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-   -   A Classical Server Beta testing, Needs help finishing 2 zones before going live. (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39033)

rlie_0 11-21-2014 06:51 PM

A Classical Server Beta testing, Needs help finishing 2 zones before going live.
Hey guys, Rlie here again. Just wanted to say I've made changes and updates to my server and I wanted to know what you guys think.

Recently I had beta testing open up to Velious. This project is a massive undertaking so I down sized the open beta testing down to just Classic and Kunark, as these 2 expansions will be seen much sooner then Velious will be, if Velious will be at all.

A Classical Server is now open for testing, PM here or Email EQClassical@gmail.com for spell_us.txt, skill caps, base stats, and gobal load files!

What would I suggest for logging into this server? Well a new copy of EQ titanium (or any at this point) is best. Once you have this NEW EQ install, back it up! Then delete Lavastorm.eqg and Nektous.eqg files (these are revamp versions of the zones. Contact me for the recent up to date files.

What has been done?:

Most of the looks and feels. Quests is an on going project and Id like the local community to test and check this out. Snake, skeletons, etc, have been transformed into their former models. Items that were revamped (added focus effects) have been un-vamped, Items also no longer have augmentation slots. Bard songs now share the same effects window as normal buffs. There has been an add-on zone to help new players, The Tutorial zone! Gotta log in to check it out!

The goal of the server:

The goal of this server is to avoid for the most part completely removing and/or nerfing of any items that were out during the course of this games legendary career. Nerfed items like Wurmslayer going from both hands to just the main hand will not happen on my server! Manastones, and DE illusion masks that were usable by all classes has also made its come back and is never to be lost again! That Moss Covered Twig, Fungus staffs, Rod of Annotation have made their way back into the hands of their owners once again, and this time, its to stay! No more will there be a dead line, a lock down on select items. Now new and old players will have the same opportunities to capture these items once and for all!

Whats currently being worked on, and would like help with?:
2 zones, a complete mess! The zones Cazic-Thule, and Paw. If anyone knows how to do this stuff and would like to be a part of the team, Id be happy to have you come aboard and help in assisting in placement of mobs, loot table settings etc for these 2 zones and other issues as they come up!

If you would like to see what I got going on and, would like to look around and see what it looks like how it feels and even give a part to it, id be happy to have you! Log in, look around, if you like what you see, ask for updated files to see the full effects of the server and just have fun! Once Paw and CT zones are cleaned up and set, this server is going live, a website is going up for more FAQ, forum support and kick this project into a live progression like state starting with Classic EQ, to Kunark, and MAYBE even Velious!

Thanks for reading hope to see you there!

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