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thefusz 09-03-2015 11:41 PM

Epicemu.com Best server out there!
4box limit per person, no custom b.s...
velious content.
Original items/ firepots Still available. [manastones, DE mask, etc]
Everything works!

N0ctrnl 09-04-2015 11:42 PM

Is it that time of year again?

Koleto 09-05-2015 07:52 AM

Great server need more so we can start raiding if anyone wants to give it a go and needs help starting off give me a hollar on koleto or healya

N0ctrnl 09-05-2015 08:00 AM

You're going to have a hard time convincing a lot of people of how great that server is. Keep in mind Kegz has wiped that server like 3 times already. Every time his player base gets fed up with him, he shuts it down with some lame excuse. (The first time he was supposedly going to work for Sony, so he has to pull it down as part of a contract - lol) Then he'll bring it back up a few months later, blast out 5 or 6 emails to all the members of his forums, and start the whole fiasco over again.

Unless he's done some serious updating (judging by the same old website and download files, he hasn't), the codebase he's running on is ancient and it's clearly a butchered database. Mobs don't respawn, a bunch are just missing (axed as part of a spawn that was out of era, but nothing ever put back in its place in many cases), etc. It's possible that he has, but knowing him like we do, I highly doubt it.

None of this is to try and convince you of anything, but you should know that finding people could prove problematic for you because of the shenanigans that Kegz has pulled in the past.

Koleto 09-05-2015 08:28 AM

yea I personally havent seen any missing mobs every thing respawns just fine ect

Xaviyn 09-11-2015 08:41 PM

People are rolling toons here. I am one of them. Lets do this.


Hiing 09-12-2015 12:38 PM

Tread cautiously.
I had a lot of fun there with some good friends until we got into raid content, and Kegz refused to fix anything or add missing content. At one point early on he was refusing to add sleepers tomb... to the sleepers server!?!? Banned my guys from the board for calling him on that and several other untouched issues, and wiped the server. Wasn't the last wipe either from what I gather, seems to happen everytime people start progressing beyond whatever point the person that built his db stopped. Underpopulated zones, quest npcs not respawning correctly, etc, and some just flat out missing. You can have fun doing the classic Velious grind for sure, but into the raid content don't get your hopes up too much.

Though I do hope if they are somehow managing to build up a fresh population again, they actually get some devs that know what they are doing and listen to the players this time. (not just chit chat with them in mumble while playing other games)

Karnon 09-12-2015 03:46 PM

I am one with the wall, though they don't exist on this server. I have to agree with most of what was posted above.

I used to think Nagafen's Lair was bad. Then I remember Kegz used to work with them and it all makes sense. Tread VERY lightly on this ... "Server".

bigcountry23 09-12-2015 04:52 PM

Been having fun. 4 Box seems sufficient to box your way through most content. There are some bug issues and oddities with pets that are being describes as "anti-exploit" but I think it goes a bit to far (pet touches water or a wall and the mob it had agro on turns on the pets owner and cannot be taunted/agro'd off) but I have not found a reason to stay away yet.

Maze_EQ 09-14-2015 04:36 AM

Karnon, hey, fuck you. <3

Nagafen's Lair wasn't bad.

Kildruakan's Prophecy and Post Bodhi nagafen's lair was bad.

Sorry that you didn't get to experience the early days when shit was done right.

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