to conflict with some commands' intended behavior.

I have some of the issues worked out..but, I am waiting on additional code to be published so I can finalize and test all of the code changes
before I push them up.

I will update the pre-built binaries as well when this is tested.

Aztore 08-18-2018 03:58 PM

I just recently did a fresh install of the latest eqemu server with bots, and have run into several issues with the new commands... I took a break for a couple years and not sure what has happend but the new ^attack or ^atk commands just dont work for me... any help with this is appreciated.

Uleat 08-18-2018 05:45 PM

This was an oversight on my part.

It will be looked at in the very near future.

Huppy 08-18-2018 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Uleat (Post 259797)
This was an oversight on my part.

It will be looked at in the very near future.

Uleat for Mayor !! :)

Aztore 08-31-2018 07:54 PM

notice alot of issues with creating bot groups while messing around with my server today. not sure if this is me not knowing how to do this or a bug. I used the commands to create a group of 6 clerics and named it "clerics" then used the command ^botgroupload clerics and it isnt spawning any bots i dont know how to get them grouped again now =/ really missing the old bot code for offline play right now lolz

Uleat 09-01-2018 12:36 AM

The last time I checked the botgroup functionality was working..and I haven't made any changes to that code since.

Did you verify that the group had been created in the database?

Target the bot that you want to be leader and type: ^botgroupcreate clerics

With that same bot targeted, add each additional bot by using: ^botgroupaddmember <name> - with <name> being the name of the joining bot.

EDIT: The old wiki page for this: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Bot_Gro...m=Bot_Commands

Aztore 09-02-2018 08:18 AM

yes the bot group was created and is in the database. Ive relogged even restarted the server.. I just cant get them to spawn unless I spawn each one individually




not sure if it has anything to do with this, but the clerics were made by cloning a cleric that i fully geared out... made like 6 clones then created the group for them....

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