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-   -   Installation missing zlib-ng1.dll (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=43207)

Diamatr 02-24-2021 01:02 PM

Installation missing zlib-ng1.dll

I am trying to install the egemu server to create my private server. The eqemu install bat starts fine and then somewhere mid point it ask for the above file. I have looked at the zlib download and that does not contain that file. So I am abit stuck whether this file is included and how to get it/fix it.

The installation was based on a clean windows 10 installation.

When I run world.exe it states the same message.

I hoping for help :-).

Huppy 02-24-2021 01:21 PM

zlib-ng1.dll ?

Are you sure about the name of that file ? I've never heard of it personally and can't even find it existing on the internet, lol. Zlib1.dll makes more sense.

Diamatr 02-24-2021 01:26 PM

Absolutely. I did the same search both on the web and the forum and got to the same conclusion as you. I havent figured out how to put a screen shot in this forum, but I have it :-).

Diamatr 02-24-2021 01:28 PM

What is weird is that I tried yesterday to install on an "unclean/old" windows installation. There it hadnt that issue, it had some other ones. So I started today on a clean installation and then this problem pops up

joligario 02-24-2021 02:31 PM

It’s new as of yesterday. Should be in the bin folder.

Bytebait 02-24-2021 02:36 PM

I can confirm. Clean Win10 install with the first thing ran as admin was the eqemu_install bat file.

Diamatr 02-24-2021 02:48 PM

I just downloaded a new installer - ran it. Same mistake as Bytebait again. The Zlib-ng1.dll is not in the bin file.

DolemiteW 02-24-2021 08:21 PM

Same boat here. Somewhere we can grab this?

Zandig 02-24-2021 11:13 PM

Same issue here.
Just updated my Windows server to the commits on Feb 23, 2021.

Grabbed the latest commit with the perl script: eqemu_server.pl
and selecting: windows_server_latest

and now get this error when trying to start the sever:

Running the perl script again: eqemu_server.pl
results in this error:

* zlib-ng1.dll is not found in the bin folder

I submitted an issue ticket on the Github

Huppy 02-25-2021 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Zandig (Post 266209)
Grabbed the latest commit with the perl script: eqemu_server.pl
and selecting: windows_server_latest

Did you try [fetch_dlls] with that perl script to see if it grabbed that file? Also, did you try grabbing the latest "stable" binaries, as opposed to the latest unstable ?

Diamatr 02-25-2021 08:38 AM

I have looked at eqemu github. They are aware of the problem. So I guess nothing we can do at the moment until they have approved a new solution.

Zandig 02-25-2021 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Huppy (Post 266213)
Did you try [fetch_dlls] with that perl script to see if it grabbed that file? Also, did you try grabbing the latest "stable" binaries, as opposed to the latest unstable ?

Yes - I tried fetch_dlls. No go.

Grabbing the stable binaries results in a 0 byte file [master_windows_build.zip] and thus errors out in the script as follows:


Enter a command #> windows_server_download
[Update] Fetching Latest Windows Binaries...
[Download] Saved [updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip] from [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Akkadius/eqemu-install-v2/master/master_windows_build.zip]
[Update] Fetched Latest Windows Binaries...
[Update] Extracting... ---
format error: file is too short
 at c:/strawberry/perl/vendor/lib/Archive/Zip/Archive.pm line 692.
        Archive::Zip::Archive::_findEndOfCentralDirectory(Archive::Zip::Archive=HASH(0x2d63ff8), IO::File=GLOB(0x2d7b570)) called at c:/strawberry/perl/vendor/lib/Archive/Zip/Archive.pm line 591
        Archive::Zip::Archive::readFromFileHandle(Archive::Zip::Archive=HASH(0x2d63ff8), IO::File=GLOB(0x2d7b570), "updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip") called at c:/strawberry/perl/vendor/lib/Archive/Zip/Archive.pm line 559
        Archive::Zip::Archive::read(Archive::Zip::Archive=HASH(0x2d63ff8), "updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip") called at eqemu_server.pl line 2130
        main::unzip("updates_staged/master_windows_build.zip", "updates_staged/binaries/") called at eqemu_server.pl line 1614
        main::fetch_latest_windows_binaries() called at eqemu_server.pl line 1054
        main::show_menu_prompt() called at eqemu_server.pl line 625
        main::check_for_world_bootup_database_update() called at eqemu_server.pl line 123
read error at eqemu_server.pl line 2131.

Huppy 02-25-2021 12:17 PM

Once in a blue moon, a little unexpected glitch happens with that installer, but it's kind of like the good old days playing on live. Need a patch to fix the patch that broke the patch, hahaha
I always compile my own stuff, but I usually wait for awhile after an update. I want to see what side effects everyone has with the "vaccine". ;)

Diamatr 02-25-2021 01:04 PM

Out of curiosity, how long does it normally take to get a fix like into the installer? I am keen to get into the eq game again :-)

Huppy 02-25-2021 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Diamatr (Post 266224)
Out of curiosity, how long does it normally take to get a fix like into the installer? I am keen to get into the eq game again :-)

I don't want to answer that too loosely, lol, but they are usually on it after priorities of RL are done for the day(or two), haha

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