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Windcatcher 06-08-2008 05:46 PM

Netcode DLL template
A number of people have asked me when SimpleClient will support servers newer than EQEmu 0.6.0. My answer to that has been: when someone writes a DLL so SimpleClient can understand the netcode. However, there is something I can offer to help: a skeleton VS2005 project that has correct interface code for building a DLL. I've tried understanding the new netcode and I couldn't, but here is some code in C++ that at least has the correct interface to SimpleClient. I can be available for help in understanding what the methods do, but at least anyone who wants to try this can be assured that the interface is correct. My code for SC's existing 0.6.0-and-older DLL is already public, so that can also act as a reference.

Some background: the netcode in EQEmu 0.6.1 and newer had to change to reflect changes in the live client. SimpleClient is written to understand the old netcode, but I architected it to use DLL's so the client wouldn't be tied to a single netcode design. SimpleClient has .INI files that tell it what DLL to use with what server version, so all you need is the right DLL and .INI settings. Maybe this will be enough to get the ball rolling.

The DLL project with skeleton code is here:


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