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webspike 11-09-2015 11:05 AM

EOC2Dev connection refused
I downloaded EOC2Dev for local use.

My host is running Windows 10 with VMPlayer Version 12.

First VMPlayer is my EQEmu server with a local login server. IP

Second VMPlayer is EOC2Dev with IP

In the config.php in the includes folder on EOC2Dev I entered my SQL database info and also in the phpeditor config.php.

When I go to the IP I get the main page as normal. I go to tools and then to PEQ Editor, I get this error: Could not connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111 "Connection refused").

What entry should I put on my config.php files for my sql database IP?

I tried and it did not work either.

I am deployed and no admin access to the local internet router (belongs to the ISP) so I have to keep everything on my laptop.

Shendare 11-09-2015 12:43 PM

This might be a matter of PHP attempting to log in to MySQL from a different IP than the user is configured for accessing from. I've run into it where I had 'root' enabled for login from, but some stuff was trying to log in from the 192.168.1.X IP address, so MySQL refused it.

I ended up adding a login entry for every permutation of local IP address as a valid location:, localhost, 192.168.1.X, ::1, everything.

webspike 11-14-2015 01:54 AM

I added the login entrys as you suggested, but still get a refused connection.

I can ping from my vwplayer to the other one with no issues. (EQEmu to EOC2Dev)

I assume the EOC2dev is supposed connect to my local EQEmu server without internet connection? Just checking...

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