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-   -   How to add a race/class combination? (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42896)

keffie 04-25-2020 01:01 AM

How to add a race/class combination?
My cousin and I are trying to modify a server for the first time to try and set up teams.
One of the things we wanted to do related to that was add new race/class combinations, to balance the teams.

We tried adding a row in the 'char_create_combinations' table, sort of like the person from this thread,

In our case, we tried adding a Half Elf Shadow Knight, this was the insert statement.


INSERT INTO `char_create_combinations` (`allocation_id`, `race`, `class`, `deity`, `start_zone`, `expansions_req`)
VALUES ( 36, 7, 5, 208, 1, 0);

It seemed like it inserted to the database successfully, but then on the character create screen we don't see the new option available.
Did we miss something, or maybe there is another step?

We're both using Titanium client, in case that makes a difference.

Gnowm 07-04-2020 04:18 AM

I know the linked post was from years ago, the final post contents. If its true about client limits to char select screen options maybe just start with a selectable class then quest on your home city to #classchange to your choice.

keffie 07-16-2020 10:38 PM

Thanks Gnowm; we were hoping to stick to the character select screen, although quest scripts are a nice idea as a backup strategy.

I wasn't 100% sure if the combinations were controlled on client side for Titanium, the posts seemed to go both ways on it; but it's starting to look like they might be.

A couple more that I found,

So now we're wondering if MQ2, or some other method of patching could solve for adding combinations to Titanium client, although we're not sure how to do that yet, and it could make it more complicated to open the server up to other people.

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