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Mistmaker 03-06-2017 09:34 AM

Potimea remove raid

Anyone able to help me remove raid requirements on the potimea script?

function event_enter_zone(e)
-- load the current qglobals
local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.self);
if ( qglobals["time_emote"] == nil and e.self:Admin() < 10 ) then
eq.world_emote(15, "The earth rumbles, sky thunders, volcanoes erupt, and tidal waves crash as the Gods prepare their armies for battle. The first of the mortals have obtained the power to cross into the Plane of Time!");

function event_click_door(e)
local door_id = e.door:GetDoorID();
local player_list = nil;
local player_list_count = nil;
local raid = e.self:GetRaid();
local HasLockout = 0;
local NotLocked = 0;
-- make sure the player_list is clear
player_list = nil;
player_list_count = nil;
if ((door_id >= 8 and door_id <=12) and (raid.valid or e.self:Admin() > 80)) then
-- determine if the player is in an instance already
local instance_id = eq.get_instance_id("potimeb",0);
-- should never be nil, but just in case.
if (instance_id == nil or instance_id == 0) then
-- check for lockout qglobal on whole raid.
player_list = raid;
player_list_count = raid:RaidCount();
if (player_list ~= nil) then
-- cycle through raid and check lockouts
for i = 0, player_list_count - 1, 1 do
local client_v = player_list:GetMember(i):CastToClient();
if (client_v.valid) then
qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(client_v);
if (e.self:Admin() <= 80 and qglobals["potimeb_lockout"] ~= nil) then
e.self:Message(13, client_v:GetCleanName().." has a lockout");
HasLockout = HasLockout + 1;
--Anyone in raid had a lockout
if (HasLockout > 0) then
e.self:Message(13, "There are "..HasLockout.." players in your raid with a lockout");
--keeping notes for a while
eq.set_global("TimeHack_Lock",""..HasLockout,5,"D5 ");
NotLocked = player_list_count - HasLockout;
eq.set_global("TimeHack_NotLock",""..NotLocked,5," D5");
--No lockouts, create instance
-- the instance is only good for 13 hours (46800 seconds).
instance_id = eq.create_instance("potimeb",0,46800);
-- create a qglobal for status tracking
eq.set_global(instance_id.."_potimeb_status","Phas e1",7,"H13");
if (raid.valid) then

--Player is part of an instance
if (instance_id > 0) then
local phase = eq.get_qglobals()[instance_id .. '_potimeb_status'];

e.self:Message(10, "The portal, dim at first, begins to glow brighter.");
e.self:Message(10, "The portal flashes briefly, then glows steadily.");
-- Send them to their instance
-- If past Phase 3, move them to their current phase
if ( phase == "Phase6" ) then
e.self:MovePCInstance(223, instance_id, 337, 1, 8, 64);
elseif ( phase == "Phase5" ) then
e.self:MovePCInstance(223, instance_id, -358, 0, 4, 64);
elseif ( phase == "Phase4" ) then
e.self:MovePCInstance(223, instance_id, -382, -11, 349, 62);
elseif ( phase == "Phase3" ) then
e.self:MovePCInstance(223, instance_id, 681, 1113, 496, 56);
-- Not past phase 3, spawn in individual trials
if (door_id == 8) then
-- GetDoorID = 8 : Air Trial
e.self:MovePCInstance(223, instance_id, -36, 1352, 496, 62);
elseif (door_id == 9) then
-- GetDoorID = 9 : Water Trial
e.self:MovePCInstance(223, instance_id, -51, 857, 496, 62);
elseif (door_id == 10) then
-- GetDoorID = 10 : Earth Trial
e.self:MovePCInstance(223, instance_id, -35, 1636, 496, 62);
elseif (door_id == 11) then
-- GetDoorID = 11 : Fire Trial
e.self:MovePCInstance(223, instance_id, -55, 569, 496, 62);
elseif (door_id == 12) then
-- GetDoorID = 12 : Undead Trial
e.self:MovePCInstance(223, instance_id, -27, 1103, 496, 62);
e.self:Message(13, "You are not in a raid.");

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