EQEmulator Forums

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-   Support::MiniLogin (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=629)
-   -   If you can't get minilogin to work read this . . . (https://www.eqemulator.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17894)

sysadmin 02-16-2005 11:59 AM

If you can't get minilogin to work read this . . .
First of all I want to congratulate those who have dedicated their time to create all this programs, tools, scripts, utilities, databases, guides, howto's, and those who dedicate their time and effort to keep it alive.

I read the few guides that were posted and decided to put them to the test by following them and building my own eqemu server. I have a 1.7ghz p4 w/ 512mb ram and about 8 gb of empty space before I started downloading.

I was not sure I would end up with a working server since most people contributing are not professionals, they just love this stuff as much as I do but to cut short this story I followed spike's post and I ended up with the same problem a lot of you had, the problem that the world.exe cannot connect to minilogin. I revied the posts time and time again and also the ini files, eqhost, eqdb setup, etc.

Then I decided to start toying with the settings, I made 2 directories, one for world files and one for minilogin, after a while I found out a bug(at least I think it is one).

When I checked the minilogin loginserver.ini file I noticed it had SPACES AFTER each entry. I removed the spaces at the end of EACH LINE and fired up the minilogin and world and then the damn frikken thing worked!

So spread the word. REMOVE THE SPACES FROM LoginServer.ini file and it will connect.

P.S. I have a working eq server and want to start populating the Velius zones, if you know how or know someone who knows, please pm a link or guide to start working on that expansion. THANKS in advance.


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