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Maceblade 07-18-2016 12:47 PM

item cast help
So basically I created an item where once clicked, it gives you an AA and poofs. Only problem is, item poofs just fine but grants no reward...


        if($itemid == 1813){

        quest::emote("You have Gained an AA!!");       

ghanja 07-18-2016 02:19 PM

What type of item? Food/drink? (Sounds like it may be, since there is nothing in your code nuking an item). Is the code you submitted the complete code? What is the scripts filename (is it in your /quests/global/items/ ?) Scriptfileid for the item match that of the script filename?

Maceblade 07-18-2016 07:12 PM

sorry, I copied the Halloween illusion script file and just altered it "script_13674.pl", also copied the halloween illusion item and just renamed it. The file name is script_8818.pl, the item number is 1813... I also created a "script_1813.pl" to see if that would work.

When I looked at the Halloween item, it did not look for a book or have any distinguishing remarks associated with its script path... im gonna check the food/drink thing now.

ghanja 07-18-2016 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Maceblade (Post 250093)
sorry, I copied the Halloween illusion script file and just altered it "script_13674.pl", also copied the halloween illusion item and just renamed it. The file name is script_8818.pl, the item number is 1813... I also created a "script_1813.pl" to see if that would work.

When I looked at the Halloween item, it did not look for a book or have any distinguishing remarks associated with its script path... im gonna check the food/drink thing now.

Well no, don't jump the gun, those were just questions, not rhetoric.

You said:

Only problem is, item poofs just fine but grants no reward
script_13674.pl is for the gauntlets/hammer of infusion, which has a NukeItem, and its an EVENT_ITEM_CLICK_CAST, rather than EVENT_ITEM_CLICK

So, I was curious, if the code you supplied, was the entire code you were using. And if the item you were basing the click event off of was a consumable (as I didnt see anything in the script to make a non-consumable "poof")

c0ncrete 07-18-2016 09:38 PM

are there other scripted items that work from that folder? i ask because i'm finding item scripts in /quests/global/items in a current install.

ghanja 07-18-2016 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by c0ncrete (Post 250096)
are there other scripted items that work from that folder? i ask because i'm finding item scripts in /quests/global/items in a current install.

Yeah it's /quests/global/spells and /quests/global/items, I misspoke, though awaiting answers to other questions in hope to help out.

kimura 07-19-2016 10:57 AM

make sure the item has the script file ID assigned to it

here is an example of one of mine


my $named = $client->GetName();
    if($itemid == 132496 && $ulevel == 1) {
                $client->Message(327, "You have been boosted!");
                quest::we(327, "$named has been boosted!!");
                $client->Message(327, "Bam! Level 70!");
                $client->Message(327, "You now have 1000 AA points!");
    } else {
        $client->Message(315, "Nice try, you're too powerful to use this");

the script is script_7150.pl, so the item 132496 has to have the scriptfileid column in the items table = 7150

hope this helps

Maceblade 07-24-2016 09:40 AM

Thanks Kim, I didn't realize the scriptidfile was a column until I looked at it through an old edit version. Thanks Man works flawless.

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