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bowmaster 11-07-2009 06:51 PM

Warning to all Servers

Maze who is a known person across emus for hacking , had a Keylogger on a Copy of MQ he sent me a 1-2year ago and got access to my main 2 acounts

And he has bveen tryin get me banned acorss multiple Servers , he has Discused this with Xempt , me and Xempt are friends and hes trold me straight away

but hes already got me banend on 1 server , Dont know how many more , So if Bowmaster1 or Bowmaster2 has got Hacks into the log , Please Enor them and Unblock me
Check your Ips etc
I have Changed my Password Since ,

I havnt touched MQ in over 8months , I Am Sorry for the hassle thanks

merls 11-08-2009 08:41 AM

LOL could of come up with a better story than that to try and get unbanned for your previous actions, YOU already admitted cheating on 5 times server and now want a 2nd chance. Lets hope the admin has more sense than to let the cheaters back on.

Secrets 11-08-2009 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by bowmaster (Post 180911)
Warning to all Servers

Maze who is a known person across emus for hacking , had a Keylogger on a Copy of MQ he sent me a 1-2year ago and got access to my main 2 acounts

And he has bveen tryin get me banned acorss multiple Servers , he has Discused this with Xempt , me and Xempt are friends and hes trold me straight away

but hes already got me banend on 1 server , Dont know how many more , So if Bowmaster1 or Bowmaster2 has got Hacks into the log , Please Enor them and Unblock me
Check your Ips etc
I have Changed my Password Since ,

I havnt touched MQ in over 8months , I Am Sorry for the hassle thanks

So let me get this straight; you downloaded a hack willingly and cheated on servers, then got a keylogger in return, and you want a second chance on servers because you downloaded a hack with a keylogger in it, right?

How do I know you are lying or not? Should I trust the respected server administrators or you?

I'm glad the cancer to this community is getting removed slowly.

Kilralpine 11-08-2009 12:11 PM

I think you would both find KMRA to be a better home - drama queens =P

kalo661 11-08-2009 01:01 PM

@ Kil.

Haha, KMRA was full of drama, but was actully decent, now just blows )

Katinka 11-08-2009 01:18 PM

You run in those circles, you get treated like those circles. Ohh poor you, a cheater was cheated =(((((((( booohoooo.


bowmaster 11-09-2009 08:54 PM

Nope i Mostly Used it for MQ MAP , Wapred a few times got bored of it very quick

I aint used it for 8months

Im just warning Server ops , while i dont play EMu that much
if my toons was logged on said crazy stuff , it isnt me

Also Secrets u can acvutlaly get your facts right,
You claim Im as Banned As you say i am , Would you like my passwords and Really see how banned i am?
1 server and 1 semi banned
out of 2-3years on EMU , and over 30+ servers played

WoW im really Banned as you say i am

Traul 11-10-2009 07:14 PM

No one gives a shit that you haven't used it in awhile, you still cheated on a damn emulator. The fact that you expect sympathy here is pretty hilarious.

KingMort 11-11-2009 01:18 AM

Wow cough going to ban him now thanks guys...

ps : F*Ck drama , going to bust down on that more thanks for telling me

Shin Noir 11-11-2009 05:31 AM

Your account is your responsibility, if you allow a program with a trojan key logger attached onto it you get to pay the consequences of what malicious acts occur from it. Lick your wounds and make a new account, remembering that anti virus, only running programs you trust, and changing your passwords regularly are common sense security measures.

Also if he used your account maliciously by logging into it, his IP would get reported and banned along with your login, not your IP. That is, unless he logs into the account and plays remotely from your machine, which sounds like a lot of work to set you up. Not to mention, posting this on EQEMU forums as a warning I dont' think is the best way to get sympathy, you're best off talking to each GM individually on the servers you get banned on as their rules are a case by case scenario.

That is, unless you got banned from login server, and in that case, you should be PMing an administrator in charge of these forums, not posting about it.

I also don't see the point of warning all servers. If anything, it should be a warning to not be like you and run programs you don't trust.

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