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Edgar1898 09-19-2004 05:21 AM

Server Update
We are in the process of moving the web services and such to a new server. If you had any difficulty with your dns server, some of them dont get updates as often as they should and wont be able to resolve it. Anyways, make SURE you arent using just the domain name in your eqhost.txt or LoginServer.ini files. Since the login servers are remaining here and the webservers are moving to another server, if you use a plain eqemulator.net in any of those files, you wont be able to login. If you have doubts check your files and change them according to the list below:

Version 0.5.9-DR1+:

Version 0.5.8:

Version 0.5.7-DR4 to 0.5.7-DR6:
login1.eqemulator.net:5995 OR login2.eqemulator.net:5995

Versions prior to 0.5.7-DR4:

If you have any questions, ask.

Tzwizard 09-19-2004 05:22 AM

Re: Server Update

Originally Posted by Edgar1898
We are in the process of moving the web services and such to a new server. If you had any difficulty with your dns server, some of them dont get updates as often as they should and wont be able to resolve it. Anyways, make SURE you arent using just the domain name in your eqhost.txt or LoginServer.ini files. Since the login servers are remaining here and the webservers are moving to another server, if you use a plain eqemulator.net in any of those files, you wont be able to login. If you have doubts check your files and change them according to the list below:

Version 0.5.9-DR1+:

Version 0.5.8:

Version 0.5.7-DR4 to 0.5.7-DR6:
login1.eqemulator.net:5995 OR login2.eqemulator.net:5995

Versions prior to 0.5.7-DR4:

If you have any questions, ask.

Thx Lethal-Encounter, wondered what was going on , Emulator is soon to become awsome :P

daeken_bb 09-19-2004 05:23 AM

What is the IP of the new server? Just in case anyone's DNS fucks up.

Tzwizard 09-19-2004 05:26 AM


Version 0.5.8:
About that, Do we Enter the version also?

Edgar1898 09-19-2004 05:29 AM


About that, Do we Enter the version also?
No, if you just want to play on this version, just change your eqhost.txt file to:


Tzwizard 09-19-2004 05:30 AM

Ok. Thank you for replying sir.. :mrgreen:

Edgar1898 09-19-2004 05:31 AM


What is the IP of the new server? Just in case anyone's DNS fucks up. will display the main page

TwitchyF3rr3t 09-19-2004 05:36 AM

Woah, you guys are fast, you already have a 5.9 login up.

I just came back to EQ not too long ago and I found it boring so i came back to Eqemu, but i hadn't patched for months and i patched up all the way RIGHT when the emulator was broke by the patch, so I ahve to wait till 5.9. Im amazed you guys are so fast :o

Any ETA when you are gonna have 5.9 up ?

Edgar1898 09-19-2004 05:45 AM

You can pull 5.9-DR1 off of anonymous cvs if you know how to compile it. I am going to be tossing up a new compiled version onto cvs in the next hour or so, but it wont hit the anonymous cvs server for download for 3-4 hours.

Explains anonymous cvs:

As soon as the Last Log Entry says "Automated Update" you can download the latest compiled version from:

TwitchyF3rr3t 09-19-2004 05:53 AM

Thanks man 8) . I'm amazed you guys can keep up with live, if i made my own emulator I would edit the client andjust break off from live patches.

MDewHead 09-19-2004 10:23 AM

I've got a friend I'm trying to get started on EqEmu, and he can't access www.eqemulator.net. His service provider is bellsouth.net, not running any firewalls, and set IE security settings to Low.

Since he can't access www.eqemulator.net he can't register for an account, nor can he use the update block authorization page, nor can he access http://www.eqemulator.net/eqaccount.php .

So I created another account on my registration and using multiple eqhost login servers, he still gets server timeouts and on eqemulator.net:5995 he gets an inncorrect pw/un (I had to authorize it from my computer.)

How can I get him setup if he can't access eqemulator.net? He can access but the forums and registration are still on the old server. He's not having any other problems accessing any other websites.. etc..

Edgar1898 09-19-2004 10:37 AM

until his dns server is updated, he can access any page by adding its name after the ""

like if he wanted to view eqaccount.php it would be:

or eqresetauthrequest.php would be:

MDewHead 09-19-2004 10:53 AM

Trying to create a new account with gets him (and me when I tried it) a blank page. =-/ Thanks for your reply.

Trying to do the authorization block warrants :
Set Your Authorization Block

Invalid account/password entered, please go here and try again, or contact an EQEMu administrator

(Here =

nmurrell07 09-19-2004 10:54 AM

i still cant connect? i updated to live, then changed the stuff above. but still, nothing? any ideas?

nmurrell07 09-19-2004 11:05 AM

the message that pops up is: Error: username and/or password is not valid. Please check them and try again. hmm.. checked plenty of times, anyone know whats goin on?

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