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Furinex 03-12-2008 01:15 AM

Bazaar and Trader Problems
I am a Server Manager onboard my ship, I run the EQ server for the crew. I had a few questions, I seem to be a bit stumped by why Im getting this message. I can successfully do all of the following: get on the wooden stand points (where you have to be to be in trader mode), get Trader Satchles, put items in it, price them and set price. Now when I hit begin Trader, it gives me an Error saying... "to begin trader mode, you must be standing under one of the rows of the trader stalls." Now I know what this means, I gotta be standing on the rows of the trader stalls (duh) but I am. Hell I've walked all over the zone looking for the spot that will allow me to do it and I cant really find it. Now im running the "new" bazaar, Should I delete the file and have it revert back to the old bazaar and try it? or does it just not work? or is there somethign in the database I can change? or is there a Presice spot to go and it works? Or what... any help would be great.

cavedude 03-12-2008 01:23 AM

It doesn't work. We are missing most of the Bazaar opcodes, and the code supporting it is half-implemented/broken for our current client. I've been working on getting the missing opcodes, but have met with limited success. Though, I have found something very odd, you can start trader mode if you are against the wall in the Red section. Anwywhere else, including the blue section does not work for me at all. Though, you can only start trader mode you can't do anything else. Years ago Bazaar worked (mostly) on EQEmu, I'd love for it to work again.

Knightly 03-12-2008 07:31 PM


you can start trader mode if you are against the wall in the Red section
Shot in the dark here, but does this correspond to one of the spots you could be a trader in for the OLD bazaar zone?

Furinex 03-12-2008 09:23 PM

Well, I tried it today, Going into the red section and sliding up against the wall and hitting trader mode... then begin trader. It didnt give me the error message in the trader window but it also didnt set my name as "Trader <name>" either. So Im thinking it really didnt do anything besides not give me the error, I could be wrong tho.

cavedude 03-12-2008 11:06 PM

I said it doesn't work ;)


Shot in the dark here, but does this correspond to one of the spots you could be a trader in for the OLD bazaar zone?
It lines up perfectly I bet, the little code we do have was meant for the old zone.

Furinex 03-13-2008 04:15 AM

Well... have you all tried deleting or backing up the new Bazaar file and allow it to load the old one and trying it there to see if it works any better?

cavedude 03-13-2008 04:19 AM

As I said above:

It doesn't work. We are missing most of the Bazaar opcodes, and the code supporting it is half-implemented/broken for our current client.

Furinex 03-13-2008 03:15 PM

Thats really a shame, Thank you for the input tho cavedude. Any updates on this issue would be appreciated. We only have about 279 people on board the ship and about 30 of em play, so it would be annoying to have to do it old school and spam wares in a channel.

On another note... Is there any good custom vendor scripts floating around? I ran a search but I came up pretty short... something to make it a bit easier to get armor and weapons with a lack of people... Wouldnt be the bazaar but it would definately help substituting it...

ChaosSlayer 03-13-2008 03:18 PM

bazar IMHo is booring =)
specialy if you don't have 3k+ server population

but server wide /auction channel would be nice

Furinex 03-13-2008 07:38 PM

Well the bazaar would help out some of the players on my server get wares to eachother, Consider alot of people play at different times due to work schedules... The channel could only work for those people online, where as if people could set up thier traders, they could sell goods in thier off time.

AndMetal 03-14-2008 05:20 AM

I know it's not the ideal solution, but you may want to see about adding a small Bulletin Board on the same box as the emulator for others to post what they have available, that way at least everyone can find out who has what, and from there can figure out how to get it to each other.

To be honest, I wouldn't hold your breath on support for the Bazaar. It'll probably be available eventually, but probably not anytime soon without the opcodes & structures.

gernblan 05-21-2008 03:14 AM

Anyone got the struct for the "trader" table handy? I just want the server log error messages to go away for now. So I am wondering if I can get the struct for that table so I can at least create it.


trevius 05-21-2008 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by Furinex (Post 144552)
Well, I tried it today, Going into the red section and sliding up against the wall and hitting trader mode... then begin trader. It didnt give me the error message in the trader window but it also didnt set my name as "Trader <name>" either. So Im thinking it really didnt do anything besides not give me the error, I could be wrong tho.

I am curious about something here... What if the person who enters trader mode using the info provided then used the "/becomenpc" command? I am rebuilding my play PC (on the linux server atm) so I can't test it out. But, I noticed that when you use the /becomenpc command, it puts "Trader" in front of your name. So, maybe that part of the code is actually for the bazaar, or could be used in getting it working? Of course, I think only a GM of certain account status level can use the command, but it might be worth looking into to see what happens. I know for sure that when you /becomenpc, you become a merchant that is selling nothing... Sounds like it might be just the right fit lol. Wouldn't that be sweet if it was all there all along lol?

I am definitely gonna check it out once I get a chance, just to see what happens. I would at least think it could get this 1 step closer. Then again, it still sounds like we would need an actual table for items that are for sale. Unless it just adds them to the merchant tables.

Derision 09-09-2008 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by cavedude (Post 144500)
It doesn't work. We are missing most of the Bazaar opcodes, and the code supporting it is half-implemented/broken for our current client. I've been working on getting the missing opcodes, but have met with limited success. Though, I have found something very odd, you can start trader mode if you are against the wall in the Red section. Anwywhere else, including the blue section does not work for me at all. Though, you can only start trader mode you can't do anything else.

Thought I'd bump this old thread rather than start a new one.

I've been pouring over live packet traces and disassembly trying to figure out how the hell the client knew you where on a trader stall. I thought at first there would be a packet sent when you moved on/off them, then perhaps maybe there was a flag in the position update packets.

Turns out the trader platforms are doors! The client is looking for you to be standing on a door with opentype 155 or 153. The database has half of them as opentype 154, which is why Cavedude got the client to accept trader mode in some places and not others.

I found the main Bazaar processing routine in the client and a couple of opcodes. The couple of structs I have looked at so far seem the same as is currently used in zone/trading.cpp, so I think it should be possible to get this functional again with a bit of work.

The old trader table is defined in the SourceForge CVS, in the SQL-Files directory.


mysql> describe trader ;
| Field    | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| char_id  | int(10) unsigned    | NO  | PRI | 0      |      |
| item_id  | int(10) unsigned    | NO  |    | 0      |      |
| item_cost | int(10) unsigned    | NO  |    | 0      |      |
| slot_id  | tinyint(3) unsigned | NO  | PRI | 0      |      |

So_1337 09-09-2008 03:31 PM

If anyone can do it, you can. Bravo.

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