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Davood 07-28-2014 02:03 PM

Where has alakamin been
actually its been available in the server list

as per

http://<br /> http://www.eqemulator...st232272<br />

there were some bugs recently discovered, I have fixed them. I am now "back on the horse" in terms of eqemu development so i will be updating this server again! yey to all of you sick masochistic dungeon crawling fans out there.

those of you who had failed item summons might find alot of stuff jammed onto their cursors when they log in. please dont be alarmed..

wolfwalkereci 07-28-2014 03:53 PM

Why the **** did you need to make a new thread the second you finished posting some stupid shit in the other, especially since both are talking about the same thing.

boweq 07-28-2014 05:02 PM

Cant seem to use #help, so cant summon bots, Seems my old pally there is unbugged and can Log him back, can you do a character inventory swap like you did when he was bugged?, Nuano into mycom thanks:) Missed the server, it needs a healthy population again

Davood 07-28-2014 05:03 PM

if the information is truly redundant - you have my most humble apology. i'm too lazy to self moderate though so you'll have to report me for abusing the messageboards.

Davood 07-28-2014 05:08 PM

mr boweq.

#help is broken? interesting.

aha i found out why.

the help min level was changed somehow. maybe i did it

ill fix it.

aside from help, the following commands are available to all users:

help (will be available after server is reset next time at 5 am tommorrow)

aleution 07-30-2014 07:00 PM

I second boweq's issue with the bots. It seems that the bot command is not working so can't spawn bots and so on. I don't know if like help this got a level set by accident or what.

Just wanted to make you aware.

Also the healer mercenary just continually spams heals on you even when you are at full health. I've seen this issue before but don't know if there is an easy fix for it.

Davood 07-30-2014 07:30 PM

the bot problem should be resolved tommorrow

i'm not familiar with mercenaries. they added that feature while i was on "passive maintenance" mode on the server. I can look at them sometime soon.

boweq 08-05-2014 07:19 AM

we need people playing on this server:),
Any new people, that start on the server or even if your in the first few tiers, I will personally do a run though Vt for gear for people:),

lets get a thrieiving Server population running again, Im on Tier 7 myself,

aleution 08-06-2014 07:52 AM

I was playing last night with a friend and we were working on Kunark progression. I am curious as to how the progression tasks get the update flags because:

We killed Queen in Chardok, he got credit, I didn't.
We killed King in Chardok, both got credit.
We killed VS in Karnor's, he got credit, I did not.

We were grouped together so it wasn't a matter of the group that got experience got credit. These aren't difficult targets and I'll go back and kill them again, however was curious as to if this happens often so we know for the future.

Davood 08-06-2014 05:11 PM

that is a strange problem aleution

to assist you.

let me ask

1. you were grouped in both cases right?
2. you both had THAT stage of the task open for completion right? (I think everything after a certain tier lets you complete out of order).
3. I wonder if having aggro makes a difference. I will test later if inactive group members get credit. I am 100% sure they did when i was doing the development work last year.
4. thank you for being specific in your problem report.. i can investigate those specific task/activities/npcs

i'm willing to bet that it is "fine" but something related to the ridiculous amount of background scripts that are running was causing the server to "phayl" somehow. it's happened before. When i have time to develop again - i will probably spend a good chunk of time re writing those background nasty spawn handling scripts.

aleution 08-06-2014 07:36 PM

We were grouped together for all three kills.

For the Queen and King in Chardok it was exactly the same group, same bots, same mercs same leader, we didn't disband just moved over to the next.

For VS in Karnor's I was group leader, using same two merc and using same two bots (both mine). I know that I had aggro on VS at one point, but not sure who he was focused on at time of kill.

I thought that Kunark tier could be completed out of order. It was the first kill of each for each of us.

Davood 08-06-2014 08:09 PM

were all of the other tasks up to that point working properly for your group?

nenelan 08-06-2014 08:13 PM

Mercs, I believe, is the issue. I have seen this on another server. 2 players, their mercs and however many bots starts going wonky. It's at least a place to start looking at.

aleution 08-06-2014 10:09 PM

Those were the only ones we had tried last night, however all the Tier 1 Tasks, Naggy, Vox, and the Plane of Fear golems had worked just fine in a group configuration.

Thorkinal 08-07-2014 06:07 AM

Might just be me, but im showing all the charm augs as having spell haste.. And the Charms themselves have either spell haste or improved dmg 5.

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