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mxdog 03-28-2014 10:18 AM

The Http server question
What account(s) does the embedded HTTP server use ? Are they from the eq data base , eqemu login account, a local system account?

I go to my server and enter (all the above) but just get a message after I crap out " Gotta Authenticate. "

If they are from the eq database what table/fields/values need to be present?

I didn't make this a support question because this just seems to be one of those undocumented (not found) things everyone else probably already knows.

I saw a reference to this on the new wiki in the eqemu_config.xml how to and the author says go take a look .....Hehe and now I need to know and it was so cruel of them not to tell us how to login!

By the way I was running the local login server.

lerxst2112 03-28-2014 05:14 PM

It appears to use Database::CheckLogin, so it is looking for information from the account table.

mxdog 05-31-2014 01:53 AM

thanks for the reply ..but I wonder what it needs the allow the login ..does the account need to be flagged GM or some other some other level .. Like I menetioned I have tried various account info from the game database

demonstar55 05-31-2014 03:11 AM

I forget if you have to add the column or not, but set the password column for the account you want to the password you want or the md5 sum of the password you want. (Not the most secure AUTH in the world :P)

Tabasco 05-31-2014 09:30 AM

It just needs a password set. The column has been there for the past several years at least as I have never had to add it.
I usually just make a new row with a name and password, but you should be able to add one to your account entry.
That will make you show up as your account name if you use the chat options, but those may only be available in the console.
Status is also set to 250 or higher on mine, although I'm not sure if it is required.

The console and web interface are really underrated tools. When I have a slow day I'll fire up tinyfugue or chromud and hang out in console chat with players.
With some creative player scripts and the signalcharbyname function Akkadius added you can do all kinds of fun stuff and at the very least add avenues for player support without the need for a full client login.

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