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Dispair2 01-16-2008 01:51 AM

All in one editor
Instead of cluttering someone else's post i figured i would create my own for my little project, as of this moment i am putting together an all in one editor for items, Merchants, quests, characters, and items if their is anything you think i should add to this to make my life more interesting please drop me an email at rmiller@dnetpa.com and i will try to add the information.

TheLieka 01-16-2008 07:39 AM

While I'm not against this idea, wouldn't it be easier to join an existing effort rather than having 500 tools being developed by 500 different devs? Create an elite task force of tool developers and take over the tool world! ;)


Dispair2 01-16-2008 09:03 AM

That is actually a great Idea!
However, that would involve everyone knowing the same languages. And so far it seams that out of the 100 devs working on these 5 projects their are 200 different programming languages. I know vb.net if anyone who knows vb.net has an interest in helping me or someone who knows java wants to help the guy doing spell editor in java, or anyone else then i am sure none would complain.:)

I listed my original needs for help decoding the spells files and apparently all the things involved in this project are going to require some deciphering i have spent all day trying to find a way to sort the items db by type however their are 56 types and if i search for item type X i get a list that spans all item types, maybe it is just me but when this was originally done item type 0 should have been one type and 1 another and so on maybe i am just missing the connection so far and when i find it that will be a good day.

Programming is 10% coding and 90% figuring how the last guy did it.

AndMetal 01-16-2008 06:09 PM

I think a 1 stop shop utility would be great.

I started something like this using PHP, mainly to make it easier to maintain servers (especially my own). I haven't done much with it recently, but eventually wanted to turn it into a do everything utility, although that can be somewhat difficult for just 1 person :D Part of it will eventually incorporate a spell editor, which should make it easier to modify & distribute spell_us.txt spells on the fly.

I called the compilation "custom" and just recently got it onto Sourceforge.

Dispair2 01-17-2008 03:55 AM

yes it is allot of work, i am trying save some time by salvaging and upgrading different things from this site however that is proving to be very difficult because i do not have a copy of vb6 and i believe their are control arrays in some of the code that prevent me from upgrading to vb.net 2k8 not to mention other things that 2k8 does not like. :cool:

Dispair2 01-19-2008 09:59 AM

I promised to have something by yesterday or today so here it is, it is not much but it will let you search the items table and shows some what how the interface will look when complete, i am waiting on sourceforge so i put it on my own hosting until sourceforge approves me.

Download link is:

EQ Editor

This does require .net 2.0 and ODBC 3.51, ODBC is included in the install directory of the application

Dispair2 01-19-2008 10:52 AM

Other Info
Some other things that you should know before you test this application out.

This program uses a XML file to store connection data much the same as EQEMU when you first run the application it will come up with a dialog box and ask for your settings, so their is no need to create the file by hand in fact you should NEVER touch the Settings.XML file that this application creates it is self managed and i have not created any error code yet that will fix the file if it becomes damages. You have to delete and start over creating a new XML file.

My new deadline for getting this application more functional will be 1 week out. So Jan 26 08, ANYONE that wants to help with this project please email me at the above link.

Dispair2 01-20-2008 05:30 AM

Update on last publish
Just so everyone who is downloading this knows, this application had an error i was unaware of when i pushed it out. When you close the application it continues to run in the back ground, the only explanation i have for this is that it must be an error in vb.net 2008. I tried very hard for the rest of the night after discovering it only to find that the one function that would resolve this was removed in 2008.

Well after some playing with the code i was able to fix this issue by starting a separate class and branching from there, anyone demoing the current version please be advised that the error will not be resolved until the next publish Jan 26 2008.

sesmar 01-21-2008 12:35 AM

I just happen to of noticed this project today and I noticed that you are using ODBC for the DB connection. I was just wondering if you had a specific reason why you wanted to use ODBC over the ADO.Net MySql drivers you can get from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/net/5.0.html . In my experience ADO.Net is much faster and easier to work with than ODBC. Well, I will check this out and look forward to future versions.

Dispair2 01-21-2008 12:21 PM

I didn't know about these drivers. Thank you for the information i will look into it. Also, It this a separate install like ODBC, or can it be included with the app build?

sesmar 01-21-2008 12:34 PM

All you need to do is reference the MySql.Data.Dll in your project and when you create your install package it will include it as a dependency, all the clients need is the DLL for it to work.

GeorgeS 01-21-2008 07:21 PM

Will MySql.Data.Dll also apply to VB6 as well?


sesmar 01-21-2008 10:51 PM

I do not believe so. It is a ADO.NET implementation of the MySql Data Connector.

Dispair2 01-22-2008 10:02 AM

That sounds great i have not had time to test it yet as i just started a new job, however if it works as great as it sounds i will absolutely use it as it is one less thing that must be installed with applet nt to mention the faster access time.

Dispair2 01-26-2008 12:50 PM

The newest version will be released tonight around 10 PM, it still has really no functionality short of search. I have however fixed all known errors and also changed to the ado.net drivers for mysql instead of odbc, So no second download to get it to work. Also i have changed around the gui to make it more user friendly and got all but the race's fields working, I have decided to remove the race field as their would be so many race's that this would not be practical.

The application has had to "Officially" move up to the .net 3.5 framework as even when set to 2.0 it still uses 3.5. When installing it prompts you to download 3.5 so this is not a big issue.

I have added some code that will create a table in peq database to read item types from, it simply reads an included excel file and then creates the table, if the table and the excel file are not available then the field is unusable.

The application still reads from and creates the settings.xml file and i plan to in the future read and make editable the eqemu settings file.

Please look over this application and let me know how you think it is comming along. any errors or suggestions please send me a PM here as that is the fastest way to get in touch with me. :D

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