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-   -   Merc Liaison Merc List is empty (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42084)

loglos 09-11-2018 07:26 PM

Merc Liaison Merc List is empty
I recently got a Linux server running. I used the automated install script. Wow that was awesome! I did this previously way back in the 2010 time frame and it was a much different beast. I haven't touched it since then though.

Anyway, I have everything running but mercs don't work. At first, I couldn't even get the merc liaisons to respond to me. I did some searching and made progress (change the rule to allow mercs and set the class to 71) but now I am stuck.

When I right click on the merc liaison, the list of mercs pops up very quickly (it is empty) and I get the message: You do not meet the requirements to purchase any mercenaries.

This is much like another forum message with the same error but that was from back in 2012 and I don't think the solution is the same. In that case, the merc info was not in the database. In my case, all of my merc tables are populated and the merc view has data.

I checked the logs and I don't see any errors. I am not sure where to look from here.

Anyone have any idea why my merc liaison has empty storage?

I just thought of one thing. I am in surefall glade and that is the only zone I have been to. Still just checking things out. I will travel to Qeynos and see if mercs work there. I am thinking probably not.

Also, I checked the npc_types table and the merchant_id and loottable_id are 0 for all liaisons. I would have thought those would have values but they don't.



Uleat 09-11-2018 08:19 PM

Make sure that Merc:AllowMercs is set to true in your database.

loglos 09-11-2018 08:44 PM

It is. They wouldn't even acknowledge my hails before fixing that.

Uleat 09-11-2018 09:28 PM

I know that I've bought mercs on my test server within the last year or two.

What client are you using?

EDIT: This is the handler for that: https://github.com/EQEmu/Server/blob...cket.cpp#L9582

Uleat 09-11-2018 09:41 PM

Try using this: #logs set gmsay 37 1

Make sure that you have status on your account so you can see the logging messages.

With that set, try clicking on the merc merchant.

loglos 09-12-2018 07:47 AM

Hi again.

I wrote a whole long post about stuff I found in the database, looking at the CPP file and tracking down where the log message was coming from, etc. When I tried to post, it logged me off and I lost the entire thing. Argh.

But that's ok because when I went to a couple of different zones that have mercs to purchase, the mercs seem to work there. It is just the liaison in surefall glade that does not work.

Go figure. The first place I tried. Not sure what the issue is but I can live with them not working in some zones as long as they work in others. I'll still probably play with it and try to get Surefall working but I am guessing now that it is probably just some rows not right in the DB somewhere.

Thanks for your help.

dagulus2 09-12-2018 11:20 AM

Yeah, none of the ones outside POK work.

There is a table called `merc_merchant_template_id` where you have to link the merchant to the list of available mercenaries.

This SQL will set up the liaisons in Qeynos, Surefall and the revamped Freeport with Default Racial Mercs. I do not believe any of the other vendors are in game.


REPLACE INTO `merc_merchant_entries` (`merc_merchant_entry_id`, `merc_merchant_template_id`, `merchant_id`) VALUES (2156, 1, 2156);
REPLACE INTO `merc_merchant_entries` (`merc_merchant_entry_id`, `merc_merchant_template_id`, `merchant_id`) VALUES (2159, 1, 2159);
REPLACE INTO `merc_merchant_entries` (`merc_merchant_entry_id`, `merc_merchant_template_id`, `merchant_id`) VALUES (383091, 1, 383091);
REPLACE INTO `merc_merchant_entries` (`merc_merchant_entry_id`, `merc_merchant_template_id`, `merchant_id`) VALUES (383100, 1, 383100);
REPLACE INTO `merc_merchant_entries` (`merc_merchant_entry_id`, `merc_merchant_template_id`, `merchant_id`) VALUES (3058, 7, 3058);
REPLACE INTO `merc_merchant_entries` (`merc_merchant_entry_id`, `merc_merchant_template_id`, `merchant_id`) VALUES (3060, 7, 3060);

loglos 09-12-2018 04:16 PM

Awesome. Thanks. Crescent Reach works too. That was the other zone I tried.

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