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Warking 02-01-2016 10:53 PM

Easy Start Zone Tutorial
I read the wiki and while it went a long way to get me where I wanted I still had to figure some things out.

My goals here were:
  • to set the start zone to PoK
  • HAve toon zone in a certain spot in PoK.
  • disable tutorial button
  • remove any chance that a new toon can zone into tutorial from character select - Ever, even if button=false command doesnt work
  • remove options for starting in classic zones
  • allow users to see PoKnowledge in the drop down from character create screen

1. Logged in and verified zone ID (PoK Zone ID = 202) and LOC for PoK

2. Take a .sql dump of the below tables for backup purposes and so you can go back to default if you want:
  • start_zones
  • char_create_combinations
  • rule_values

3. following the current Wiki Add the following to rule_values:

1        World:TitaniumStartZoneID        202       
10        World:TitaniumStartZoneID        202       
1        World:SofStartZoneID        202       
10      World:SofStartZoneID        202

4. Open notepad or notepad++ and add the below and save as .sql
Note: Remember I wanted to change the tutorial ID just incase the button=false doesnt work in the future. As a result I changed the max level to 255 since it was changed to pok. This is 100% optional (last two lines below):

UPDATE `peq`.`start_zones` SET `zone_id`='202' Where `select_rank`='50';
UPDATE `peq`.`start_zones` SET `start_zone`='202' Where `select_rank`='50';
UPDATE `peq`.`char_create_combinations` SET `start_zone`='202' Where `start_zone`='394';
UPDATE `peq`.`start_zones` SET `x`='-285' Where `select_rank`='50';
UPDATE `peq`.`start_zones` SET `y`='-148' Where `select_rank`='50';
UPDATE `peq`.`start_zones` SET `z`='-159' Where `select_rank`='50';
UPDATE `peq`.`start_zones` SET `heading`='53.8' Where `select_rank`='50';
UPDATE `peq`.`rule_values` SET `rule_value`='false' Where `rule_name`='World:EnableTutorialButton';
UPDATE `peq`.`rule_values` SET `rule_value`='202' Where `rule_name`='World:TutorialZoneID';
UPDATE `peq`.`rule_values` SET `rule_value`='255' Where `rule_name`='World:MaxLevelForTutorial';

5. open command prompt.
mysql -uusername -ppassword
use databasename
source c:\wherever you saved the file\file.sql

6. Run the below Delete .sql lines. You can save them both in notepad as .sql or just run from cmd
(Note: this is to remove the classic zone selection from character creation)

DELETE FROM char_create_combinations WHERE start_zone > '202';
DELETE FROM char_create_combinations WHERE start_zone < '202';

save tables, restart server... and have fun. You will note then if tutorial is seleted it will display zonning into "mines of glooming..." it will auto zone into Pok at the location you wanted to be in instead in this case thus avoiding tutorial.

Not sure if this helps anyone but I thought I'd share as I am not the only one making a complete custom server in addition to classic.

Movement 10-31-2017 04:48 AM

This is an awesome post but my issue is whenever zoning into the zone I have set as a start zone it says "Illegal Bind!" and promptly boots me to OOT. Any ideas?

glenbeef3 06-01-2019 09:21 PM

this thread needs to be stickied or the info needs to be moved to the wiki. Extremely useful where even the wiki seemed to fail me

Huppy 06-02-2019 12:25 AM

In the above OP, it doesn't set the bind_x,y,z and needs the bind set on creation. ( World:StartZoneSameAsBindOnCreation). The following will set the start zones to the PoK, right by the soulbinder, (near the little gnome by tree). This does not update any particular peq database. You have to choose the db you're using, before running the query. (peq, peqdb, or whatever).


UPDATE start_zones SET x = -169.2;
UPDATE start_zones SET y = -181.23;
UPDATE start_zones SET z = -158.8;
UPDATE start_zones SET heading = 145;
UPDATE start_zones SET zone_id = 202;
UPDATE start_zones SET start_zone = 202;
UPDATE start_zones SET bind_x = -169.2;
UPDATE start_zones SET bind_y = -181.23;
UPDATE start_zones SET bind_z = -158.8;
UPDATE char_create_combinations SET start_zone = 202;

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