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seveianrex 10-13-2008 06:55 AM

Zone Spawn Variants

Just wanted to make sure this wasn't already implemented obscurely, or that someone's not already half done this project.

I was thinking the other day, for instanced zones like IKKINZ from GoD, or Group/Raid MPG trials from OOW, there is going to be an issue because the spawns are completely unique yet the zone itself is the same. (There is no "ikkinza", "ikkinzb", etc.)

I was thinking about it, I don't believe there would be that much work involved in adding a column to one of the spawn tables that specifies which "variant" of the zone it is supposed to appear in. (I'm thinking spawngroup). Then, when the instance is being booted, the "zone variant" can be specified so that the proper mobs are loaded.

Would appreciate any feedback before I get started on this.

So_1337 10-13-2008 07:10 AM

Check out the spawn_conditions table in the database. This allows easy switching between different versions of the same zones. The two that come to mind most readily are Sleeper's Tomb (1 for Warders and pre-awakening, 2 for Ancients) and Veeshan's Peak (switching between 1.0 and 2.0).

seveianrex 10-13-2008 08:31 PM

Ahh... cool! Thanx

So_1337 05-07-2020 11:48 AM

It's nice to come back and find an answer to my question -- from myself no less -- 12 years after the fact. Thanks, past me. Present me is appreciative of this favor.

Stim0x 07-08-2020 04:57 PM

Present me is also appreciative, if only present me understood :)

Which field is it that I'm meant to edit to enable v1 sleeper's?

I've tried changing the values in the spawn_conditions table and spawn_condition_values, with no joy.

I've tried repopping the zone and the Ancients still spawn.

Is anyone able to assist with the exact instructions? :)

Stim0x 07-09-2020 12:19 PM

Editing as a clean solution is coming from So_1337 :)

methodx 10-04-2020 08:19 PM

So after a bit of trial and error testing - to change the spawns in Veeshan's Peak from the revamped version that loads as default following install to the pre-revamp mobs and loot you do this;

In the spawn_condition_values table there are two entries with veeshan in the zone column

by default one will have an id of 1 and a value of 0
the other will have an id of 2 and a value of 1

to change to pre-revamp switch the values;

set the one with id of 1 to a value of 1
set the one with id of 2 to a value of 0

I hope this makes sense, I'm not sure why both entries need to be switched to get it to work. I just wanted to add this here as even though I don't fully understand why this works this thread comes up when doing a google search and there is no detailed solution/instructions to be found. If what I've written is wrong I hope someone can correct me but I've tested the above and it works.

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