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ArkR 03-29-2010 06:33 PM

Escort the Gnome
Looks like this Cazic Thule quest is in the database and he responds but never starts moving. The quest gets as far as

"You say, 'Hail, Gimlik Cogboggle'

Gimlik Cogboggle says 'Well met, noble soul! I'm Gimlik Cogboggle. You are correct, the Gimlik Cogboggle, renowned adventurer, scholar, and yes... creator of spells. Please don't goggle or touch. Your opportunity has arrived, my friend. I was sent here to complete a very important task and for that, I will need some slight assistance. If you will be kind enough to follow me, I'll show you to your doom... err... get this show on the road. Just let me know when you're ready.'

You say, 'i am ready'

Gimlik Cogboggle says 'Well look at you! You see, you're off to a great start! Now, just follow me and yell out if something stabs you or maims you in anyway. Never fear, I've memorized gate and have complete confidence in your ability to fend off danger for at least five seconds. Follow me... follow me.' "

and then he never moves. Anyone done this quest successfully?

Tested as level 59 sk using 1316 bots and latest quests and maps from svn.

joligario 03-29-2010 07:42 PM

The quest is not complete. I started it on PEQ, but haven't gotten around to finishing it yet. That's why the text is in but he doesn't move yet.

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