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ChaosSlayerZ 01-22-2018 11:59 PM

Graphical glitch....
Hey guys I have this bug following me around.
I know this works RIGHT on other servers, but not on mine.
My panthers (race 439) missing body parts (no heads!) and my orcs (race 458 ) have no pants...
Note that I am not even trying to make new mobs or forceload a model - I am going to the zones where these models exist naturally (Broodlands, Nedaria's Landing and JuggedPine).

I am using Titanium client - when I log into PEQ or THF - these models look just fine. On my own server - brand new install of Akka - I get these glitches.

Please help =(

The_Beast 01-23-2018 04:13 AM

I just tested this out on my own recent DB install. Went to Nedaria with a Titanium client and got the same thing with panthers.
Then I logged on with RoF2 client and there was no issues. Models were drawn correctly, it's definately a client thing. But did
you log on to PEQ with a Titanium client ? I was assuming they focused their development using the RoF2 client. This could
probably be a GlobalLoad or character load thing in the client files. I did notice the nedaria_chr.txt in RoF2 is a little bit different
than the Titanium client. Just a thought anyways.

The_Beast 01-23-2018 05:28 AM

Just an update to my last post. I did some further poking around and realized, all 3 of my clients, (Tit,UF & RoF2) have the same
Globalload file, but I couldn't get Titanium to load that 439(pma) race, no matter what I tried. It has no prob with the 76(pum).
I went in to the nedaria_chr_txt and added pma,pma to it and it still wouldn't load properly. I quit using Titanium long ago, lol

ChaosSlayerZ 01-23-2018 09:29 AM

I found a screenshot from when I played on THF and I only use T-client to play:


more than that back when I working on my own server back in 2010 or so I made an ENTIRE zone filled with cats of different variations - it was working perfectly.

and this is what I have now =(

Uleat 01-23-2018 02:37 PM

Check to see if these 'mobs' are wearing equipment.

If you don't have access to the proper commands, ask a gm/admin of the server that you're on to check for you.

I'll load up my Ti client and test on my test server.


In Jaggedpine, my panther models had an odd texture for their back/chest..but, was not missing.

In Nedaria's Landing, both the panther and anaconda models were missing (human forms)


My human models went away with SoF..but, pattern in Jaggedpine was present all the way up to RoF2.

ChaosSlayerZ 01-23-2018 06:09 PM

I think I figured it out after 3 hours of tests...

both of these models REQUIRE to have helm hard set to 1 to properly show textures.
This is not a problem for panther - you can set any texture (inclduign 0) with helm 1 and it works fine.

This is a problem for orcs, because orc also requires texture # to match helm # to show proper model.
In other words the orcs HAVE to be either 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 etc, no combos allowed (or you get black spots)
However there is ALSO a model 0-0, which is impossible to get because helm 0 doesn't work right.

see pics below.

A: 0-0 (on the left) and 0-1 (on the right)
B 0-0 and 1-1
C: 0-0 and PROPER 0-0 (obtained by setting npc 1-1 in DB, and then manually switching texture to 0 in game)

PS I hope someone finds this helpful one day to spare them 3 hour headache ;)


ChaosSlayerZ 01-23-2018 06:25 PM

few more notes on panthers.

helm 4 gives it small mane - almost unnoticeable
helm 6 gives it external fangs
helm 7 gives large lion mane

ChaosSlayerZ 01-23-2018 07:06 PM

some more good info: Drachnids race 461 requires gender 0 and very specific texture/helm # or you will get headless ones =)
managed to uncover 4 versions:
0-1, 1-1, 2-2, 2-1
Female (gender 1) apparently has no texture variations

The_Beast 01-23-2018 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by ChaosSlayerZ (Post 257231)

PS I hope someone finds this helpful one day to spare them 3 hour headache ;)

It's great you are finding this (and sharing it), it will definately be helpful to people in the future. But this discovery just
may open up a can of worms now. Just makes me wonder how many in the npc_types table need this kind of attention, lol

Uleat 01-23-2018 09:28 PM

It probably depends on whether it's an officially supported game asset.

Are there glitches in GoD and earlier expansion material?

ChaosSlayerZ 01-23-2018 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Uleat (Post 257235)
It probably depends on whether it's an officially supported game asset.

Are there glitches in GoD and earlier expansion material?

not that I saw.
I am mostly sure that everything from classic upto GoD works, and checked most of DoN/DoD models.
Will take a look trough GoD/OoW to see if everything is ok.

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