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-   -   Titanium OP_Sound for quest::ding (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=25973)

Derision 08-18-2008 04:53 PM

Titanium OP_Sound for quest::ding
Wasn't sure where to put this, as it's not really 'server code'. I wanted to have the Task system play the quest fanfare sound on completion, but found it doesn't work with Titanium. After a bit of digging with IDA, the Titanium Opcode is



trevius 08-18-2008 05:27 PM

Very nice! I love seeing your updates! I only wish I could help as much as you do!

Derision 08-18-2008 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by trevius (Post 154453)
I only wish I could help as much as you do!

To be fair Trevius, if you had never made this post:


Then a lot of the work I have done finding Opcodes would never have happened, including this one, as that is what sparked my interest in finding Opcodes using IDA, so you deserve credit too :)

trevius 08-18-2008 05:52 PM

LOL, well I just figured it was time to try to get something rolling on them since they were a fairly major holdup on making further progress in the emu. I still definitely plan to get back into working on them again soon, but I think I might want to learn a little more C code first so I can understand how to get packet structures set up. It is hard to learn to code only by example from reading the emu source lol. I am going to try a few online tutorials and see if they can't help to get me up to speed. This summer has just been extra busy for me :P

I don't have the 6.2 client, so I can't really use that to expand our known Titanium Opcodes. But I am more interested in trying to get the emulator updated to a newer version of EQ eventually. I have been waiting for another EQ expansion to come out that has a full install of all previous expansions included in the installation. Once it does, I plan to see if I can get some packet collects from live using wireshark. And I also can then use the steps you mentioned in the opcode thread to compare the IDA output from Titanium with the IDA output from the newer version and find opcodes that way 1 by 1. I imagine that would take a while, but once I got the hang of it, it might not be too bad. I think the hard part will be updating the packet structures. I know this is quite a high goal to set, but I would love to make an effort to get this rolling if it is possible for the next expansion release. I would have been fine to just use Anniversary, but even now it is almost as hard to get a copy of as Titanium is, and we need a version that is easily available for all to get.

ChaosSlayer 08-19-2008 04:31 PM

the DING was prabobly one of the most important parts in entire EQ =)
good to see its finaly been found =)

image 09-18-2015 10:39 AM

I hate to revive a dead topic, but in this case it seemed warranted I wanted to provide my analysis through assembly this morning of this opcode. This is based on the Titanium client.


Note: The 'Issued Sound' text is from issuing the # command, all the 'You receive..' comes from the OP_Sound packet, entity_id specifying the entity_id in the zone (client is building a list).


struct QuestSound_Struct {
        int16 entity_id;
        uint8 unknown[18]; // not sure what this is used for honestly, I could be wrong, but in assembly this data looks completely glossed over
        uint32 copper;
        uint32 silver;
        uint32 gold;
        uint32 platinum;

// Updated 9/18/2015 with updated structure + discovered values
void Client::SendQuestSound(uint16 entity_id, uint32 copper, uint32 silver, uint32 gold, uint32 platinum){
        EQApplicationPacket* outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_Sound,sizeof(QuestSound_Struct));
        QuestSound_Struct* qss=(QuestSound_Struct*)outapp->pBuffer;
        qss->entity_id = entity_id;
        qss->copper = copper;
        qss->silver = silver;
        qss->gold = gold;
        qss->platinum = platinum;

        void        SendSound() { SendQuestSound(0,0,0,0,0); }
        void        SendQuestSound(uint16 entity_id, uint32 copper, uint32 silver, uint32 gold, uint32 platinum);

demonstar55 09-18-2015 12:15 PM

I'm pretty sure cavedude figured that stuff out for eqmac and someone ported it over.

image 09-18-2015 12:31 PM

yea I was thrown off by void Client::SendSound. No biggy.

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