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Sakrateri 10-14-2007 07:58 AM

A letter
This is a PM I received here. I don't care who gets pissed at who for what but don't try to drag me into this. I have seen all the adverts posted around for your up and coming site and if I'm interested I will check it out on my own accord. I have been here awhile and only two of those names ring a bell and I have seen many more then that leave as I'm sure with time even more will but that is what time is all about, change, good luck in your ventures but don't try dragging others with you. If you feel an urge to PM me about something please let it be about the lottery I won, Thanks.


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The EQEmulator devs and admins have gotten a bit carried away in my opinion and well thats where I'm going now.

I won't disclose my real name for sake of the login server account but I thought you should know.

Everyone that was banned so far, Lalolyen, Breea, Furrygammer, Exudos, Megamanspet, Olderlurker, and many more are there now because of bans, some just for sticking up for Lalolyen, some more agressive like asking questions about what happened.

By the way, if you were to report this message, I would be banned for "linking to a site that attacks EQEMU" so the admins say, however if you read that site, there is not one official comment attacking EQEMU, especially compared to SoE which everyone else links to.
P.S I think if they know your forum name then they can find your login name...

uncommon 10-14-2007 09:17 AM

Got the same PM... like prolly a lot of the eqemu members... seriously i'm with Sakrateri here, if you don't agree with eqemu's devs/moderators or whatever that's your fucking problem. I'm the curious guy so yeah i visited that website, you decide to start a fork of eqemu well... i don't give a shit, do what you want, licence allow that. Peoples will come to that project by themselves if they feel the need to.

mattmeck 10-14-2007 09:52 AM

Just a funny comment here.... They are mad because they caught a ban for breaking the forums rule.... the forums there running have way more rules then here... wonder how that works?

Angelox 10-14-2007 10:01 AM

You didn't see them at first - they were bashing our forums and this project, made me mad; use eqemu to promote your site then bad mouth us.
Thats why I stopped the last one.
They've since changed that tune, I guess the want to look more "innocent".
Probably users waiting for approval should only be able to PM the admins.

gernblan 10-14-2007 10:32 AM

Yah I find quite a bit of humor and irony in this, too.

boogerific 10-14-2007 11:20 AM

I must be blind.. I didn't see this coming. I din't even notice that I had a pm waiting until I read Sak's post. Weird.

mattmeck 10-14-2007 11:30 AM

I love how I am getting the blame when I am not even the one banning all the people, i Support the person who is however it is not me!

The whole story being told is a twisted version of what really happened, i didnt even get involved until the forum rules were broke, i didnt start the issues, have anything to do with the issues, nadda nothing /shrug.

Angelox 10-14-2007 11:32 AM

I just got another mean assed PM from
"carsonist" alias "Serliten" alias "suzukakun" alias "TorusBW" alias "megamanspet" alias "askstorm" (/takes a deep breath), alias "Furrygamer" , and a bunch more that I haven't been able to find, and even more to come, I'm sure.
Mr. "megamanspet", and I call you this because it one of your first accounts that you thought were hiding, There is such a think as online harassment and stalking. I wish you would give it up already, and go do something else.

boogerific 10-14-2007 11:41 AM

It's a bit hypocritical that they hate it here so badly that they created a fork but still they're using the eqemu login server for players to access their server.

riratm 10-14-2007 07:43 PM

I bid you all hello. This is Exudos, and I would just like to say that no one to my knowledge from our community is doing this. Someone is slandering our name. We might not like the way you handle things here, but we're not hateful idiots. We respect you as a starting point, but just want to move forward in our own way, and we hope you can understand this. Some harsh words were spoken, and I myself swore at a mod, as he had edited the post and made it look like nothing had happened, and thusly made it look like he was posting something hateful in an otherwise productive thread. I would also like to point out that it is definitely not megamans pet, otherwise known as furry gamer, who is doing this, he has spoken to me and expressed his distress towards the turn that this thread is taking in accusing him of misdeeds. This is not my account, and I won't be using it again, so banning it would be childish. That's my two cents, peace.

Sakrateri 10-14-2007 07:45 PM

Yeah , I got one from Carsonist now. I really hate to think after all this time being in this community I would have to disable PM's because of these Stupid, Whiny, Dumb ass, Crybaby MotherFu#$%r's. I can tell you now with the childish way they try to get attention to themselves I will NEVER join their group because I can see already what is going to happen if someone pisses them off over there. People have pissed me off before here and I am sure I have pissed others off before but it was usually handled in an adult way. I do hope they just piss off and get tired of this and go fuck their own forums up and leave these alone already.

If this keeps up, I vote to find everyone of those bastards and kick their login accounts as well.

drakelord 10-15-2007 12:13 AM

Layolen isn't sending these. He has also posted a thread telling whoever it is to stop.

All of this has been taken way out of proportion anyway. I've never seen adults act so much like kids in my entire life.

Revilor 10-15-2007 05:19 AM

I couldn't agree more Drakelord. This has been blown way out of proportion. The last time I check Layolen was helping the community and then gets banned for finding a problem. This has to be worst than people who don't search forums.

devn00b 10-15-2007 08:23 AM

Gee i feel left out..I didnt get an email...


He gets mad when people who know the code look at his OMG LEET find, and say you got nothing, starts breaking the rules and gets banned. so he forks.
Then they try and say that omg were onto somthing look at the ex-devs post! i think its pretty funny. I'd be all for a fork, and making a new login server, hence why in the past i released the login server with the crypto btw, but the way he did things is wrong. And now members of his "fork" are spamming members here.
They should be glad im not the devn00b I used to be. Ask Lucid Vision what i did when they pissed me off.

Ayala 10-15-2007 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Lalolyen
Secondly, and again, if it was open-source, the community, I, KLS, or the few hundred others here that are very active and intelligent could have provided you guys with a method of authenticating sessions, not just outright trusting an account creation based on a key received from the ls server (keep in minds I can "push" a packet anywhere i want and make it appear to be sent from George W's pc itself, that info is just modified packet headers and pushed packets... thats it.)

Being I'm probably just leaving a message on an answering machine here that won't get heard until another 4 or 5 months down the road... This situation is kinda of urgent, not to mention the other community members here that are strangled at the fact they cannot contribute or submit code because of "dev team" inactivity. *not complaining, just repeating*


Change the usrmeth() , re-release eqemu, keep that to yourself, open up the login server, let the community do what communities do best... Build, create, and improve.

Looks like he was trying to help. make the server login more secure. Not sure exactly where he attacked your code, but not seeing it.


Originally Posted by Lalolyen
The software is fairly simple, but the main thing they are hiding is their login servers authentication from server to server. Seriously... If you released that, there would be hackers galore right now eating up every server out there, creating SysOp accounts and booting everyone. YES you can control status from the login server though I did find an option in the source of emu to not honor status requests from the login server; I'm sorry but that needs to be on by default... IF I CAN CRACK IT, that means there are a lot of others that can as well.

Seems a good reason to keep it closed if there is a security flaw that big in it. I'd say we had better be glad that a hacker didn't get a hold of it and spam everyones servers with fake accounts first.

Not sure what all the tension is about, but it seems like someone's got their panties in a wad and a flame war ensued.

As far as the private messaging is concerned. I can kind of understand that since it seems like posting something out in the open is obviously a bad idea for them, but not sure how that's bashing the forums. It looks like they don't like the way things went, but didn't see any direct bash comments in there.

Just my thoughts on it is all.

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