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AndarWeham 02-24-2020 09:16 PM

Fatal Error for task state
So I've been adding some custom tasks to my server, and it's been going well, until now. I created some new tasks, using the same template I used for previous tasks which have worked. Now, I'm receiving these errors:

[TASKS]Fatal error in character [692868] task state. Activity [0] for Task [300] either missing from client state or from task.
[TASKS]Fatal error in character [692868] task state. Activity [0] for Task [301] either missing from client state or from task.

I created seven new tasks, ranging from taskid 297 to 303. All the others work the way they are supposed to, but 300 and 301 throw the errors. I've also tried adding a new one at 304 and it didn't work either.

Here is the database information:

TASKS table export
id, type, duration, duration_code, title, description ,reward, rewardid, cashreward, xpreward, rewardmethod, minlevel, maxlevel, repeatable, faction_reward, completion_emote
300        2        0        0        Pestering the Hags        [1,The hags are pestering the guests. Please take care of them for us.][2, You've done great work. Head back to Ghoul Hunter for your reward!]        Rough Defiant Feet        0        0        15000        2        15        30        0        0       
301        2        0        0        Where Are The Werebats?        [1,The howling of the werebats keep the guests up at night. Please, find them and get them out of the house!][2, You've done great work. Head back to Ghoul Hunter for your reward!]        Rough Defiant Head        0        0        15000        2        15        30        0        0


TASK_ACTIVITIES table export
taskid, activityid, step, activitytype, target_name, item_list, skill_list, spell_list, description_override, goalid, goalmethod, goalcount, delivertonpc, zones, optional
300,0,1,2,,,-1,0,Kill 10 Festering Hags,63074,0,10,0,63,0
300,1,1,2,,,-1,0,Kill the Undead Barkeep,63010,0,1,0,63,0
300,2,1,2,,,-1,0,Kill the Undead Brewer,63017,0,1,0,63,0
300,3,2,4,Ghoul Hunter,,-1,0,Talk to Ghoul Hunter to receive your reward!,0,2,1,0,63,0
301,0,1,2,,,-1,0,Kill 10 Werebats,1014,1,10,0,63,0
301,1,2,4,Ghoul Hunter,,-1,0,Talk to Ghoul Hunter to receive your reward!,0,2,1,0,63,0

The error doesn't make sense to me, as I do have the activities ordered by ID starting with 0.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Nukerella 02-25-2020 11:30 AM

You have repeatable set to 30 and as far as I know that can only be a 0 or 1. It looks to me you want that to be last level.

AndarWeham 02-25-2020 01:19 PM

Task error
Thanks for the idea. But in my database 30 is set for the maxlevel. I have 0 for repeatable, and for faction_reward, and complete_emote is blank, so that's why it didn't show on my export.

demonstar55 02-25-2020 01:51 PM

Sounds like bad data in character_activities table maybe character_tasks too.

AndarWeham 02-25-2020 02:02 PM

Character Tasks and Activities
There are no current tasks in either table that reference task 300 or 301.

However, I have tried to manually add those quests to the character_task table, and that's when I get the error message after running #task reloadall.

When the character tasks and activities tables do not have references to either task, the task giver does not even show the quests available using

                qquest::say("Are you up to the challenge?");

Again, all the others ones work fine, except 300 and 301. It doesn't make sense...

AndarWeham 02-25-2020 02:44 PM

Found the problem!
Okay, so after posting that last post, I relooked at the code for the task giver, and noticed that I had two "q"s on the quest::say. This was on both quests 300 and 301.

I just changed it in the npc.pl file and now it functions. Wow, this whole time I thought was a database issue and it was a perl issue.

Thanks for those who helped, at least I was able to narrow it down!

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