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-   -   Locking Server & Granting specific account access (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41963)

kris1 07-10-2018 07:49 PM

Locking Server & Granting specific account access
I can't seem to find anything in the PEQ DB that is obviously for locking the server. My goal is to lock the server and set my and my friends accounts to have a different value from standard that allows them in.

Is this possible?
Is there a better way?

Thanks in advance.

Nightrider84 07-10-2018 09:10 PM

Basically when you lock the server you need to set your friends accounts to GM or Admin status, that allows them to bypass the lock server if I remember correctly.

Easy way to tell if it works is just lock it and login with your admin account.

If it goes through your all set.

Also to save yourself the trouble of doing that you can always just set yourself up with a private login server.

When you compile the server it gives you the loginserver option.

And they can login to your server directly skipping the eqemu login system all together.

It's just a couple of tweeks to the eqemu_config file.

Here is what mine looks like for a dual login setup


<!-- Only specify these two if you really think you need to. (read: You don't) -->
<address>Your external IP here</address> -->
<localaddress>your local ip address</localaddress> -->

<!-- Loginserver information. add Admin and Password for private login to show up --->
<host>your local ip here</host>
<account>your server login</account>
<password>your server password</password>
<host>login.eqemulator.net</host>----Ignore if you want to skip eqemu login server

<!-- Server status. Default is unlocked -->
<!-- <unlocked/> -->

<!-- Sets the ip/port for the tcp connections. Both zones and console (if enabled). Defaults are shown -->
<tcp ip="" port="9001" telnet="enable"/>
<telnet ip="" port="9000" enabled="true"/>

<!-- Sets the shared key used by zone/launcher to connect to world -->
<key>some long random string</key>

<!-- Enable and set the port for the HTTP service. Defaults are shown -->
<http port="9080" enabled="true" mimefile="mime.types" />

<!-- Chatserver (channels) information. Defaults shown -->

<!-- Mailserver (in-game mail) information. Defaults shown -->


<!-- Sets port range for world to use to auto configure zones -->
<ports low="7000" high="7200"/>

<!-- Database configuration, replaces db.ini. Defaults shown -->


<!-- Launcher Configuration -->
<!-- <logprefix>logs/zone-</logprefix> -->
<!-- <logsuffix>.log</logsuffix> -->
<!-- <exe>zone.exe or ./zone</exe> -->
<!-- <timers restart="10000" reterminate="10000"> -->

<!-- File locations. Defaults shown -->
<!-- <spells>spells_us.txt</spells> -->
<!-- <opcodes>opcodes.conf</opcodes> -->
<!-- <logsettings>log.ini</logsettings> -->
<!-- <eqtime>eqtime.cfg</eqtime> -->
<!-- Directory locations. Defaults shown -->
<!-- <maps>Maps</maps> -->
<!-- <quests>quests</quests> -->
<!-- <plugins>plugins</plugins> -->

Also you need to change your launch file to something like this

@echo off
start loginserver.exe
start world.exe
echo Waiting for the world to finish loading before starting zones...
ping -n 10 > nul
start queryserv.exe
start ucs.exe
start eqlaunch.exe zone

kris1 07-10-2018 10:38 PM

I can't seem to find where you set the server to "Locked"

I have an "eqgame.exe" shortcut made that goes to a private login. But it still shows up and is accessible in the EQEmu login server.

Also, I can't seem to gt the changes I make in Heidi to take affect in my server. I exported a settings file. got a .txt file. I put that in the root directory for the
server...IDK if that's where it goes, but i have not come across directions on that.

Thank you for your help.

kris1 07-10-2018 10:44 PM

I can't seem to find where you set the server to "Locked"

I have an "eqgame.exe" shortcut made that goes to a private login. But it still shows up and is accessible in the EQEmu login server.

Also, I can't seem to gt the changes I make in Heidi to take affect in my server. I exported a settings file. got a .txt file. I put that in the root directory for the
server...IDK if that's where it goes, but i have not come across directions on that.

Thank you for your help.

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