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laxative 12-17-2009 09:45 AM

Underfoot Release
Hi there,

Believe it or not, I'm considering this.

I've long since sold off my former accounts and I've been working on my own server when I can. However I want to start making my zones more live like as far as mob spawns and such.

Another poster had mentioned useing MQ2 to help get the data they need to populate their own emulator environment, I'm looking to do the same thing.

Is there anyone currently playing underfoot with MQ2 still working? It would be a bit of work for me to adjust my installation so I could safely run underfoot and SoF clients with differing versions of MQ2 but I'm definately intrigued by the idea.



trevius 12-20-2009 08:44 PM

MQ2 will not get the info needed to populate zones in EQEmu. MQ2 reads memory to get the info it uses, and that is of little use to our project. In the past, we had packet collectors that worked more like ShowEQ (vs working like MQ2), which read the packets coming into your EQLive connection and then make that info usable. But, even ShowEQ is of little use to us, since it doesn't really collect data in a format we can easily use.

What we need is to get the packet collector and extractor tools working again. I believe that the collector is functional now, but the extractor that then takes the info that the collector collected and puts it into the actual database is not yet functional. I think they are still working to even get it to compile properly. Once it can compile, we would still need to update all of the opcodes for Live and the packet structures as well. Some progress has been made, but it has been pretty slow and I haven't seen any updates from Andrew80k or anyone else who was working on it for a while now.

cavedude 12-20-2009 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by trevius (Post 181798)
MQ2 will not get the info needed to populate zones in EQEmu. MQ2 reads memory to get the info it uses, and that is of little use to our project. In the past, we had packet collectors that worked more like ShowEQ (vs working like MQ2), which read the packets coming into your EQLive connection and then make that info usable. But, even ShowEQ is of little use to us, since it doesn't really collect data in a format we can easily use.

Actually, MQ2 can be used to collect data, but it's similar to ShowEQ which has been great for LDoN, but will not be acceptable for any zones with grids.

laxative 12-21-2009 09:36 AM


Just wanted to provide an update and a bit of a warning. The Underfoot installation was VERY problematic and in the course of things managed to completely wipe out my emulator client.

Basically what happens is that the underfoot release is pretty intrusive about searching for your files and tries to put the station launchpad everywhere and with it's brother, it will also intrusively update the eqhosts file anywhere it is found, I have a back copy of my SoF client, and I have titanium on disk to go back to, but I haven't done it yet. I'm waiting till the underfoot environment settles down a little bit. Then I'll work on gettign MQ2 up in underfoot, then re-establish my SoF environ.


OscarGrouch05 12-24-2009 08:26 AM


I'll pick you up to speed on this after xmas.

did you happen to get sod digital download expanshion?

have your tried the launcher download from the site yet?
ya you'll end up with another dir of eq lol happy downloading
the files.

underfoot didn't get no file to download if i did i would have
been happier so i wouldn't spend alot of time getting updates blah. 80)

Rogean 12-24-2009 02:42 PM

MQ2 Would work great for collecting information on eqlive, just someone would need to create the plugin for it to do so in a format to easily import it into eqemu.

cavedude 12-24-2009 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rogean (Post 181903)
MQ2 Would work great for collecting information on eqlive, just someone would need to create the plugin for it to do so in a format to easily import it into eqemu.

Indeed. MQ2 can do a lot of useful things, people just need to get passed the idea that it is only a cheater tool.

wolfwalkereci 12-30-2009 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by cavedude (Post 181904)
Indeed. MQ2 can do a lot of useful things, people just need to get passed the idea that it is only a cheater tool.

wish more people thought like that.

Secrets 01-03-2010 02:42 AM

Seeds of Destruction/Secrets of Faydwer on Steam
Seeds of Destruction/Secrets of Faydwer on Steam seems to not have been updated since 2008, I just downloaded and the eqgame matches ShowEQ from 2008 at seeds of destruction release. Do you guys think it is possible that we could use Seeds of Destruction's client with some structure hacking?

Right now, I checked the opcodetable.h dumps from SEQ 2007-2008 expansion releases, and they appear to be exactly the same values, not sure why that is, or how much structs have changed but hey, it's worth a shot. I am going to take a look at it later tonight when the rest of the files are done downloading.

trevius 01-03-2010 03:11 AM

If we were going to bother with that, we might as well jump all of the way to Underfoot and skip SoD all together. But again, I really don't know how good of an idea it is to put a lot of work into something that is a digital download only and could potentially be changed at any time. That would leave only illegal options for obtaining the proper Underfoot client, which is something I would like to avoid at all costs.

Secrets 01-03-2010 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by trevius (Post 182297)
If we were going to bother with that, we might as well jump all of the way to Underfoot and skip SoD all together. But again, I really don't know how good of an idea it is to put a lot of work into something that is a digital download only and could potentially be changed at any time. That would leave only illegal options for obtaining the proper Underfoot client, which is something I would like to avoid at all costs.

Well, right now, the only way people are going to get an expansion past SoF is digital distribution, and I highly doubt it's going to change all of a sudden since it hasn't been updated since 2008. It's kind of a double-edged sword, because we're not going to get a box set (to our knowledge), but at the same time we'll never have anything past SoF if we don't look into alternate means of legally getting the client files.

Hell, EQ2Emulator works on steam, that's where I got this idea from. They support various versions, though, too.

The reason I think it never will change is because SOE uses the launchpad to patch the game to the live version after you download the files off of steam, and thus, unless they send a whole new client to the Steam Store for the hell of it (they haven't for ANY of their games, other than to re-release with new expansions/sets) it's probably not going to go away.

trevius 01-03-2010 11:20 PM

Well, if someone can break the new encryption for logging into the LS and then get Rogean to patch the LS code to allow the new clients, maybe I will start looking into working on Underfoot from Steam. But, there is no reason to do any work on it until the LS at least works for it.

Rogean 01-04-2010 02:58 AM

Wouldn't be able to update it anyways; I don't have the source for the crypto, only the .so for it, and Doodman refuses to give it up. We'd have to recode that entire file, but that probably isn't too difficult to do.

unity0110 01-04-2010 06:54 PM

Gathering information with MQ2 is rather easy, if you want a custom plugin to dump some zone information I'd be willing to do it for you.

OscarGrouch05 01-05-2010 06:47 AM

when installed word of advice install sof cdrom
then install sod into the same dir and login just
fine using the sof clients files.

you can buy sod online install don't patch it.

word on underfoot no they are sending you underfoot
when you download it .

now for underfoot glad to help out where needed.
if someone would pm the first opcode i would be
happy to get working on it i think i have enough
opcode info to get it running. i just don't recall
where to look at for the first opcode it's been
awhile since sof. OP_SendLoginInfo=

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