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Expletus 09-30-2011 03:07 PM

botinventory error
receiving the following error.


KEY FK_botinventory_1 (BotID),

I've tried to drop the table, re-download the whole sql's and followed several other search threads on the forum. No matter what I do, I can't get past it not creating the botinventory table.

joligario 09-30-2011 03:18 PM

That doesn't look like an error. That looks like partial sql.

Expletus 09-30-2011 03:20 PM


[Err] 1005 - Can't create table '.\peq\botinventory.frm' (errno: 121)
[Err] CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS botinventory (
BotInventoryID integer unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
BotID integer unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
SlotID integer signed NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ItemID integer unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
charges tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT 0,
color integer unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
augslot1 mediumint(7) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
augslot2 mediumint(7) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
augslot3 mediumint(7) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
augslot4 mediumint(7) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
augslot5 mediumint(7) unsigned DEFAULT 0,
instnodrop tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (BotInventoryID),
KEY FK_botinventory_1 (BotID),
[Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
Sorry this is the navicat error.

joligario 09-30-2011 03:38 PM

Table 'bots' created ok?

Expletus 09-30-2011 04:09 PM

Yea, in the command prompt the only thing that won't create is the botinventory table. In game I can summon bots and everything, they just won't equip items or respond to #bot inventory list. Says bot.inventory table not created or something.

joligario 09-30-2011 07:59 PM

That's a duplicate key error message. It could have been left over in the innodb entries from a previous drop command. Did you previously have the regular database and just modify it with the bots sql?

Expletus 09-30-2011 08:16 PM

Not sure what you mean. It was from a fresh bot server install. Sourced everything in and ran all the update sqls. Everything w/the bot works except the inventory table.

Expletus 10-01-2011 12:54 PM

Still having this issue...

Expletus 10-02-2011 07:18 PM

ERROR 1005 (HY000): Can't create table '.\peq\botinventory.frm (errno:121)

HimoShifu 10-06-2011 06:07 PM

I'm looking for a fix on this myself.

Congdar 10-06-2011 06:38 PM

i just followed these steps and everything sourced in without errors. this will get you a fresh install, but you will lose anything you already have.

from the database svn, download everything. http://projecteqdb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
go to the peqdatabase folder where you downloaded everything to on your system
extract peqdb_rev2022.sql from peqdb_rev2022.sql.gz
open a command window in the peqdatabase folder
mysql -u root -p
drop schema peq;
create database peq;
\u peq
source peqdb_rev2022.sql;
source load_player.sql;
source load_bots.sql;

Expletus 10-07-2011 10:32 AM

All I know is I swapped some lines in the load_bots.sql and got the error on bot guilds part instead of the inventory. Something along the 3rd or 4th line of that doesn't wanna play nice. Bots work fine now, just can't join a guild. 8)

Congdar 10-07-2011 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by Expletus (Post 203781)
All I know is I swapped some lines in the load_bots.sql

so don't do that.

Expletus 10-07-2011 03:56 PM

That is the only way I could get the botinventory table to be created. Where the botinventory is in the load_bots.sql, i just swapped that w/the guild portion and the guild portion now has the error from above.

I can live w/out the bot in a guild, the inventory would be bleh.

lerxst2112 10-07-2011 04:16 PM

If you started from scratch and created the database by sourcing peqdb_rev2022.sql, then load_player.sql, then load_bots.sql you should not be receiving an error. I just tested it again, and if you do the steps in that order it works.

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