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trevius 01-14-2013 08:27 AM

Rain of Fear comes to EQEmu!
As many people already know, the Rain of Fear client was recently added to Steam as well as a Free to Play (F2P) client download. The EQEmu Devs have been working on making this new client compatible with EQEmu and the majority of the work is already done. It shouldn't be much longer before the client is fully compatible (at least as much as Underfoot is anyway).

Both downloads are for the same client, so you can get RoF for free here:
Steam F2P Download Page

If you have Steam, you will be given the option to open it up in Steam and you can download it from there. If you do not have Steam installed, you will have the option to install it. Install it and then get the client from within Steam.
Once the client is downloaded, move the Everquest F2P folder to another location so it doesn't get patched by Steam at any point. Make sure not to start the client using the installed desktop icons. You do NOT want to patch the client to Live!
Then just follow the normal EQEmu client setup instructions here:
Getting Started Guide

It is recommended that everyone download this client now while it is available just in case something changes and it is no longer available or in case it gets patched on Steam, which would affect its compatibility with EQEmu.

As mentioned, there are still a few issues remaining to be worked out. You can follow the development of the new client here:
Steam RoF Development Tracking

Until the client is completed, there won't be many servers that you will be able to use it on. Once completed, you should be able to access servers with the RoF client once they have updated their source code to use the new client. Until then, there are a few servers out there that already have the client enabled for testing purposes, so you can try those out to check out the new client.

I added a brief list of new RoF features to the wiki at the bottom here:
RoF Client Features

broodling885 01-16-2013 12:23 AM

Will the F2P client be able to run the project 1999 sever?

c0ncrete 01-16-2013 12:37 AM

the answer to your question is in the post you posted a reply to.

trevius 01-16-2013 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by broodling885 (Post 216438)
Will the F2P client be able to run the project 1999 sever?

Actually, the answer is mostly likely no/never. P99 forked their code off of EQEmu's code years ago, and I doubt they ever have plans to use any of the newer clients. The newer clients enable some client side features that P99 does not want on their server, so it can remain as classic as possible. As far as I know, the only client that will ever be compatible with P99 is Titanium, and I might have read something about SoF working for it as well, but I haven't really done any research on the subject.

For a more accurate answer to your question, you would have to ask it on the P99 forums, as EQEmu and P99 are not directly affiliated.

liquest 01-16-2013 03:39 AM

I love the progress being made on the RoF client. Im having a blast playing with it. Now with RoF comes 32 slot bags and such. Would that be the total limit. or could server go nuts and be like BOOM sucker you got a 100 slot bag.

Also would there be anything i can do to help speed the process?

trevius 01-16-2013 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by liquest (Post 216444)
I love the progress being made on the RoF client. Im having a blast playing with it. Now with RoF comes 32 slot bags and such. Would that be the total limit. or could server go nuts and be like BOOM sucker you got a 100 slot bag.

Also would there be anything i can do to help speed the process?

Yeah, I already made a 100 slot bag just to test it and it worked. I thought about trying a 1000 slot bag, but figured that might fill the whole screen lol. The larger bags and 2 new inventory slots won't be functional until we get our new slot system in place throughout all of the EQEmu source, which is quite a bunch of work. Uleat has been working away at it, but we will probably need a few devs working together to get this part of the project completed. I will probably start focusing more on that once the other RoF issues are all ironed out, because the new augmentation system will require the new slot system to be in place as well unless we write up a temporary system for it (which is kinda pointless since time would be better spent working on the new slot system I think).

There probably isn't much you can do to help other than to keep playing around with the client and reporting any issues you find that haven't already been reported. Most of the work that is left to be done is stuff that isn't very easy unless you are already familiar with the code related to getting new clients compatible.

liquest 01-16-2013 06:37 AM

Haha I'm excited for 100 slot bags

one question I do have though is how the heros forge items are going to work and implemented. Also have you implemented clicked items within bags yet.

trevius 01-16-2013 08:19 AM

Right now we are just trying to get all of the packet stuff worked out. Once that is done, stuff like empty bags inside bags and clicky items from inside bags can start getting added. Probably some of the new features won't be implemented anytime soon, but anything that is required to prevent bugs will be. For example, clicky items from inside bags are not required as they won't cause any bugs with the client, but allowing empty bags within bags may be required otherwise the client might get bugged if it allows it and the server doesn't.

Hero forge items haven't been started at all yet and would be one of those features that are not required, but would be nice to have at some point. Though, since it is a pretty cool feature, I imagine we will try to get them working once the important stuff is all done. Most likely, Hero's Forge armor models are going to require some database changes and changes to a few packets that deal with textures/models. I don't think it will be too hard once we figure it out.

c0ncrete 02-12-2013 08:40 PM

F2P build may have changed to Jan 16.


Drajor 02-12-2013 09:03 PM

Downloading now. Will report back.

trevius 02-12-2013 10:36 PM

Yep, it was updated to the last Live build - Jan 16 2013 16:40:39. Must have just updated a couple days ago, cause it was fine when I downloaded a fresh copy last week.

Davood 02-12-2013 10:47 PM

Is there a free/legitimate source for RoF that isn't going to change? or are we pretty much hooped (well i have the "good" version from before) if we haven't gotten the version that eqemu is developing against?

it's really too bad they don't have a disc install version of their expansions anymore :P

Davood 02-12-2013 10:48 PM

I suppose if there is a new expansion after rof, that the steam download will become static for rof yes?

lerxst2112 02-12-2013 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Davood (Post 218105)
I suppose if there is a new expansion after rof, that the steam download will become static for rof yes?

Unlikely. You always patch to the latest version of the game when you play on live, so there's no reason to have someone download an old version and then have to patch over that if it is easy enough to keep the Steam version up to date.

Drajor 02-12-2013 11:29 PM

Well this is going to be interesting for the devs who work with packets ><

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