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Loftus 02-23-2009 07:59 PM

The Lost Trinket
Ok, I am starting to get in the swing. I have found a quest that doesn't appear to be in the PEQ quest repositoty: The Lost Trinket. *EDIT* This is actually called "The Lost Snake".

The NPC name is Animal_Trainer_Visop. Here is the code:


#zone - rathemtn
#quest - The Lost Trinket

quest::say("Come to look at my animals, have you? I have managed to capture and train some of the finest specimens in all of Norrath. Do you have any [skill with animals] yourself?");
  if($text=~/skill with animals/i)
  quest::say("Those blasted Trolls caused me to lose one of my finest specimens! I had captured a beautiful giant water moccasin while studying the swamplands. I did so love that [snake], I even fancy she grew to love me. I spent many hours training her.");
  quest::say("There was a band of Troll invaders moving through our supply line one day, while I was attempting to calm one of the spiderlings they struck. My crates were smashed and they panicked the poor things rather badly. We were able to fend them off and I gathered together most of the freed animals, but alas my snake was nowhere to be found. I have been so busy helping them adjust to their new surroundings that I find myself lacking the time to go [look for her].");
  if($text=~/look for her/i)
quest::say("She answers to the name of Sethena when she is in the mood. She wore a trinket around her neck that she was rather fond of. If you could bring her back to me I would be most grateful, I do fear that she may have gone wild again. If this is the case, bring me back the trinket she wears as evidence of this. I must get back to work, it is feeding time. Good luck!");

if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 54001 == 1))
  quest::say("Alas, my poor Sethena! Thank you for this trinket, please take this.");

For some reason, when I hand in the 54001 (A Muddy Trinket), he does not return the factions, xp nor the reward, 54002 (Trainer's Bauble).

Can anyone help?

Loftus 02-23-2009 08:07 PM

Incidentally, everything in the EVENT_SAY section works fine. So there is just something wrong with the turn-in section, EVENT_ITEM.

joligario 02-23-2009 08:20 PM

=> instead of ==

Loftus 02-23-2009 08:40 PM

Thank you so much, J!

Loftus 02-23-2009 08:41 PM

Sadly, that did not work :(

joligario 02-23-2009 08:55 PM

Did you make the changes while the server was still running? If so, make sure you #reloadpl
Is your check_handin plugin in the proper plugin folder?

Loftus 02-23-2009 09:01 PM

Woot! That did it!

Thank you so much, J.

Now with my test GM character, the experience that was returned was a value other than 2500. It was 356875 - how do I account for that?

Also, where do I get the plugin "plugin::return_items(\%itemcount)"?

Andrew80k 02-23-2009 09:05 PM

You don't really get experience as a GM so you can pretty much ignore that value. I've never looked at the code to see why it spits out those numbers though. They can be pretty huge.

Loftus 02-23-2009 09:06 PM

Thanks Andrew! Any guidance on the return_items plugin?

Andrew80k 02-23-2009 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Loftus (Post 165160)
Thanks Andrew! Any guidance on the return_items plugin?

I believe it is part of the check_items plugin. It's part of one of them. I looked it up once but don't recall which one it is in. You can search for it in the plugin folder if you check for contents(ie grep).

Loftus 02-23-2009 09:19 PM

Oh gotcha.

So as long as I have the handin plugin I do not need to add a 5th file in the plugin directory for this?

Also, someone else noted in another thread that they prefer to NOT put the return_items in an else statement, but rather at the end as stand-alone. This apparently would return any unused/incorrect items if at least some of the items were what the NPC was looking for?



if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 54001 => 1))
  quest::say("Alas, my poor Sethena! Thank you for this trinket, $name. Please, take this as a token of my gratitude.");


Andrew80k 02-23-2009 09:30 PM

Correct on both.

joligario 02-23-2009 10:05 PM

You have it outside of the sub..

Personally, I like having the return items in the elsif statement just so I feel better that the hand-in item won't accidentally be returned along with the reward.

Andrew80k 02-24-2009 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by joligario (Post 165165)
You have it outside of the sub..

Personally, I like having the return items in the elsif statement just so I feel better that the hand-in item won't accidentally be returned along with the reward.

I'm pretty sure that can't happen. From what I understand if it satisfies the if condition, the item is actually removed from the hash so it wouldn't be available to be returned. I haven't looked at it all that much but that is how I understand it to work.

Good catch on the placement of the return too. I didn't look at the code real close.

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