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Nerdgasm 05-17-2020 12:03 PM

EoC seems down...
Have been trying to logon for a day or so and it's saying it's down... anyone else have this issue?

Shiny151 05-17-2020 02:12 PM

No issues here; I just tested it.

Nerdgasm 05-17-2020 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Shiny151 (Post 264966)
No issues here; I just tested it.

Weird, I'm getting a;

This site can’t be reached

eoc.akkadius.com took too long to respond.

Def have internet connection, no proxy servers, firewall disabled on the server PC, and both PC's can't connect.

Nerdgasm 05-17-2020 03:06 PM

Hmm. Still not working, reset chrome, tried different browsers, refreshed IP, flushed DNS, everything I can think of... Any ideas?

Shiny151 05-17-2020 08:12 PM

Try deleting the user account completely from your mysql/users table and run the query again to create it; I remember long ago I had a similar problem and that fixed it.

Nerdgasm 05-17-2020 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Shiny151 (Post 264974)
Try deleting the user account completely from your mysql/users table and run the query again to create it; I remember long ago I had a similar problem and that fixed it.

Did that and notta. =/.

Shiny151 05-17-2020 11:55 PM

What about using a different ISP? Like a mobile hotspot or using a laptop on another WiFi network? Just to narrow down what the issue might.

Nerdgasm 05-18-2020 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Shiny151 (Post 264986)
What about using a different ISP? Like a mobile hotspot or using a laptop on another WiFi network? Just to narrow down what the issue might.

Tried it with PDANet and no luck. Laptop can't either... Ain't that the damnest thing...

Huppy 05-18-2020 03:48 AM

You try pinging it ?

C:\Users\Huppy>ping eoc.akkadius.com

Pinging eoc.akkadius.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=56

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 45ms, Maximum = 48ms, Average = 46ms

Nerdgasm 05-18-2020 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Huppy (Post 265004)
You try pinging it ?

C:\Users\Huppy>ping eoc.akkadius.com

Pinging eoc.akkadius.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=48ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=47ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=56

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 45ms, Maximum = 48ms, Average = 46ms

Well there's a answer; 'Destination port unreachable'

N0ctrnl 05-18-2020 04:39 PM

I been using it the last few days with no issue...

Nerdgasm 05-18-2020 09:09 PM

Well this is fun, I restart my router and it works for about 10 minutes and goes back to connection timed out... -.-

Shiny151 05-19-2020 11:30 AM

Sounds like your gateway is self-configuring somehow. Do you happen to know if your router firmware has been recently updated? (sometimes your ISP will push new updates on a reboot).

Nerdgasm 05-19-2020 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by Shiny151 (Post 265013)
Sounds like your gateway is self-configuring somehow. Do you happen to know if your router firmware has been recently updated? (sometimes your ISP will push new updates on a reboot).

It's Xfinity, wouldn't surprise me if they did some dumb shit. Lol. 3AM every morning it goes down and looks for updates. I'm good with techy stuff, but when it comes with networking and shit, I got nothing.

Nerdgasm 05-19-2020 03:17 PM

It was def Xfinity, they have a allow access page and it was asking if I wanted Akka's EoC to be let through... lol...

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