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Mariomario 08-01-2012 04:12 PM

Enlightened Dark Returns September 1st
As some of you have seen Enlightened Dark has been back on the server listing as locked and a new release date on September 1st. Let me first off say thank you to the developers of the PEQ DB for giving me a solid base to start with. It has helped a ton in learning scripting, mob placement and a ton of ideas. I would also like to say thank you to the several 100's who helped with testing during the on and off times since it's first release almost a year ago last September 9th. The server has undergone plenty of changes, new additions, events, quests, mobs among others since it's initial release. I planned for the release around then as I have had some setbacks regarding the Omens of War expansion, along with a new wave of ideas on how to do certain things and how to introduce further expansions. Now regarding the server here is some information.

The current content featured is the Omens of War expansion which includes 8 zones from the expansion. Instancing was done away with for now as it could be buggy at times. The zones featured are:
--Dranik's Scar: Level 35-60
--The Bloodfields: Level 55-75
--The Ruined City of Dranik: Level 65-75
--Noble's Causeway: Level 60-75
--Wall of Slaughter: Level 60-75
--Muramite Proving Grounds: Level 65-75
--Riftseekers' Sanctum: Level 70-80
--Citadel of Anguish: Level 70-80

The current level cap is 70 so don't let those ranges fool you. The level cap will be raised in the future. The server also contains almost 300 fabled mobs ranging from classic through Velious expansion. The server contains loots and spawns and quests accurate to live, but experience is accelerated, events are tweaked to be ONE groupable, and items are modified based on a scale to keep the game soloable/groupable. At no given time will you be required to need more than one solid group. Now this DOES NOT mean everything can be boxed. Some events are tricky and require the use of multiple players, not just toons.

There are custom quests developed within the server such as a trophy hunting quests for some great gear by farming fabled mobs, planar progression was completely revamped into a task based progression, custom epic 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 quests and plenty more to be experienced here on Enlightened Dark. Gates of Discord expansion was also revamped into 4 complete zones with customary events compressed from each zone into 1 zone from each of the 4 tiers of Gates of Discord so all of your favorite items are out there to be gained.

This server is not a server you will master and complete within a week or two. There is plenty of content to experience along with the new custom development to explore through. Boxing is allowed here upto 6 toons simply because of the "oh well my roommate or brother or family or whatever wants to play". This gives both people the opportunity to box 3 toons if desirable. Don't think if you're a solo player this place isn't for you as well, as there are plenty of people that would look to group together when the server was current. There is a plan in the works to make platinum effective all together creating some sort of economy and people seeking those attuneable and droppable gears.

I realize this post is pretty long, but it sums the server up along with the direction I'm attempting to bring it. I am the only GM for the server so development has been casual. There is no donation system in place and no favoritism is shown, therefore everyone will work for everything they gain. There is another month until release so until then I will continue to put effort and time into the server to bring the best solo/group progression experience possible while following the trail of live with my own twisted custom content. Feel free to ask any questions you have regarding the server in the meantime and I will answer them to the best of my ability. Can't wait to have the server live again in one month!

Amer 08-02-2012 04:26 PM


Glad to see you're still around. Good luck with the server reboot, I'll probably check it out. Shoot me a message if you need help testing or what not.


OoDemizeoO 08-02-2012 04:31 PM

Congrats man, glad to hear it! Good luck!

Mariomario 08-02-2012 06:29 PM

Thanks both of you. It's definitely crunch time and there's so much I would like to get done but finding the time to get it done is a hassle. I honestly sit at work with a note book and pen and any ideas about stuff I'll jot down that way when I get the time I've already got my guidelines, so I'll just have to get the scripting and placements down.

boweq 08-18-2012 02:29 PM

not long now mario :) , 12-13days and hopefully itll be out so i can get on and have a blast

Mariomario 08-19-2012 07:26 PM

Its definitely going to be fun, I finished with most of the tweaking for Omens and boy will you guys have quite a challenge ahead. Its going to take some team work and most likely will NOT be boxable by any means until much later on. The one group ability is still in effect, but will take some strong coordination from a solid group of 6 well rounded players, but as always the more the merrier.

boweq 08-19-2012 08:26 PM

haha Soo how far in am i going get with just my simple 3box? :) , i just hope theres gonna be people palying close to my time zone :( otherwise wont progress haha :)

Mariomario 08-20-2012 12:52 AM

Youll be able to play in most of the higher end zones like MPG and RSS, but doing the MPG trials for CoA access might be a bit hard and as far as CoA youd be able to do trash, but most if not all of the main encounters will need a solid group.

boweq 08-20-2012 05:57 PM

Ahh Cool , , gonan be fun to play again anyways

Apricoth 08-20-2012 09:57 PM

That's awesome! I am perusing a way to get things working again so I can play on these servers. Been awhile. If I can figure that out, would love to play with you guys again - or at least chat. Have you drafted the old school members into coming too? :D

Paladinsteve 08-27-2012 03:48 PM

You Planning on a Char wipe? Part of Me wishes there is one.

Mariomario 08-27-2012 05:04 PM

I have always said I would not do it, simply because those people that have put in countless hours here have also helped make the server what it is. There was no actual 'beta' phase for testing. It was just a play as you go, and before I released I played through the current available content and made fixes where necessary. I always test my content before hand and ensure things are working as they should be. Most bugs found were mostly from people doing something wrong, or me adding in a safeguard fix so people wouldn't get frustrated.

I have weighed the option of one so people who are actually top end geared don't skip right into the flagging for CoA and such, but this is also the way of the expansions on live. The current top end geared move into the end game, and other people both new and casual have new zones for obtaining slightly better gear easier. I believe this is rightfully so, considering even with all other servers, the introduction of new content you don't see a character wipe.

I realize I never really gave a direct answer, merely giving reasons about why or why not I should do a character wipe, but the fact is I will not. I don't believe in punishing those that have put in the time to reach the areas they have. Nothing has ever been given out, they have all worked for what they have achieved on their own and it should not be taken away.

boweq 08-27-2012 08:16 PM

yeahh , im glad there isnt a server wipe , i put COUNTLESS hours in my toons :), I just wish some of the olderpeople come back to the Server

and Myst Soulkeepers Becomes top guild again :-)

Mariomario 08-28-2012 01:18 PM

Only 4 more days until release. I am trying to get together as much stuff as I can possibly get done in the time frame. I am also trying to introduce as many new AAs as I can get in as well, without having to modify the source. I will be attending school for C++ and Java scripting along with database administration starting Saturday as well and going for an associates in applied sciences in Computer Information Systems.

All of this stuff intrigues me so why not make a career out of it? The more I know and learn, the more I can input into my server as well as put back into the community as well. People will just need to bare with me on the amount of content developed will not run as quickly as it once did with me having such a full schedule, but I will do the best of my ability to provide a great place for people to enjoy themselves.

boweq 08-28-2012 05:28 PM

ooohhhh New AAS?

What kind of AAs? :P

looks like , Ive got 4days to get my 4th box on live to level 95 ( 92) easy , then get some AAS and take a break to grind out on ED :D

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